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Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Formats an event log (.etl) file as a set of open trace format (.otf) files.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


etl2otf <.etl_file_name> [/removeIntraCollectiveEvents]

etl2otf /?





Specifies the name of the event log file that you want to format.


Skips all API events that occur during a Message Passing Interface (MPI) collective operation.

If you specify this parameter, you must place it after the name of the .etl file.

This parameter is supported only for Windows® HPC Server 2008 R2.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


The etl2otf command is a Message Passing Interface (MPI) program. Run it with mpiexec to distribute formatting work across each node that is used in a job. The result files are located on each node.

The etl2otf command applies clock corrections as it formats the binary trace data as open trace format files, if you used the mpicsync command to create clock-corrected .etl files.

The etl2otf command creates files that have the file name formats described in the following table.

File name format

Example file name




OTF master file


mpi_trace_12.1.0.etl_ otf.0.def

OTF global definitions file


mpi_trace_12.1.0.etl_, mpi_trace_12.1.0.etl_,...

Event files, one for each MPI rank


To format the event log named mpi_trace_12.1.0.etl as an .otf file, use the following command:

mpiexec /cores 1 etl2otf mpi_trace_12.1.0.etl

To format the event log named mpi_trace_26.1.0.etl as an .otf file and skip all API events that occur during an MPI collective operation, use the following command:

mpiexec /cores 1 etl2otf mpi_trace_26.1.0.etl /removeIntraCollectiveEvents

Additional references