Modify an object label
Applies to
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
Describes the best practices, location, values, policy management, and security considerations for the Modify an object label security policy setting.
This privilege determines which user accounts can modify the integrity label of objects, such as files, registry keys, or processes owned by other users. Processes running under a user account can modify the label of an object owned by that user to a lower level without this privilege.
The integrity label is used by the Windows Integrity Controls (WIC) feature, which was introduced in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. WIC keeps lower integrity processes from modifying higher integrity processes by assigning one of six possible labels to objects on the system. Although similar to NTFS file and folder permissions, which are discretionary controls on objects, the WIC integrity levels are mandatory controls that are put in place and enforced by the operating system. The following list describes the integrity levels from lowest to highest:
- Untrusted Default assignment for processes that are logged on anonymously.
- Low Default assignment for processes that interact with the Internet.
- Medium Default assignment for standard user accounts and any object that isn't explicitly designated with a lower or higher integrity level.
- High Default assignment for administrator accounts and processes that request to run using administrative rights.
- System Default assignment for Windows kernel and core services.
- Installer Used by setup programs to install software. It's important that only trusted software is installed on computers because objects that are assigned the Installer integrity level can install, modify, and uninstall all other objects.
Constant: SeRelabelPrivilege
- User-defined list of accounts
- Not Defined
- Don't give any group this user right.
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment
By default this setting is Not defined on domain controllers and on stand-alone servers.
The following table lists the actual and effective default policy values for the most recent supported versions of Windows. Default values are also listed on the policy’s property page.
Server type or GPO | Default value |
Default Domain Policy | Not defined |
Default Domain Controller Policy | Not defined |
Stand-Alone Server Default Settings | Not defined |
Domain Controller Effective Default Settings | Not defined |
Member Server Effective Default Settings | Not defined |
Client Computer Effective Default Settings | Not defined |
This section describes features, tools, and guidance to help you manage this policy.
A restart of the computer isn't required for this policy setting to be effective.
Any change to the user rights assignment for an account becomes effective the next time the owner of the account logs on.
Settings are applied in the following order through a Group Policy Object (GPO), which will overwrite settings on the local computer at the next Group Policy update:
- Local policy settings
- Site policy settings
- Domain policy settings
- OU policy settings
When a local setting is greyed out, it indicates that a GPO currently controls that setting.
This section describes how an attacker might exploit a feature or its configuration, how to implement the countermeasure, and the possible negative consequences of countermeasure implementation.
Anyone with the Modify an object label user right can change the integrity level of a file or process so that it becomes elevated or decreased to a point where it can be deleted by lower integrity processes. Either of these states effectively circumvents the protection that is offered by Windows Integrity Controls and makes your system vulnerable to attacks by malicious software.
If malicious software is set with an elevated integrity level such as Trusted Installer or System, administrator accounts don't have sufficient integrity levels to delete the program from the system. In that case, use of the Modify an object label right is mandated so that the object can be relabeled. However, the relabeling must occur by using a process that is at the same or a higher level of integrity than the object that you're attempting to relabel.
Don't give any group this right. If necessary, implement it for a constrained period of time to a trusted individual to respond to a specific organizational need.
None. Not defined is the default configuration.