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Chapter 2 - Backup and Restore Deployment

This chapter describes how to deploy Backup and Restore Solution for Windows 2000-Based Data Centers, which uses CommVault Galaxy software. An overview of the deployment process is provided, together with detailed instructions for configuring the CommServe, MediaAgents and the various iDataAgents used in the Internet Data Center environment. Use of the CommCell Console is also described for basic iDataAgent administration. This chapter is part of the Backup and Restore Solution for Windows 2000–based Data Centers.

On This Page

Introduction CommServe Installing a MediaAgent iDataAgent for Windows 2000 Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 iDataAgent for SQL Server Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration Summary


This chapter describes the steps required to deploy the CommVault Galaxy backup and restore solution in an Internet data center environment. The three key types of components that you will install are the CommServe StorageManager (CommServe), one or more MediaAgents, and one or more platform-specific iDataAgents. For detailed information about the Galaxy architecture, see Chapter 1, "Backup and Restore Design."

Installing Back-End Components

You must install the following components on the data and management virtual local area networks (VLANs):

  • Galaxy CommServe

  • Galaxy MediaAgent

  • Galaxy iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 Server (database and mailbox)

  • Galaxy iDataAgent for SQL Server (you must also install this iDataAgent on the cluster)

Installing Middle-Tier and Web-Tier Components

You must install Galaxy iDataAgent for the Microsoft Windows® 2000 operating system on the Infrastructure VLANs and the Web server farm.

The number of instances of iDataAgent for Windows 2000 that you must install and configure depends on which servers are to be backed up. Some Internet data center configurations may also require you to install MediaAgents on the Infrastructure VLAN and the Web server farm. For the recommended backup strategy for the Infrastructure VLANs and the Web server farm, see Chapter 1, "Backup and Restore Design."

Overview of Galaxy Software

The Galaxy product suite provides a powerful set of storage management tools that help you manage critical enterprise and departmental information. These tools enable you to store and retrieve the data of one or more computer systems. The Galaxy system is composed of one or more CommCells. Each CommCell consists of the following installed and configured components:

  • One CommServe StorageManager. The CommServe communicates with all client computers in the CommCell to initiate system backup and restore operations. Similarly, it communicates with MediaAgents when the media subsystem requires management. The CommServe is the heart of the Galaxy CommCell, connecting all components into one area network.

  • One or more MediaAgents. The MediaAgent component of the Galaxy CommCell conducts data between the client computer and the backup media. Each MediaAgent communicates locally to one or more storage units by using a local bus adapter (for example, SCSI). The Galaxy system provides for a wide variety of storage units to which data can be backed up.

  • One or more Intelligent DataAgents (iDataAgents). The iDataAgents are software modules responsible for backing up and restoring data on host computer systems (clients). A CommCell can support many clients. The Galaxy system provides a variety of iDataAgents, with each designed to handle a different kind of data (data for Windows 2000, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, and so on). If a given computer has two or more types of data, it requires two or more iDataAgents, one for each data type, to secure all the client data.

System Requirements

The following are the system requirements, described in greater detail in the CommVault Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist, for deploying the CommVault Galaxy software:

  • Hardware requirements for CommServe, MediaAgent, and Galaxy client computers

  • Operating system, networking, and other software requirements for CommServe, MediaAgent, and Galaxy client computers

  • Hardware and software requirements for a remote administration console

  • Network requirements

  • Library and drive configuration instructions for direct-attached devices, Storage Area Network (SAN) devices, and Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) network-attached storage (NAS) devices

For information about supported libraries and drives, check with your CommVault representative.

Deployment Sequence

You must install the Galaxy components in the following sequence:

  1. CommServe

  2. MediaAgent

  3. iDataAgents

An iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 can be installed only on a computer that already has iDataAgent for Windows 2000 installed. During the installation of the iDataAgents for Exchange2000 and SQL Server 2000, Galaxy checks the client computer for iDataAgent for Windows 2000. If it is not found, Galaxy installs it before continuing the installation of the iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 or SQL Server 2000.

Note: Each installation of a file system iDataAgent requires a valid license.

Firewall Requirements

Firewall support between CommServes, MediaAgents, and clients enhances security by restricting incoming and outgoing Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports to a predetermined range. A firewall offers many advantages, including added security, Internet Protocol (IP) translation, logging, and monitoring.

Currently, all computers interacting with one another across a firewall must use the same range of ports. The range of ports is 100 for the first CommServe firewall—client backup, 50 ports for a separate MediaAgent, and 25 more for each additional simultaneous client backup outside of the firewall.

Note: Each component (CommServe, MediaAgent, and client) must have the same number and range of ports allocated. The CommServe, MediaAgent, and clients within the firewall do not use firewall resources.

Use the following procedure to configure Galaxy communications on computers across a firewall.

To set-up firewall access

  1. Verify that Galaxy version 3.1.0 (GSP1) or later is installed on the CommServe, MediaAgent, and firewall clients.

  2. Ensure that ports 8400 through 8403 are enabled for the CommServe, MediaAgent, and appropriate clients. For added security, it is recommended that you configure the firewall in such a way as to accept connections only from Galaxy computers on the opposite side of the firewall.

    Note: Galaxy uses a secure proprietary protocol for those processes communicating on enabled ports.

  3. Determine the range of TCP/IP ports to use through the firewall. The ranges of ports are as follows:

    • 100 for the first CommServe/firewall client backup

    • 25 more for each additional simultaneous client backup outside the firewall

    • 50 ports for each MediaAgent

    Note: Reserved ports must be numbered between 5000 and 65536.

  4. Before creating the configuration files, stop all Galaxy services on your computer. Then, proceed with the configuration.

  5. Using Microsoft Notepad or a similar text editor, create a file named Firewall.svc in the Galaxy home directory (where the Galaxy software has been installed) and type the range of ports you want to use. The following example shows what you would type for a port range of 8600–8699:

8600 START_PORT (this must be the first line of the file) 8699 END_PORT

Do not list ports 8400, 8401, 8402, or 8403. These ports are used for the CommServe, MediaAgent, and appropriate clients.
  1. To reserve a port (other than for a firewall) in the range that you have specified (for example, port 8650), edit Firewall.svc and specify the port number, followed by :-1:-1:-1. For example:

8600 START_PORT 8699 END_PORT 8650:-1:-1:-1

While backups are running, do not examine the Firewall.svc file; instead, look at the backup copy named Firewall\_bak.txt.
  1. Create a text file named Firewall_loc.txt in the same directory as the Firewall.svc file. Firewall_loc.txt should include the domain names of the computers that are on the other side of the firewall (use one line per computer name and make sure that there are no trailing spaces).

    For example, suppose that the CommServe ( and MediaAgent ( are on one side of the firewall, and that clients named,, and are on the other side of the wall. On the CommServe host, the Firewall_loc.txt file looks like the following:

On each of the firewall clients, the Firewall\_loc.txt file looks like the following:

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

  1. Restart all Galaxy services after creating the configuration changes.

  2. At startup, the host names in the Firewall_loc.txt file are read and are converted to IP addresses by gethostbyname, and the addresses are written to the Firewall_exp.txt file. These addresses are compared to the host addresses at the far end of the socket you are using. If an address matches one of the addresses in the Firewall_exp.txt file, a firewall port is used. Otherwise, a random port is generated.

  3. If several messages in the log file indicate that Galaxy communications are in a sleep/wait mode (that is, waiting for ports to become available), there are not enough ports allocated for use with the firewall. If the log file contains a message indicating that no firewall ports are available, you must designate more ports.


The CommServe communicates with all client computers in the CommCell to initiate system backup and restore operations. It also communicates with MediaAgents when the media subsystem requires management. The CommServe is the heart of the Galaxy CommCell, connecting all components into one area network.

When installing a CommCell, always install the CommServe software first.

Before You Begin

To avoid common installation problems, do the following:

  • Review the product release notes to learn about changes and enhancements to the product.

  • Obtain the Galaxy software CD-ROM for Windows 2000.

  • Obtain a valid license. Provided on a valid Galaxy license disk.

    Note: You cannot install Galaxy software without a valid license..

  • Ensure that the CommServe meets the following minimum system requirements, which are described in greater detail in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist:

  • Install the software on a noncompressed drive. You must not install the CommServe on a compressed drive.

  • To avoid compatibility and performance issues, do not install the CommServe software on the following:

    • A computer running Microsoft Exchange Server

    • A computer that has a pre-existing installation of SQL Server version 6.5 or 7.0 that is serving other applications.

  • Dedicate SQL Server to Galaxy. The SQL Server–based application that is installed on the CommServe must be dedicated to support the Galaxy software and cannot be shared by any other applications.

  • Test all network interfaces. If your CommServe computer has multiple network interface cards (NICs) and IP addresses, ensure that all network communication paths are working.

If your CommServe computer has at least two physical disk drives, you can enhance CommServe performance by installing the CommServe database on a different physical drive from the Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 application and SQL Server 7.0 database.

Installing the CommServe Software

The following procedure describes how to install the CommServe software.

To install the CommServe software

  1. On the computer that will serve as the CommServe, log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software can be installed only by a user who is a member of the local Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the CommServe CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu displays.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. Note that the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, click SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

  3. On the installation menu, select CommServe, and then click Install.

  4. The Setup program determines whether you are in a clustering environment. If you are, see Installing a CommServe and MediaAgent in a Clustered Environment. If you are not, Setup continues automatically.

  5. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights. These rights include the ability to log on as a service, to act as part of an operating system, and to replace a process level token.

    If your account already has the necessary rights, you will not receive this prompt, and you can proceed to the next step.

  6. The installation program changes the rights of the group administrator. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to log off and then log on again. Provide the administrator user name and password again.

  7. Setup checks to see if Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is installed on your computer. If it is, Setup informs you that the existing SQL Server installation may not be compatible with Galaxy. You can use the existing SQL Server installation (not recommended), or you can exit Setup, remove SQL Server, and then restart the CommServe installation. If you use the existing installation, SQL Server must be configured to run using the local system account.

    If Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is not installed, Setup informs you that it needs to be installed on the CommServe computer. Galaxy Setup has an embedded SQL Server 7.0 installation.

    Note: Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is needed for the operation of the CommServe software.

  8. Click Yes to install Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.

  9. Select one of the following Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 installation directories:

    • Installation path. This is the location where you want to install Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.

    • Database path. This is the location where you want to set up the Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 database. (This database is used for SQL Server 7.0 bookkeeping; it's not used for Galaxy.)

    If different directories are required, browse and change directories as appropriate. Then click OK.

  10. When prompted, insert the Galaxy SQL Server Database CD-ROM, and then click OK.

    Setup copies Microsoft SQL Server to the computer. This step may take several minutes to complete.

  11. A password policy settings error is displayed. Click OK to continue.

  12. When prompted, insert the Galaxy software CD-ROM, and then click OK. At the next prompt, click OK to restart your computer. After the computer restarts, the CommServe installation procedure automatically continues.

  13. On the Welcome screen, click Next to proceed.

  14. Read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  15. Choose the location of the Galaxy Destination Folder. If you install other Galaxy software (a MediaAgent, for example) on this computer, this installation directory will also be used for that software. Either accept the default by clicking Next, or click Browse to name a different location on a local disk drive. (Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.) Record the folder here:

    Galaxy Destination Folder: _________________

  16. Choose the type of SQL metadata database installation you want to perform. (The CommServe database holds the metadata created by Galaxy. It is used for internal record keeping.) Click Typical or Custom. Custom options are displayed at the end of the install procedure.

  17. Choose the location to which the CommServe database will be installed. Either accept the default by clicking Next, or click Browse to name a different location on a local disk drive. (Do not specify a mapped network drive.) The disk on which the database will be stored should have at least 1 gigabyte (GB) of free space. Record the destination here:

    Galaxy Database Destination: _______________

  18. Click Next to continue.

  19. If this is a new software installation or an upgrade to a major release, you are prompted for the location of the Galaxy installation license file. Insert the disk that contains the license file into the computer's floppy disk drive and click Browse to locate the license file, filename.txt; license file names are a randomly generated number that usually includes a descriptive name, for example CVL_000004DB_Microsoft_IDCLab2.txt

    Do not remove the disk until the installation is complete. Click OK.

    Note: If this is a pilot or trial license, it expires in a predetermined time interval, which is usually 30 days. If you plan to use Galaxy on a permanent basis, please obtain a permanent license, which you apply at a later time. For more information, see the license instruction sheet that accompanies the Galaxy software.

  20. Select the CommServe host name. This is the TCP/IP network name of the CommServe computer. If your CommServe has more than one NIC, choose the NIC (the host name) that can communicate with all computers in the CommCell. If necessary, you can obtain the host name(s) by clicking Network and Dial-Up Connections in Control Panel. Record the name here:

    CommServe Host Name: ___________________ (case sensitive)

    Click Next.

  21. ExpressRecovery backups secure the CommServe's internal database. In the Galaxy CommServe ExpressRecovery (ER) Path window, specify the appropriate information in the following fields:

    • CommServe ER destination path. Type the destination path to which the CommServe ExpressRecover backups are sent. This path must be a valid network path specified by a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) prefix.

    • Network share user name. Type the domain/user name of the user who has administrative rights to the ER destination path.

    • Network share password. Type the password of the network share user name.

    • Re-enter password. Re-type the password for verification purposes.

    Note: To better secure your Galaxy metadata, CommServe ExpressRecovery backups should be directed to a drive on a remote Galaxy client, not a drive that is local to the CommServe. After the CommServe is installed, be sure to schedule daily ExpressRecovery backups.

  22. Assign an account name and password for the SQL Server CommServe Database Administrative account. Galaxy uses this SQL Server account internally to access the CommServe database.

    Account Name: ___________________________

    Password: _______________________________

    Do not confuse this account with the account used to log in to the Galaxy console. The two administrative accounts, SQL Server and Galaxy accounts, are separate even if both accounts are named cvadmin by default. The installation creates a Galaxy login account with the user name and password of cvadmin without prompting the user. The password to the Galaxy login account, cvadmin, can be changed later through the account properties of the user in the CommCell Users of the Galaxy console.

  23. Click Next and confirm your password. Then click OK again.

  24. Click Next following a summary of the installation options that you have chosen.

  25. Setup checks the Microsoft Internet Explorer installation. (This software is a requirement of the CommServe software.) If a version of Internet Explorer that meets the minimum requirements is not installed, Setup informs you of this. If you are planning on using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-in version of the CommCell Console, Internet Explorer 5, or later, must be installed.

  26. Setup checks the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation. If it is not installed, Galaxy displays the following:

    Setup cannot find Java Runtime Environment version 1.3 installed. The Galaxy CommCell Console requires this version to operate properly. Click Yes to have Setup install the JRE now, otherwise click No to skip the installation of this component and continue with the installation. Setup now starts copying the CommServe software to the computer. This step may take several minutes to complete.

    Click Yes to install the JRE Environment or No to continue the installation. A dialog box prompting you for the destination location is displayed. Specify the destination location, and then click Next.

  27. Setup prompts you to assign a password to the SQL Server system administrator login. This is the administrator's account created by SQL Server during the installation. Assign and confirm the password. (If you used an existing installation of SQL Server 7.0 for the Galaxy installation, you are prompted to provide the password for the existing system administrator account.) Then click OK.

  28. If you selected the Typical option in Step 16, the installation process skips to Step 31. If you selected the Custom option in Step 16, the installation continues with the following steps. The Custom option allows you to configure Galaxy script and log file locations, as well as the location, size, and growth rate of Galaxy database files. If you selected to install custom database options:

    • Setup displays the CommServe Database Configuration window. Select custom locations for the data files and log file, and then click OK.

    • Click Yes to confirm that the CommServe database options are defined.

    • In the CommServe Database File Groups Configuration window, enter initial maximum file sizes and the file growth values you want. Then click Next.

    • Click Yes to confirm that the CommServe database file group configurations are defined.

  29. Ensure that selected CommServe database options are disabled to optimize database performance. To do this:

    1. To select the CommServe database, select Database, and then select CommServe.

    2. Right-click the CommServe name, and then click Properties.

    3. Select the Option pane.

    4. Ensure that only the Select Into Bulk Copy and Truncate Log on Checkpoint check boxes are selected.

  30. Set the database memory to 128 MB, or larger, if you have more memory available to your CommServe. To set the maximum memory for the SQL Server, complete the following steps within the SQL Server Enterprise Manager:

    1. In the left pane display, select Microsoft SQL Servers, select SQL Server Group, and then select Instance_Name (where Instance_Name is the name of the instance).

    2. Right-click the instance, and then click Properties.

    3. Click the Memory tab.

    4. Select Dynamically Configure SQL Memory, and set the maximum memory to half of the database memory available to the CommServe. Set the minimum memory to 0.

  31. If Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed, Setup prompts you to indicate if you want to configure Galaxy for Web-based administration. Doing so allows you to access the CommCell Console (the Galaxy graphical user interface, for example) and view CommCell reports by using a Web browser. (If IIS is not installed, you do not receive this prompt, and you can proceed to the next step by clicking OK.) Click Yes.

    1. When prompted for an alias, type the name of the Web alias that you want to use for accessing the CommCell Console remotely (or use the default alias name Galaxy). Click OK.

    2. If prompted, click Yes to overwrite the alias.

    3. The program reports the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that you can use to access the CommCell Console by using a Web browser. For future use, record this URL here:

      Galaxy Web URL: _________________________

    Click OK to continue.

  32. If you chose not to install the JRE, you will receive the following message:

    Could not locate the JRE home directory on this machine. The Galaxy CommCell Console for Java will not be installed. Click OK to continue the installation.

    Click OK to continue.

    Galaxy attempts to add your computer to CommCell Plus. If this operation fails, and your computer is a member server in a Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory™ directory service domain, you can run the following command:

    regEvMgrsWithAD-c CommServe_fully_qualified_name

    CommServe_fully_qualified_name is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your CommServe.

    Click OK to continue.

  33. Remove the license disk, and then when prompted, click OK to restart the CommServe computer.

  34. Set up an ExpressRecovery account so that the CommServe database can be backed up. For instructions, see the topic "Setting up an Express Recovery Account" in the "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" section later in this chapter.

Installing the CommServe on a Cluster

This section describes how to install a CommServe in a clustered environment. Note that, during active node installation, Setup automatically installs the CommServe on a passive node.

It is suggested that you install a clustered CommServe to its own disk group, or at least to a disk group that does not contain applications that require backing up by iDataAgents. This is suggested for two reasons:

  • Maintaining all data and backups in one disk group may affect the data protection strategy.

  • If iDataAgents are installed to the same disk group as the CommServe, timing issues may arise in regard to stopping and starting the Galaxy clustered resources during iDataAgent installation.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Verify node availability. Both active and passive nodes must be available.

  • Pre-install SQL Server. SQL Server 7.0 service pack 1 must be installed and clustered prior to installing the CommServe.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network adapter before the private network adapter.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

To install a CommServe on a cluster

  1. Log on to the computer that will serve as the CommServe as the Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM for Windows 2000 into the CommServe CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu displays.

  3. If the installation menu does not display:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM on another computer on the network. However, the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  4. On the installation menu, select CommServe, and then click Install.

    The Setup program determines that you are in a clustering environment.

  5. A list of disk groups that are configured on the cluster that contain virtual servers is displayed. Select the disk group that contains the virtual server in which you want to install the CommServe software and the clustered installation of SQL Server 7.0.

    Whenever an install within a clustering environment requires a reboot, ensure that the disk group has failed over to its original owning node (that is, the disk group is owned by its preferred node) and that all resources are online before continuing.

    In case of a failover in a clustering environment, the CommServe resumes all running jobs except for online backups, such as those for the SQL Server database and the Exchange database. Online databases report a failed state.

  6. A dialog box may display with a message indicating an incompatibility regarding the SQL Server. Ignore this message, and go to the next step.

  7. Perform Steps 6 through 32 of the previous procedure, "Installing the CommServe Software."

  8. In the Start Copying Files dialog box, a list of all nodes to which the virtual server can fail over is available. Each of these nodes is to be updated with the active node settings. Click Next to continue.

  9. After Galaxy updates the passive nodes on the cluster so that the virtual server can fail over, reboot all of the updated passive nodes. A program to create the CommServe Data Source Name (DSN) is launched automatically on each passive node after the reboot.

  10. Click OK.

  11. If you are informed at the end of the active node installation that the passive node was not available, select one of the following choices, otherwise, continue on to the next step:

    • Click Yes to continue with the active installation and update any remaining passive nodes.

    • Click No to continue with the active installation and skip updating any remaining passive nodes. Click Yes to update any remaining nodes, and then, when prompted, click OK to restart the CommServe computer when prompted.

  12. Set up an ExpressRecovery account so that the CommServe database can be backed up. For instructions, see "Setting up an Express Recovery Account in the Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" section later in this chapter.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

This procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

Note: In a clustering environment, the CommServe automatically installs a graphical user interface (GUI) for the active node or passive node, as appropriate. The GUI installation for the active node points to the Galaxy/GUI Galaxy installation directory on the shared drive. This GUI is accessible only when the node is the owner of the shared drive.

To perform a manual passive node installation

  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 of the previous installation procedure.

  2. A message displays that Setup has determined that this is a passive node and will update the environment on that node. Click OK.

  3. Provide the following values (if you do not know this information, check the active node's registry where Galaxy was already installed). You can verify the information that must be provided by using the Base or CommServe registry keys of the active node under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \CommVault Systems\CommVault\Galaxy\Virtual_Server_Name):

    1. Galaxy install folder on shared disk. The Galaxy installation path you used during active installation for the virtual computer.

      Base key: dGALAXYHOME

    2. CommServe database account name. The name of the SQL Server CommServe database administrative account. (Cvadmin, for example.)

    3. CommServe database account password. The password needed to access the SQL Server CommServe database administrative account. (Cvadmin, for example.)

    4. CommServe Computer Name. The local (NetBIOS) CommServe short name for the CommServe.

      CommServe key: sCSCLIENTNAME

    5. CommServe Host Name. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the CommServe).

      CommServe key: sCSHOSTNAME

  4. The registry and files are updated on the passive node. When the update is completed, the system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish.

  5. Click OK to restart the CommServe computer when prompted.

  6. Set up an ExpressRecovery account so that the CommServe database can be backed up. For instructions, see the topic "Setting up an Express Recovery Account" in the "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" section later in this document.

Installing a MediaAgent

The primary task of the MediaAgent is to oversee the transfer of data between client programs and backup media. Each MediaAgent communicates locally to one or more storage units by using a local bus adaptor (SCSI, for example).

The MediaAgent installation consists of two key phases, described later in this section:

  • Installing the MediaAgent software

  • Configuring libraries and drives

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the product release notes.

  • Obtain the appropriate software. For example, the Galaxy software CD-ROM that is appropriate to the destination computer's operating system.

  • Obtain valid MediaAgent licenses. The CommServe that will communicate with this MediaAgent must have a license available for a MediaAgent of this operating system type.

  • Obtain a valid library license. You must have a library control license for your library (if you are using one).

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The MediaAgent computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure that the MediaAgent is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Check media connectivity. The MediaAgent computer must be correctly connected to a removable-media or magnetic library, if direct media connections are being used.

  • Check media. Any removable-media library being used must contain at least one media cartridge labeled with a bar code, preferably more.

  • Check for drivers. The storage device and SCSI adapter drivers must be installed and loaded on the MediaAgent computer.

  • Verify CommServe is running. The CommServe computer and library must be turned on, and the CommServe software running.

  • Test all network interfaces. For a MediaAgent with multiple NICs and IP addresses, ensure that all intended network communication paths are working.

  • Ensure all media are supported. Your library and drive must be on the CommVault list of supported media.

Note: If you are sharing a library between two or more MediaAgents, it is recommended that you install the MediaAgent software on the MediaAgent that controls the medium changer before installing on the MediaAgents that are attached only to drives. In the procedures that follow, it is assumed that you have followed this convention.

For more information, see the Galaxy Quick Start and CommCell Media Management Guides.

To install a MediaAgent

  1. Log on to the MediaAgent computer as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software can be installed only by a user who is a member of the local Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the MediaAgent's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu displays.

    If the installation menu does not display:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM on another computer on the network. However, the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. On the installation menu, select MediaAgent, and then click Install.

  4. The Setup program determines whether you are in a clustering environment. If you are, see the next section, "Installing a MediaAgent on a Cluster."

  5. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights. Log on, and then log off again to reset administrative rights.

  6. Close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications.

  7. Read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement. If Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

  8. Choose the location of the Galaxy installation directory. Either accept the default or click Browse to name a different location on a local disk drive. (Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.) Click Next to continue. If the Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, you do not receive this prompt.

    Note: If you intend to install other Galaxy software (iDataAgents, for example) on this computer, the selected installation directory is automatically used for that software as well.

  9. Enter the following:

    • CommServe computer name (short name). This is the local (NetBIOS) name of the CommServe computer.

    • CommServe host name (FQDN). The TCP/IP network name of the CommServe computer (, for example).

    Note: You recorded the CommServe host name during CommServe installation.

    Click Next to continue.

  10. You are prompted to configure the MediaAgent's communications paths.

    Select or enter:

    1. The MediaAgent name of the MediaAgent computer.

    2. The interface name that the CommServe uses to contact the MediaAgent.

    3. The default interface name that backups/restores use to communicate with the MediaAgent.

    Note: The GUI displays a list of available host names for selection. If the host name is not complete or correct, check the network connection's working status. If necessary, enter the correct host name.

    Click Next to continue.

  11. Select the location of the MediaAgent index cache. Accept the default or choose another location. In either case, the location must be local and large enough to hold a reasonable amount of cache data. Click Next to continue.

    Note: It is recommended that the index cache be configured to be written on a partitioned drive used exclusively for holding an index cache. The area of it should be large enough to hold about 4 percent of the size of the data that you plan to back up and maintain through this MediaAgent. Additional information on MediaAgent configuration and the index cache can be found in the Advanced OperationsGuide or the CommVault Galaxy CommCell Media Management Administration Guide.

  12. After the next window displays a summary of the installation settings that you have chosen, click Next to continue.

  13. Setup now starts copying the MediaAgent software to the computer. This may take several minutes to complete.

  14. When prompted, restart the MediaAgent computer.

Installing a MediaAgent on a Cluster

This section describes how to install a MediaAgent in a clustered environment. MediaAgent clustering is supported only in a SAN environment; multiple MediaAgents on a single cluster server is not supported.

Note: Make sure that the host bus adapter (HBA) cards of a MediaAgent cluster are installed on the same port number in all of the nodes (this allows the SCSI address for the library within the SAN environment to remain the same for all nodes). It is recommended that these HBA cards be identical in all corresponding nodes.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Ensure that all nodes are running. Make sure that both the active and passive nodes are on.

  • Use a Storage Area Network. A clustered MediaAgent is supported only in a SAN environment.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network adapter before the private network adapter.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

To install a MediaAgent on a cluster

  1. Log on to the MediaAgent computer as Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM that is appropriate to the MediaAgent computer's operating system into the MediaAgent's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu displays.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. Note that the installation becomes corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. On the installation menu, select MediaAgent, and then click Install.

    The Setup program determines that you are in a clustering environment.

  4. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights.

  5. A list of disk groups that are configured on the cluster that contain virtual servers is displayed. Select the disk group that contains the virtual server in which you want to install the MediaAgent software and the clustered installation of SQL Server 7.0.

    The next window prompts you to choose a location of the Galaxy Installation Directory.

    Select the drive:\path on which to install the clustered MediaAgent program files and data (H:\Galaxy, for example). Type the full path, including drive letter, for the Galaxy installation in the folder window.

    Note: It is not recommended to select the same drive for the clustered MediaAgent as where the Microsoft Cluster service resides.

  6. Select the location for the MediaAgent index cache. You can accept the default or click Browse to select another path.

  7. Verify the current settings and click Next.

    Setup begins to copy the program files and creates Galaxy cluster resources.

  8. A list of all nodes to which the virtual server can fail over is available in the Start Copying Files window. Each of these nodes is to be updated with the active node settings. Click Next to continue.

  9. After Galaxy updates the passive nodes on the cluster so that the virtual server can fail over, reboot all updated passive nodes, and then click OK.

  10. If you are informed at the end of the active node installation that the passive node was not available, proceed to the next procedure to perform a manual passive node installation. If you do not receive this message, go to the next step.

  11. Click Yes to update all remaining nodes.

  12. Reboot your computer.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

The following procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

Note: In a clustering environment, the CommServe automatically installs a GUI for the active node or passive node, as appropriate. The GUI installation for the active node points to the Galaxy/GUI Galaxy installation directory on the shared drive. This GUI is accessible only when the node is the owner of the shared drive.

To perform a manual passive node installation

  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 of the previous installation procedure.

  2. Select the disk group that you selected when you installed the MediaAgent on the active node.

  3. Setup determines that you are installing on a passive node. Click Yes to update the Galaxy environment on that node.

  4. Provide the following passive node information. If you do not know this information, check the active node registry. The path in the registry editor is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/CommVault Systems/Galaxy/Platform Information/virtual_computer, where virtual_computer is the name of your virtual computer.

    • MediaAgent name. The local (NetBIOS) MediaAgent name (short name of the MediaAgent).

    • Interface name. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual MediaAgent name uses to communicate with the CommServe. (The FQDN on the virtual server.)

    • Default interface name. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual MediaAgent name uses as the default interface for transferring all backups and restores on the client computer.

  5. Restart your computer.

  6. Setup informs you to run the Media Library and drive configuration tool. Make sure that the virtual server is owned by this node before running the tool.

  7. Confirm that the disk groups and Galaxy resources are online and can fail over successfully to the passive node. Then, fail back the disk group to the original owning node. To confirm failover capability, move the disk group to the passive node, and then move the disk group back to the original active node.

Note: Please refer to the CommCell MediaAgent Administration Guide before configuring a MediaAgent on a cluster.

Drive and Library Configuration

You can run the Galaxy Library and Drive Configuration utility on the CommServe, or on any Windows MediaAgent within the CommCell. It is used for the following operations on tape libraries, stand-alone tape libraries or optical libraries, and media drives:

  • Detect devices. This feature is used to display all devices that are controlled by MediaAgents.

  • Configure libraries, master drive pools, drive pools, and drives. Library configuration enables MediaAgents to send data to and receive data from the library. Master drive pool and drive pool configuration creates the necessary entries for these entities in the Galaxy database. Drive configuration enables a MediaAgent to read and write data through the media drive.

  • Share libraries among MediaAgents. To share a library among MediaAgents, either directly or by using a SAN, you must properly configure and map the resident drives. The Library and Drive Configuration utility is also used if you want to modify the configuration of a shared library.

  • Discover media. To use the media within a library, the Galaxy system must collect information about the media through the discovery process.

  • Change the SCSI mapping of storage devices. If the SCSI configuration of devices within the CommCell does not match the recommended configuration, Galaxy may not associate devices with their correct SCSI addresses. You can modify the SCSI-to-device mapping through the Library and Drive Configuration utility.

  • Validate the SCSI mapping of devices within the CommCell. The Validate feature verifies that Galaxy has access to each physical device through the device's mapped SCSI address.

For more detailed information on configuration, see the Galaxy CommCell Media Management Administration Guide.

Disabling Removable Storage Control

If you do not want your libraries and drives to be under the control of the Removable Storage service, you must disable Removable Storage control.

To disable Removable Storage on a computer running Windows 2000 and MediaAgent

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Computer Management.

  2. In the left pane of the Computer Management window, select System Tools, and then click Device Manager.

  3. In the right pane, expand the Medium Changers node, and then double-click the entry of a Galaxy library.

  4. From the active list of the library medium changer, select disable. (Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each Galaxy library.)

  5. You can disable the Removable Storage service in the Services panel if no libraries are attached to the computer needed to run the Removable Storage service.

  6. Otherwise, if Removable Storage is running, in the left pane of the Computer Management window, expand Storage, expand Removable Storage, and then expand Physical Locations. Verify that all non-Removable Storage controlled libraries and drives are not present or disabled on the list.

Configuring Libraries and Drives Without Removable Storage

After you install your MediaAgent, you must configure the libraries and drives controlled by your MediaAgent.

If other applications are using your library, it is necessary to use the Removable Storage service. For more information on configuring the Removable Storage service, refer to the CommCellMedia Management Administration Guide. Otherwise, disable the Removable Storage service before you configure.

Library configuration may take a minute or more to complete. If you do not regain your prompt within that time period, Galaxy may be having difficulty in starting the DMS or LMS services, which are described as follows:

  • Library management service (LMS). The Galaxy service that manages a medium changer.

  • Drive management service (DMS). The Galaxy service that manages a media drive.

If you suspect this problem, use the Windows Services tool (accessed by clicking Administrative Tools in Control Panel) to check the status. If you see a DMS/LMS service for each drive but it is not started, perform a restart.

There must be one DMS for each drive configured for the MediaAgent. Configure the library or drive from either the CommServe computer or the MediaAgent computer.

Direct-Attached Libraries and Drives

The following procedure describes how to configure direct-attached libraries and drives.

To configure direct-attached libraries and drives

  1. Restart the MediaAgent computer, and then log on again as the same user who installed the MediaAgent. This may take a few moments.

  2. In the Galaxy Library and Drive Configuration window, you can detect devices. To do this, click Detect Devices.

  3. Select the MediaAgent, and then click Add All or Add to add the selected MediaAgent(s) to the list.

  4. Click OK.

    If manual detection fails to detect the library or the correct number of drives, confirm that your devices are working properly. If you cannot resolve problems for a specific library at this time, refer to the CommCellMedia Management Administration Guide.

  5. The library and/or drive alias names are available for easier identification in the future. To change the alias of a library or drive in the Library and Drive Configuration window, right-click the library or drive, click Properties, and then type or change the alias in the alias field.

  6. In the Library and Drive Configuration window, right-click the library, and then click Configure.

  7. Setup prompts you to confirm the configuration. Click Yes.

  8. Click Yes to configure all the drives for the library.

  9. Right-click the same library in the window, and then click Discover Media to discover the library.

    Note: If a library inventory is being taken, Setup will not allow you to discover media. Reattempt the media discovery when the inventory has been completed.

  10. In the Library and Drive Configuration window, right-click the library, and then click Validate to validate the library.

    Validating the library ensures that Galaxy has access to all of the configured drives. It forces the media changer to physically mount a tape in each drive, confirming that the drive's physical connection and target SCSI identification match.

    If the validation failed, unload the stacked medium manually and reset the library for recovery.

Stand-Alone Libraries and Drives

The following procedure describes how to configure stand-alone libraries and drives.

To configure stand-alone libraries and drives

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 of the procedure described in the preceding section, "Direct-Attached Libraries and Drives."

  2. You may want to rename the stand-alone library and/or drive for easier identification in the future. To change the name of a library or drive, in the Library and Drive Configuration window, right-click the library or drive, click Properties, and then change the name.

  3. In the Library and Drive Configuration window, right-click the library, and then click Configure.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the configuration.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you physically label each stand-alone drive containing the library name shown in the configuration window. This will help you identify the proper drive when the Galaxy system prompts you to manually insert a cartridge into a stand-alone drive. It is also recommended that you label each media used in a stand-alone drive.

Magnetic Disk Libraries

The following procedure describes how to configure magnetic disk libraries.

To configure magnetic disk libraries

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 of the procedure described in the preceding section, "Direct-Attached Libraries and Drives."

  2. In the Library and Drive Configuration window, click Add Magnetic Library. Select the name of the MediaAgent that will control the library and type the library's alias name and low watermark.

  3. Click OK. The magnetic library is displayed in the window as mount path, and the Add Mount Path dialog box is displayed.

  4. Type/select the magnetic library alias name and ID. Click Use Network Share if the storage area resides on a network share.

  5. If the Use Network Share button is selected, type the user name that has access to the share, the user name password, and the mount path of the appropriate magnetic storage area.

  6. Click OK. The specified mount path is created and the new mount path is displayed in the Galaxy Library and Drive Configuration window. The magnetic library is now configured.

  7. To create additional mount paths for the same magnetic library, right-click the appropriate magnetic library, and then select Add MountPath. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each required mount path.

Configuring Other Libraries

For information about the following libraries, please refer to the Galaxy CommServe Quick Start and the CommCell Media Management Administration Guides:

  • Removable Storage libraries

  • Direct-attached shared libraries

  • SAN-attached libraries (Digital Data Storage [DDS] and non-DDS environments)

  • NAS-attached libraries

After You Install a MediaAgent

If you plan to install any additional MediaAgents in the immediate future, you should install them all now. Each MediaAgent installation creates a default storage policy for each configured library. Therefore, installing all MediaAgents now provides you with the greatest possible selection of storage policies.

However, this is only one approach to installing a CommCell. If you want, you can install additional MediaAgents later and re-associate the client(s) and the storage policies at any time.

Create storage policies for each client you plan to install.

Although storage policies can be created at any time, it is a good practice to create a storage policy for each of the clients you plan to install. In addition to making the storage policy available during the installation of the client, creating separate storage policies allows ease of use in offsite tape management. For more information about creating a storage policy, refer to "Storage Policies" in the Daily Operations Guide .

Create a CommServe ExpressRecovery subclient to secure the magnetic CommServeER data to tape

For instructions, see the "Setting up CommServeER Subclient" topic in the "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" section later in this document.

iDataAgent for Windows 2000

The iDataAgent for Windows 2000 is the backup and restore vehicle for file system data (files, folders, system state, and so on) that resides on computers running the Windows 2000 operating system. The iDataAgent for Windows 2000 is the foundation for all Galaxy products, and needs to be installed before other iDataAgents .

Installing iDataAgent for Windows 2000

This section describes the procedure for installing iDataAgent for Windows 2000.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the product release notes.

  • Obtain the appropriate software. Galaxy software CD-ROMs and the iDataAgent for Windows 2000 software.

  • Obtain valid licenses. Ensure you have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The client computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in the "System Requirements" section of the Introduction to this chapter.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure that iDataAgent for Windows 2000 is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Verify CommServe is running. The CommServe computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

  • Have IP connectivity to the CommServe. If your network does not have DNS lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.

  • Verify the binding order on clients that are multihomed. The binding order is significant for the Galaxy software to communicate with the CommServe and MediaAgent. Refer to the Galaxy Windows 2000 Server Family iDataAgents Release Notes document for specific instructions on configuring your network adapter binding order.

  • Regarding the firewall:

    • Have an appropriate firewall configuration. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and/or MediaAgent, and the CommServe and MediaAgent have not been configured for firewall support, refer to the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist for specific instructions on configuring your firewall.

    - or -

    • Configure the client for firewall support. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and MediaAgent that have already been configured for firewall support, it is only necessary to add the Firewall.svc and Firewall_loc.txt files (as described in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist) to your client. After these files are added to your client, you must also add the client name to the Firewall_loc.txt file of your CommServe.
  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in "After You Install a MediaAgent" in the previous section of this chapter.

  • Install patches. All applicable Galaxy patches have been applied.

    Note: For domain controllers, Galaxy 3.1 GSP1 requires that patches 4, 11 and 23 be applied. You may receive an error during patch installation that the client was unable to communicate with the CommServe. This error may occur if the path to the Galaxy installation directory has not been applied to the environment. You can correct the error by applying the path to the environment (MyComputer\Properties\Advanced\Environment variables\System Path) and restarting the Galaxy services. Or you can ignore the error and continue with the patch installation. The patch will still apply to the client computer. This is a Galaxy 3.1 GSP1–specific issue and has been corrected.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

To install iDataAgent for Windows 2000

  1. Log on to the client computer as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software can only be installed by a user who is a member of the local Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM that is appropriate to the client computer's operating system into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. The installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. From the Select Platform window, select iDA for Windows File System from the installation menu, and then click Install.

    Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights.

    If your account already has the necessary rights, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

    If your account does not have the necessary rights, it automatically assigns the required rights to your account, and then prompts you to log off and log back on.

  4. The Galaxy Base Client Installation window prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications, or click Next to continue.

  5. The Software License Agreement window prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  6. If Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

    The Choose Destination Location window prompts you to choose the location of the Galaxy installation directory. Either accept the default by clicking Next, or click Browse to name a different location on a local disk drive. (Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.)

    Note: If you intend to install other Galaxy software on this computer, the selected installation directory will be automatically used for that software as well.

  7. The Galaxy CommServe Computer and Host Name window prompts you to enter the following:

    • CommServe computer name (short name). This is the local (NetBIOS) name of the CommServe computer.

    • CommServe host name (FQDN). This is the TCP/IP network name of the CommServe computer (, for example).

    If Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, one or more of the fields on this screen may already be filled in and therefore unavailable.

  8. The Galaxy Computer Name window prompts you to configure the client's communications paths. (If you are performing a virtual server installation, you should use the virtual server information for the client computer.) Enter or select:

    • The local (NetBIOS) name of the client computer.

    • The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the client computer is to use to communicate with the CommServe.

    • The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the client computer is to use as the default interface for transferring all backup/restore data on that client computer. (You can specify the same NIC for both NIC entries.)

  9. The Job Results Destination Location window prompts you to specify the location of the client's job results directory. Galaxy uses the job results directory to store the client's backup and restore job results. Choose a location that is on a local disk drive.

  10. The Start Copying Files window displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

  11. After you click Next, Setup starts copying the Base Client software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

    With the Base Client software installed, Setup automatically starts the installation of iDataAgent for Windows 2000.

  12. The Galaxy Windows 2000 iDataAgent Installation window prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications. You may be prompted to restart the system.

  13. The Software License Agreement window prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must accept the terms of the agreement.

  14. Next, select a storage policy from the Storage Policy Selection window. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient.

    Note: You can change your selection at any time after you have installed the client software.

  15. Next, the Start Copying Files window displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

  16. After you click Next, Setup starts copying the iDataAgent software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

  17. The system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish. Note the following:

    • If you installed file system clients while the CommCell Console was open, you need to refresh the CommCell Console (press F5) to see the new clients.

    • If you installed in a clustered environment, access iDataAgent for Windows 2000 from the CommCell console. From this iDataAgent, filter the subclients:

      • Filter all shared drives from the physical clients (node 1 and node 2).

      • Filter all local drives and shared drives owned by other virtual disk groups for each virtual client.

    • The default subclient automatically backs up the quorum database. If you are using file system backups to back up the quorum database, filter all applications accordingly.

    • If you installed the file system client software on the CommServe computer, record the required information on the CommServe ExpressRecovery Data Sheet in the CommCell Quick Start Guide. Doing so will help you avoid problems should you need to recover the CommServe database at some future time.

This procedure is now complete. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the file system client software on another computer.

  • Back up the file system data on the client computer that you just installed. For more information, see "Backing Up iDataAgent for Windows 2000" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation menu.

Installing iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on a Cluster

Galaxy software supports the advanced reliability and availability features of a clustering environment for certain applications that can run in a clustered environment (such as iDataAgents for Windows 2000). Installation instructions for installing iDataAgent for Windows 2000 in a clustering environment follow. For more information on Galaxy clustering, see the CommServe Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, in addition to the list in the previous section, you need to:

  • Ensure all nodes are running. Prior to installing the client software, make sure that both the active and passive nodes are available.

  • Correctly install iDataAgent for Windows 2000. This iDataAgent must be installed onto the active (physical) node, then install it onto all passive (physical) nodes. This iDataAgent must be installed on all physical nodes in the cluster prior to attempting any virtual server installations.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network interface card before the private network interface card.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

To install iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on a cluster

  1. Log on to the client computer as Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. Note the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. On the installation menu, select iDA for Windows File System, and then click Install.

    Note: Physical nodes must have iDataAgent for Windows 2000 installed prior to installing the client software on the virtual node.

  4. A dialog box states that the physical node is running as a cluster node and prompts you to specify a physical node installation or a virtual server installation. Select Virtual Server, and then click Next.

  5. A list of virtual servers configured for the node displays. Select a virtual server (which is the disk group where your virtual server resides).

  6. A dialog box displays a list of virtual servers configured for the node. Select a virtual server (which is the disk group where your virtual server resides), and then click Next.

  7. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights.

    If your account already has the necessary rights, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

    If your account does not have the necessary rights, it automatically assigns the required rights to your account, and then prompts you to log off and log back on.

  8. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications.

  9. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

    If Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

  10. A dialog box prompts you to choose the location of the Galaxy installation directory. Either accept the default by clicking Next, or click Browse to name a different location on a local disk drive. (Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.) In the folder window, type the full path, including drive letter, for the Galaxy installation

    Note: If you intend to install other Galaxy software on this computer, the selected installation directory will be automatically used for that software as well.

  11. A dialog box prompts you to enter the following:

    • CommServe computer name (short name). This is the local (NetBIOS) name of the CommServe computer.

    • CommServe host name (FQDN). This is the TCP/IP network name of the CommServe computer (, for example).

    If Galaxy software is already installed on this computer, one or more of the fields on this screen may already be filled in and therefore unavailable.

  12. A dialog box prompts you to configure the client's communications paths. (If you are performing a virtual server installation, the virtual server information should be used for the client computer.) Enter or select:

    • The local (NetBIOS) name of the client computer.

    • The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the client computer is to use to communicate with the CommServe. You can specify the same NIC for both NIC entries.

    • The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the client computer is to use as the default interface for transferring all backup/restore data on that client computer.

  13. A dialog box prompts you to specify the location of the client's job results directory. Galaxy uses the job results directory to store the client's backup and restore job results. Choose a location that is on a local disk drive.

  14. A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

    After you click Next, Setup starts copying the Base Client software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

    With the Base Client software installed, Setup automatically starts the installation of iDataAgent for Windows 2000.

  15. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications. You may be prompted to restart the system.

  16. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must accept the terms of the agreement.

  17. In the next window, you will select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient.

    Note: You can change your selection at any time after you have installed the client software.

  18. A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

    After you click Next, Setup starts copying the iDataAgent software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

  19. The system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish. Note the following:

    • If you installed file system clients while the CommCell Console was open, you need to refresh the CommCell Console (press F5) to see the new clients.

    • If you installed in a clustered environment, access iDataAgent for Windows 2000 from the CommCell console. From this iDataAgent, filter the subclients:

      • Filter all shared drives from the physical clients (node 1 and node 2).

      • Filter all local drives and shared drives owned by other virtual disk groups for each virtual client.

    • The default subclient automatically backs up the quorum database. If you are using file system backups to back up the quorum database, filter all applications accordingly.

    • If you installed the file system client software on the CommServe computer, record the required information on the CommServe ExpressRecovery Data Sheet in the CommCell Quick Start Guide. Doing so will help you avoid problems should you need to recover the CommServe database at some future time.

This procedure is complete. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the file system client software on another computer.

  • Back up the file system data on the client computer that you just installed. For more information, see "Backing Up iDataAgent for Windows 2000" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation menu.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

This procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 of the previous installation procedure. Then proceed to the next step.

  2. If you do not know this information, check the active node registry. (If you are performing a virtual server installation, the virtual server information should be used for the client computer.)

    A dialog box prompts you for the following information:

    • Galaxy install folder on shared disk. This is the installation path you used during the active installation.

    • CommServe computer name. This is the short name of the computer on which the CommServe is installed.

    • CommServe host name. The FQDN of the computer on which the CommServe is installed (, for example).

    • Client name. This is the local (NetBIOS) name of the virtual server (the short name for the client).

    • Communication interface. This is the TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the client).

    Note: If you have already installed the iDataAgent for Windows 2000, this prompt displayed during that installation, and is not re-displayed at this time.

  3. The registry and environmental files are updated on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this window, click Finish.

Backing Up iDataAgent for Windows 2000

In this section, you will back up the file system of the client computer.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Ensure that all systems are running. Make sure that the CommServe is running, the MediaAgent computer and media library are turned on, and the client computer is turned on.

  • Ensure that all software is installed. The file system client software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Check services are started. All Galaxy services must have been started.

  • Perform Discover Media. Discover Media must be performed to ensure you have media to back up.

  • Check Pre/Post commands. Application Center Services require Pre/Post commands on the Pre/Post Process tab of the default subclient Properties dialog box. This is because Application Center Server has a personal edition of Microsoft SQL Server, and backup and restore of this edition is performed by iDataAgent for Windows 2000, rather than iDataAgent for SQL Server. To successfully backup the databases, the following commands must be entered.

    The PreBackup process field should point to a batch file that contains the following command:

net stop SQLAgent$MSAC net stop MSSQL$MSAC

The PostBackup process field should point to a batch file that contains the following command:

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

net start MSSQL$MSAC net start SQLAgent$MSAC

Perform an Immediate Full Backup of the Default Subclient

The following procedure describes how to back up the default subclient.

To back up the default subclient

  1. Log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for Java GUI.

  3. In the CommCell Logon window, log on by entering your Galaxy user name and password. Galaxy displays the CommCell Console window.

  4. In the CommCell Browser, open the Client Computers node, and then the appropriate client. Right-click the File System icon, and then click Backup Default Backup Set.

  5. Galaxy informs you that this kind of backup starts a backup of all subclients within the backup set. In this case, because you haven't defined any other subclients, only the default subclient exists. Galaxy prompts you to indicate whether you want to continue. Click Yes.

  6. In the Backup Options window, click Full for a full backup, and then click OK. (Regardless of the type of backup you select, Galaxy performs a full backup the first time any file system is backed up.)

  7. Galaxy starts a full backup of the file system and indicates its status in the Job Controller window. The job status should change from Waiting to Running in a few moments. (You can track the status by right-clicking the job and then clicking Details.)

    Note: Depending on the size of the file system and the type of backup media selected, the backup may take a while.

  8. When the backup is complete, Galaxy displays a completion message. Click OK to close the window.

This completes the backup.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you have installed Galaxy and run your first backup, you probably want to set up backup schedules, monitor the success of your backups, and configure Galaxy to notify you when significant system events occur. See the "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" section later in this document, and the Daily Operations Guide for basic administrative tasks.

Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

The database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 Server is the backup and restore vehicle for Exchange 2000 Server data, including:

  • Information stores.

  • Public folder stores.

  • Transaction logs and patch files.

  • Exchange 2000 organizational data.

Installing the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

This section describes how to install the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 .

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the product release notes.

  • Obtain the appropriate software. Galaxy software CD-ROMs and the iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software.

  • Obtain valid licenses. Ensure you have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The client computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in the "Satisfy System Requirements" section of the client Quick Start Guide.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure that iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Check for iDataAgent for Windows 2000. This iDataAgent software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Verify that CommServe is running. The CommServe computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

  • Have IP connectivity to the CommServe. If your network does not have Domain Name System (DNS) lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.

  • Regarding the firewall:

    • Have an appropriate firewall configuration. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and/or MediaAgent, and the CommServe and MediaAgent have not been configured for firewall support, refer to the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist for specific instructions on configuring your firewall.

    - or -

    • Configure the client for firewall support. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and MediaAgent that have already been configured for firewall support, it is only necessary to add the Firewall.svc and Firewall_loc.txt files (as described in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist) to your client. After these files are added to your client, you must also add the client name to the Firewall_loc.txt file of your CommServe.
  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in the topic "After You Install a MediaAgent" in the previous section of this chapter.

  • Install patches. All applicable Galaxy patches must have been applied.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

To install the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

  1. Log on to the client computer as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software must be installed by a user who is a member of the local Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM for the appropriate Windows platform into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run..

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

  3. Setup prompts you to select a Galaxy software module. Select iDA for Exchange Database, and then click Install.

    Optionally, you can install both the database and mailbox iDataAgents by selecting Exchange iDataAgents.

    Setup verifies that the file system client software is installed on the computer.

    If the file system client software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt. Continue with the next step.

    If it is not installed, you will be prompted to install it now. For instructions on installing the file system client software, see the Client Quick Start Guide (Windows 2000 Server Family).

  4. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications, or click Next to continue.

  5. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  6. In the next dialog box type in the following information then click Next:

    • Exchange Site Service Account Name

    • Exchange Site Service Domain Name

    • Exchange Site Service Account Password

  7. A dialog box prompts you to select the backup type for Exchange 2000 database backups. A backup type is the selected partial backup that you run between full backups. Select the backup type that you want for this client computer from either of the following options, and then click Next:

    • Differential. Backs up all new and changed data since the last full backup.

    • Incremental. Backs up all new and changed data since the last backup.

    Note: This setting can be changed later from the CommCell Console.

  8. A dialog box prompts you to select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

  9. A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option. When you install the iDataAgent, Galaxy creates a default subclient. This subclient can backup the entire Exchange 2000 database.

  10. Setup checks to see if circular logging is enabled. Circular logging must be off for Exchange 2000 database backups to operate properly.

    If circular logging is disabled, you will not receive this prompt. Continue to the next step.

    If circular logging is on, Setup displays a message asking if it can disable circular logging. Click Yes to disable circular logging. (You can click No and complete the installation, but you must still disable circular logging before you perform a backup.)

    Setup starts copying the iDataAgent software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

  11. The system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this dialog box, click Finish.

You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the Exchange 2000 database client software on another client computer.

  • Backup Exchange 2000 database data on the client computer that you just installed; for instructions see "Backing Up the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation program.

Installing the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a Cluster

Galaxy software supports the advanced reliability and availability features of a clustering environment for certain applications that can run in a clustered environment (such as iDataAgents for Exchange 2000). Installation instructions for installing these iDataAgents in a clustering environment are provided below. For more information about Galaxy clustering, see the CommServe Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, in addition to the list in the previous section, you need to:

  • Ensure all nodes are running. Prior to installing the client software, make sure that both the active and passive nodes are available.

  • Correctly install iDataAgent for Windows 2000. This iDataAgent must be installed onto the active (physical) node, and then installed onto all passive (physical) nodes. The iDataAgent for Windows 2000 must be installed on all physical nodes in the cluster prior to attempting any virtual server installations.

  • Install iDataAgent for Exchange 2000. Install iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 (database or mailbox) for the virtual server on the active node.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network interface card before the private network interface card.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

To install the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a cluster

  1. Log on to the client computer as Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

  3. Setup prompts you to select a Galaxy software module. Select iDA for Exchange Database, and then click Install.

    Optionally, you can install both the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 and the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software by selecting Exchange iDataAgents.

  4. A dialog box displays a message stating that the physical node is running as a cluster node; it prompts you to specify a physical node installation or a virtual server installation. Select Virtual Server then click Next.

    Note: Physical nodes must have iDataAgent for Windows 2000 installed prior to installing the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software on the virtual node.

  5. A dialog box prompts you to indicate whether you have installed iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on all physical nodes. If necessary, exit Setup and do this before proceeding, otherwise click Yes to continue.

  6. A dialog box displays a list of virtual servers configured for the node. Select a virtual server (which is the disk group where your virtual server resides), and then click Next.

  7. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications or click Next to continue.

  8. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  9. In the next dialog box, you will select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

    A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

    After you click Next, Setup starts copying the client software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

    A list of all nodes to which the virtual server can fail over is available in the Start Copying Files dialog box. Each of these nodes is to be updated with the active node settings. Click Next to continue.

  10. Click OK.

    If you are informed at the end of the active node installation that the passive node was not available, select one of the following choices; otherwise continue on to the next step.

    • Click No, and then follow the procedure for Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation on the next page.

    - or -

    • Click Yes to update any remaining nodes.
  11. The registry and environmental files are updated on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this dialog box, click Finish.

  12. From the CommCell Console, access iDataAgent for Windows 2000. From this iDataAgent, filter the subclients:

    • Filter all shared drives from the physical clients (node 1 and node 2).

    • Filter all local drives and shared drives owned by other virtual disk groups for each virtual client.

The default subclient automatically backs up the quorum database. If you are using file system backups to back up the quorum database, filter all applications accordingly.

This procedure is complete. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 client software on another client computer in the cluster.

  • Back up Exchange 2000 data on the client computer that you just installed; for instructions, see the topic "Backing Up the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000" later in this section.

  • Install the Exchange 2000 mailbox client software on this or another client computer in the cluster; for instructions, see "Installing the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a Cluster" in the next section of this document.

  • Exit the installation menu.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

This procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

To manually install a passive node

  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 of the installation procedure. Then proceed to the next step.

  2. A dialog box prompts you for the following information. If you have already installed iDataAgent for Windows 2000, this dialog box will have been displayed during that installation and will not be re-displayed at this time.

    If you do not know this information, check the active node's registry. Its path in the registry is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/CommVault Systems/Galaxy/ Platform Information/virtual_computer, where virtual_computer is the name of your client computer:

    • Galaxy install folder on shared disk. The install folder of the disk onto which you are installing the passive node.


  - CommServe computer name. The local (NetBIOS) CommServe name (short name of the CommServe).

    <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

CommServe key: sCSCLIENTNAME

  - CommServe host name. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the CommServe).

    <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

CommServe key: sCSHOSTNAME

  - Client name. The local (NetBIOS) name of the virtual server (the short name for the client).

    <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

Session key: sCLIENTNAME

  - Communication interface. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the client).

    <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

Session key: sHOSTNAME

  1. The registry and environmental files are updated on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this window, click Finish.

Backing Up the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

This section describes how to back up the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the product release notes.

  • Ensure that all software is installed. The database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Ensure that all systems are running. The client computer is turned on.

  • Ensure that you have enough licenses. You must have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

Execute an Immediate Full Backup of the Default Subclient

After you have reviewed the preceding section, you are ready to back up the file system on the client computer.

Note: It is advisable to back up the database Exchange 2000 at the same relative time as the system state data, using iDataAgent for Windows 2000. The reason is that the stores are backed up in this procedure. The user and mailbox information is backed up as part of Active Directory. The two should be in sync to provide valid backup data. This is necessary for the Exchange 2000 disaster recovery procedure.

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for Java GUI.

  2. In the CommCell Logon window, log on by entering your Galaxy user name and password.

    Galaxy displays the CommCell Console window.

  3. In the CommCell browser, open Client Computers, and then open the appropriate client. Right-click the iDA Exchange 2000 Database icon, and then click Backup All Subclients.

  4. Galaxy prompts you to confirm that you want to backup all subclients. In this case, because you haven't defined any other subclients, only the default subclient exists. Click Yes to confirm.

  5. In the Backup Options window, click Full Backup, and then click OK. (Regardless of the backup type you select, Galaxy performs a full backup the first time any computer is backed up.)

    Galaxy starts a full backup of the Exchange 2000 database and indicates its status in the Job Controller window. The job status should change from Waiting to Running in a few moments.

  6. When the backup completes, Galaxy displays a completion message. Click OK to close the window.

You've just completed your first Exchange 2000 database backup using Galaxy. Remember to back up Active Directory in the system state as well.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you've installed Galaxy and run your first backup, you probably want to set up backup schedules, monitor the success of your backups, and configure Galaxy to notify you when significant system events occur. For more information about these basic administrative tasks, see the topic "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" later in this chapter and the DailyOperations Guide.

Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

The mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 is the backup and restore vehicle for some or all of the mailbox entities. Specifically, you can use the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 to restore the following:

  • One or more mailboxes

  • One or more mailboxes from an Exchange version 5.5 Server to an Exchange 2000 Server

  • One or more folders within a mailbox

  • One or more messages within a mailbox

Installing the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

This section describes how to install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems you need to:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the product release notes.

  • Obtain valid licenses. Ensure that you have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Create a valid mailbox. Prior to installing this iDataAgent, you must create a mailbox that has the proper permissions. Some points to keep in mind when setting up this mailbox follow:

    • Use GalaxyAdmin, or something similar, as the mailbox name for the first installation only.

    • When more than one mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 is installed within one Exchange 2000 Server site, the GalaxyAdmin mailbox name for each installation must be unique.

    • On subsequent installations, it is recommended that you use GalaxyAdmin1, GalaxyAdmin2, and so on, for each mailbox name. This provides the necessary unique mailbox/alias for each installed mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000.

  • The GalaxyAdmin user must be a member of the following groups:

    • Account operators

    • Domain administrators

    • Domain users

    • Exchange administrators

    • Server operators

    You must allow enough time for Active Directory replication to complete before proceeding with the installation process.

  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in the topic "After You Install a MediaAgent" earlier in this chapter.

  • Install patches. All applicable Galaxy patches must have been applied.

  • Configure firewall support. Galaxy firewall support, if applicable, must be properly implemented.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

To install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

  1. Log on to the client computer (Exchange 2000 Server, for example) as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software must be installed by a user who is a member of the local Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

  3. Setup prompts you to select a Galaxy software module. Select iDA for Exchange Mailbox, and then click Install.

    Optionally, you can install both the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 and the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software by selecting the Exchange iDataAgents option.

  4. Setup verifies that the file system client software is installed on the computer.

    If the file system client software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt. Continue with the next step.

    If it is not installed, you will be prompted to install it now. For instructions on installing the file system client software, see the Client Quick Start Guide (Windows 2000 Server Family).

  5. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications or click Next to continue.

  6. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  7. In the next dialog box enter the following information, and then click Next:

    • Account name for the GalaxyAdmin account

    • Account password for this account

    • Mailbox name for this account

    • Profile name that you want to use for the GalaxyAdmin mailbox

    • Exchange server name

    • Domain name

  8. A dialog box prompts you to select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

  9. A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option. When you install the iDataAgent, Galaxy creates a default subclient. This subclient can back up all the mailboxes on the server running Exchange.

  10. After you click Next, Setup starts copying the client software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

  11. The system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this dialog box, click Finish.

You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software on another client computer.

  • Back up mailbox data for Exchange 2000 on the computer that you just installed. For instructions, see the topic "Backing Up the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000" later in this section.

  • Install the database Exchange 2000 software on this or another client computer. For instructions, see the topic "Installing the Database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000" in the previous section.

  • Exit the installation program.

Installing the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a Cluster

Galaxy software supports the advanced reliability and availability features of a clustering environment for certain applications that can run in a clustered environment (such as iDataAgents for Exchange 2000). Installation instructions for installing these iDataAgents in a clustering environment follow. For more information on Galaxy clustering, see the CommServe Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, in addition to the previous list, you need to:

  • Obtain the appropriate software. Galaxy software CD-ROMs and the iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software.

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The client computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in Satisfy System Requirements of the client Quick Start Guide.

  • Ensure that the CommServe is available. The CommServe computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

  • Have IP connectivity to the CommServe. If your network does not have DNS lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.

  • Regarding the firewall:

    • Have an appropriate firewall configuration. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and/or MediaAgent, and the CommServe and MediaAgent have not been configured for firewall support, refer to the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist for specific instructions on configuring your firewall.

    - or -

    • Configure the client for firewall support. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and MediaAgent that have already been configured for firewall support, it is only necessary to add the Firewall.svc and Firewall_loc.txt files (as described in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist) to your client. After these files are added to your client, you must also add the client name to the Firewall_loc.txt file of your CommServe.
  • Ensure that all of the nodes are running. Prior to installing the client software, make sure that both the active and passive nodes are available.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network interface card before the private network interface card.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

  • Correctly install iDataAgent for Windows 2000. The file system software must be installed on the client computer; and it must be installed first onto the active (physical) node, then installed onto all passive (physical) nodes. iDataAgent for Windows 2000 must be installed on all physical nodes in the cluster prior to attempting any virtual server installations.

  • Install iDataAgent for Exchange 2000. Install this iDataAgent (database or mailbox) for the virtual server on the active node.

  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in the "After You Install a MediaAgent" section earlier in this chapter.

  • Install patches. All applicable Galaxy patches must have been applied.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

  • Create a valid mailbox. Prior to installing the mailbox iDataAgent for the Exchange 2000, you must create a mail-enabled user that has the proper permissions. When setting up this mail-enabled user:

    • Use GalaxyAdmin, or something similar, as the mailbox name for the first installation only.

    • The GalaxyAdmin user must be a member of the following groups:

      • Account operators

      • Domain administrators

      • Domain users

      • Server operators

      You must allow enough time for Active Directory to replicate the previous information before proceeding with the installation process.

Installing the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a Cluster

This section describes how to install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a cluster.

To install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on a cluster

  1. Log on to the client computer (Exchange 2000 Server, for example) as Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

  3. Setup prompts you to select a Galaxy software module. Select iDA for Exchange Mailbox, and then click Install.

    Optionally, you can install both the database iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 and the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software by selecting Exchange iDataAgents.

  4. A dialog box displays a message stating that the physical node is running as a cluster node and prompts you to specify a physical node installation or a virtual server installation. Select Virtual Server, and then click Next.

    Note: Physical nodes must have iDataAgent for Windows 2000 installed prior to installing the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 software on the virtual node.

  5. A dialog box prompts you to indicate that you have installed iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on all physical nodes. If necessary, exit Setup and do this before proceeding, otherwise click Yes to continue.

  6. A dialog box displays a list of virtual servers configured for the node. Select a virtual server (which is the disk group where your virtual server resides), and then click Next.

  7. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications, or click Next to continue.

  8. A dialog box prompts you to read the Galaxy license agreement. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  9. In the next dialog box enter the following information (if you do not know this information, check the active node registry):

    • Account name for the GalaxyAdmin account

    • Account password for this account

    • Mailbox name for this account

    • Profile name you want to use for the GalaxyAdmin mailbox

    • Exchange server name

    • Domain name

  10. A dialog box prompts you to select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

  11. A dialog box displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

    After you click Next, Setup starts copying the client software to the computer. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

  12. A list of all nodes to which the virtual server can fail over is available in the Start Copying Files dialog box. Each of these nodes is to be updated with the active node settings. Click Next to continue.

  13. Click OK.

  14. If you are informed at the end of the active node installation that the passive node was not available, select one of the following; otherwise continue on to the next step:

    • Click Yes to continue with the active installation and update any remaining passive nodes.

    - or -

    • Click No to continue with the active installation and skip updating any remaining passive nodes.

    If this message appears for the node listed in the message, follow the steps for "Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation" in the following topic.

  15. The registry and environmental files are updated on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this dialog box, click Finish.

  16. From the CommCell console, access iDataAgent for Windows 2000. From this iDataAgent, do the following:

    • Filter all shared drives from the physical clients (node 1 and node 2).

    • Filter all local drives and shared drives owned by other virtual disk groups for each virtual client.

  17. The default subclient automatically backs up the quorum database. If you are using file system backups to back up the quorum database, filter all applications accordingly.

This procedure is complete. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on another client computer in the cluster.

  • Back up Exchange 2000 mailbox data on the computer that you just installed; for instructions see the topic "Backing Up the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation program.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

This procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 of the installation procedure, and then proceed to the next step.

  2. A dialog box prompts you for information listed in the next step. If you have already installed iDataAgent for Windows 2000, this dialog box will have been displayed during that installation and will not be displayed at this time.

  3. If you do not know this information, check the active node's registry. Its registry path is the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/CommVault Systems/Galaxy/Platform Information/passive_computer

(where *passive\_computer* is the name of the computer you are making passive).

The following information is for the virtual server, not the physical node (the host name is the network name of the virtual server, not the host name of the owning node):

  - Galaxy install folder on shared disk. The install folder of the disk onto which you are installing the passive node.

    Base key: dGALAXYHOME

  - CommServe computer name. The local (NetBIOS) CommServe name (short name of the CommServe).

    CommServe key: sCSCLIENTNAME

  - CommServe host name. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the CommServe).

    CommServe key: sCSHOSTNAME

  - Client name. The local (NetBIOS) name of the virtual server (the short name for the client).

    Session key: sCLIENTNAME

  - Communication interface. The TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the virtual server uses to communicate with the CommServe (FQDN of the client).

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">

Session key: sHOSTNAME

  1. The registry and environmental files are updated on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete dialog box. To close this window, click Finish.

Backing Up the Mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000

This section describes how to back up the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, do the following:

  • Check the installation of the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000. You must have installed the mailbox iDataAgent for Exchange 2000 on the client computer.

  • Check that systems are running. Make sure that the client computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

To perform an immediate full backup of the default subclient

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for Java GUI.

  2. In the CommCell Logon window, log on by entering your Galaxy user name and password.

  3. Galaxy displays the CommCell Console window.

  4. From the CommCell browser, open Client Computers, and then the appropriate client. Right-click the Exchange 2000 Mailbox icon, and then click Backup Default Backup Set.

  5. Galaxy prompts you to confirm that you want to back up all the subclients within the backup set. In this case, because you haven't defined any other subclients, only the default subclient exists. Click Yes to confirm.

  6. In the Backup Options window, click Full, for a full backup, and then click OK. (Regardless of the backup type you select, Galaxy performs a full backup the first time any backup is started.)

  7. Galaxy starts a full backup of the Exchange mailboxes and indicates its status in the Job Controller window. The job status should change from Waiting to Running in a few moments.

  8. When the backup has completed, Galaxy displays a completion message. Click OK to close the window.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you've installed Galaxy and run your first backup, you probably want to set up backup schedules, monitor the success of your backups, and configure Galaxy to notify you when significant system events occur. For more information about these basic administrative tasks, see the topic "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" later in this chapter and the Daily Operations Guide.

iDataAgent for SQL Server

iDataAgent for SQL Server is the backup and restore vehicle for SQL Server databases.

Note: This product only secures the SQL Server databases (system and user databases, for example). To secure SQL Server application files that reside on a local hard drive or file system data that resides on a SQL Server computer, you must use the file system iDataAgent.

Installing iDataAgent for SQL Server

This section describes how to install iDataAgent for SQL Server.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, do the following:

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the current release notes for iDataAgent for SQL Server.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure iDataAgent for SQL Server is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Obtain a valid SQL Server logon. You must have the logon name and password of a SQL Server account with system administrator privileges for all of the SQL Server instances that are to be configured; this account is used by iDataAgent for SQL Server.

  • Check the SQL Server service account. If the SQL Server service is running using any account other than the local system account, you will need the user name and password of that account.

  • Obtain the software. Make sure that you have the Galaxy software CD-ROMs.

  • Obtain valid licenses. Ensure that you have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The client computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in the "Satisfy System Requirements" section of the client Quick Start Guide.

  • Check for iDataAgent for Windows 2000. The file system software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Verify that CommServe is running. The CommServe computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

  • Have IP connectivity to the CommServe. If your network does not have DNS lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.

  • Regarding the firewall:

    • Have an appropriate firewall configuration. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and/or MediaAgent, and the CommServe and MediaAgent have not been configured for firewall support, refer to the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist for specific instructions on configuring your firewall.

    - or -

    • Configure the client for firewall support. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and MediaAgent that have already been configured for firewall support, it is only necessary to add the Firewall.svc and Firewall_loc.txt files (as described in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist) to your client. After these files are added to your client, you must also add the client name to the Firewall_loc.txt file of your CommServe.
  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in the "After You Install a MediaAgent" section of this chapter.

  • Install patches. Ensure that all applicable Galaxy patches have been applied.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

Note: If the name of the client computer running SQL Server has changed since the SQL Server was installed, run the following stored procedures before installing iDataAgent for SQL Server:

sp_dropserver ` oldservername '

sp_addserver ` newservername ', `LOCAL'

To install iDataAgent for SQL Server

  1. Log on to the client computer as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group on that computer. The Galaxy software must be installed by a user or by a user who is a member of the Administrators group.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. However, the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. On the installation menu, select iDA for SQL Server, and then click Install.

  4. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights.

    If your account does not have the necessary rights, it automatically assigns the required rights to your account and then prompts you to log off and log back on.

    If your account already has the necessary rights, you will not receive this prompt, and you can proceed to the next step.

  5. Setup verifies that the file system client software is installed on the computer. If it is not installed, you will be prompted to install it at this time. For instructions on installing the file system client software, see the CommCell Quick Start Guide.

    If the iDataAgent for Windows 2000 software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt..

  6. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications, or click Next to continue.

  7. The Galaxy license agreement displays. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  8. In the next dialog box, select the SQL Servers to be configured in the top pane, and then click Configure.

  9. A dialog box prompts you to select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

    Note: You can change the storage policy selection at any time after you install the client software.

  10. Enter the SQL Server System administrator account user name (this has an initial default of sa) and password. This account is a SQL Server account, not a Windows account, and must have the SQL Server system administrator role. Galaxy uses this account to access the SQL Server.

  11. Next, enter the user name and password of the Windows SQL Server Account that the SQL Server service is using to run the SQL Server instance being configured.

    When configuring multiple instances, each instance is treated separately. One instance may use the local system account, while another instance uses a different account.

    If the local system is the account being used for this SQL Server instance, this step is skipped.

  12. Select a default undo directory path for storing undo files created during restore operations of databases in standby mode. To accept the default location, click Next. To select a different location, click Browse and then select a different location.

    Note: This folder is used as the default location for undo files, but can be changed during any restore.

  13. A dialog box displays a list of databases from the SQL Server instance currently being configured. Select the databases you want configured by moving the database name to the Selected Databases pane, and then click Next.

    All databases selected in this step are configured to use the storage policy previously selected.

    If you want to use different storage policies for any of the available databases, don't configure them in this step, and then add them by using the CommCell Browser after the installation is complete. For information about adding databases to be secured by Galaxy, see the Client Administration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server).

    Note: You can change the storage policy associated with any database at any time after the installation is complete.

  14. A summary displays the installation options you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

  15. In the MSSQL Servers dialog box, the SQL Server instance(s) just configured are now listed in the Successfully Configured SQL Servers pane. Click Finish.

    If you need to configure multiple instances of SQL Server, and there are still other instances left to configure, repeat the previous steps for each selected instance.

  16. The system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish.

The procedure is now complete. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install iDataAgent for SQL Server on another client computer.

  • Back up SQL Server databases on the client computer that you just installed; for instructions, see the topic "Backing Up iDataAgent for SQL Server" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation menu.

Installing iDataAgent for SQL Server on a Cluster

Galaxy software supports the advanced reliability and availability features of a clustering environment for certain applications that can run in a clustered environment (such as iDataAgent for SQL Server).

For more information on Galaxy clustering, see the CommServe Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, you need to:

  • Install patch 28. iDataAgent for Windows 2000 must be installed using the Galaxy 3.1.0 GSP1 (build 59) compact disc prior to installing iDataAgent for SQL Server from the patch 28 package. In a clustered environment, install iDataAgent for Windows 2000 to all physical nodes first, and then install to all chosen virtual servers, before using the patch 28 package to install iDataAgent for SQL Server.

  • Patch 28 supports SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 1. Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with a minimum of Service Pack 1 up to Service Pack 3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with a minimum of Service Pack 0 up to Service Pack 1 must be installed and clustered prior to installing the Galaxy iDataAgent.

  • Review product changes and enhancements. These are provided in the current release notes for iDataAgent for SQL Server.

  • Install to a noncompressed drive. Make sure iDataAgent for SQL Server is not installed on a compressed drive.

  • Obtain a valid SQL Server logon. You must have the logon name and password of a SQL Server account with system administrator privileges (this account is used by iDataAgent for SQL Server) for all SQL Server instances to be configured.

  • Check the SQL Server service account. If the SQL Server service is running using any account other than the local system account, you will need the user name and password of that account.

  • Obtain the software. Make sure that you have the Galaxy software CD-ROMs.

  • Obtain valid licenses. Ensure that you have enough licenses to install the iDataAgent on each required computer within the CommCell.

  • Meet the minimum requirements. The client computer must satisfy the minimum requirements provided in the "Satisfy System Requirements" section of the client Quick Start Guide.

  • Check for iDataAgent for Windows 2000. The file system software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Verify that CommServe is running. The CommServe computer is turned on and the CommServe software is running.

  • Have IP connectivity to the CommServe. If your network does not have DNS lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.

  • Regarding the firewall:

    • Have an appropriate firewall configuration. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and/or MediaAgent, and the CommServe and MediaAgent have not been configured for firewall support, refer to the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist for specific instructions on configuring your firewall.

    - or -

    • Configure the client for firewall support. If your client computer is on the opposite side of a firewall from a CommServe and MediaAgent that have already been configured for firewall support, it is only necessary to add the Firewall.svc and Firewall_loc.txt files (as described in the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist) to your client. After these files are added to your client, you must also add the client name to the Firewall_loc.txt file of your CommServe.
  • Ensure that all of the nodes are running. Prior to installing the client software, make sure that both the active and passive nodes are available.

  • Cluster service should bind the public network interface card before the private network interface card.

  • Cluster service should have the Microsoft (pre-Service Pack 3) 19425 gethostbyaddress patch applied to all nodes. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this patch.

  • Cluster service should have all disk array devices configured with access to the shared array and cluster software installed and running.

  • Create storage policies. Storage policies must be created for the client, as suggested in the "After You Install a MediaAgent" topic earlier in this chapter.

  • Create subclient filters. Subclient filters must be created on clusters and any applicable clients.

  • Install clients in the correct order. The client software installations must be performed in the following order:

    1. Install iDataAgent for Windows 2000 onto the active (physical) node. Then install it onto all passive (physical) nodes. (This iDataAgent must be installed on all physical nodes in the cluster prior to attempting any virtual server installations.) Then install iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on any virtual servers.

    2. Install iDataAgent for SQL Server for the virtual server on the active node.

To install iDataAgent for SQL Server on a cluster

  1. Log on to the client computer (Exchange 2000 server, for example) as Domain User with privileges to all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Place the Galaxy software CD-ROM into the client computer's CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the installation menu appears.

    If the installation menu does not appear:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run.

    2. Browse to the CD-ROM drive, select SetupGalaxy.exe, and then click OK.

    Note: You can also install the product by using a mapped CD-ROM drive on another computer on the network. However, the installation will become corrupted unless the drive is actually mapped.

  3. Setup prompts you to select a Galaxy software module. Select iDA for SQL Server, and then click Install.

  4. A message states that the physical node is running as a cluster node and prompts you to specify a physical node installation or a virtual server installation. Select Virtual Server, and then click Next.

    Note: Physical nodes and virtual servers must first have iDataAgent for Windows 2000 installed from the 3.1.0 GSP1 compact disc, before installing the iDataAgent for SQL Server software on to the virtual node from the patch 28 compact disk.

  5. A list of virtual servers configured for the node is presented. Select a virtual server (which is the disk group where your virtual server resides), and then click Next.

  6. A dialog box prompts you to indicate whether you have installed iDataAgent for Windows 2000 on all physical nodes. If necessary, exit Setup and do this before proceeding, otherwise click Yes to continue.

  7. Setup checks your Windows user account for the necessary user rights. If your account already has the necessary rights, you will not receive this prompt, and you can proceed to the next step.

    If your account does not have the necessary rights, Setup automatically assigns the required rights to your account and then prompts you to log off and log back on.

  8. Setup verifies that the file system client software is installed on the computer.

    If the iDataAgent for Windows 2000 software is already installed on this computer, you will not receive this prompt.

    If it is not installed, you will be prompted to install it at this point. For instructions on installing the file system client software, see the Galaxy CommServe Quick Start Guide.

  9. A dialog box prompts you to close any running applications. If necessary, exit Setup and close your running applications, or click Next to continue.

  10. The Galaxy license agreement displays. To continue, you must click Yes and accept the terms of the agreement.

  11. In the next dialog box, select the SQL Servers to be configured in the top pane, and then click Configure.

  12. A dialog box prompts you to select a storage policy. A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy. Select the storage policy through which you want to back up the default subclient, and then click Next.

  13. Enter a user name and password for a Windows account with SQL Administrator rights. This account is not a SQL Server account. It is a Windows account, and it must be a member of the local computer's Administration group. Galaxy uses this account to access the SQL Server. Click Next to continue. If the local system is the account being used for this SQL Server instance, this step is skipped.

  14. If prompted, enter the user account name and password of the Windows SQL Server Account that the SQL Server service is using to run the SQL Server instance being configured.

    Note: If the local system is the account being used for this SQL Server instance, this step is skipped.

    Multiple Instances:

    In physical nodes, when configuring multiple instances, each instance is treated separately; one instance may use the local system account, while another instance uses a different account. When using virtual servers, you are constrained to only one account.

  15. Select a default Undo directory path for storing undo files created during restore operations of databases in standby mode. To accept the default location, click Next. To select a different location, click Browse, and then select another location.

    This folder is used as the default location for undo files, but it can be changed during any restore.

  16. A dialog box displays a list of databases from the SQL Server instance currently being configured. Select the databases you want to configure by moving the database name to the Selected Databases pane. Complete your selections by clicking Next.

    All databases selected in this step are configured to use the storage policy you selected previously (in Step 12). If you want to use different storage policies for any of the available databases, do not configure them in this step and add them using the CommCell Browser after the installation is complete. For information on adding databases to be secured by Galaxy, see the Client Administration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server).

    Note: You can change the storage policy selection at any time after you have installed the client software.

  17. A summary displays the installation options you have chosen. Click Next to continue or Back to change any option.

  18. The SQL Servers dialog box displays. The configured SQL Server instance(s) are now listed in the Successfully Configured SQL Servers pane. Click Finish.

    If you need to configure multiple physical nodes of SQL Server, and there are still other instances left to configure, repeat Steps 12 through 17 for each selected instance.

  19. The system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish.

  20. If you are informed at the end of the active node installation that the passive node was not available, select one of the following choices; otherwise continue on to the next step:

    • Click Yes to continue with the active installation and update any remaining passive nodes.

    • Click No to continue with the active installation and skip updating any remaining passive nodes.

    You will then need to follow the steps for "Performing a Manual Passive Node" for the node listed in the message.

  21. The registry and environmental files are updates on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish.

  22. The Galaxy installation has a configuration file on the shared drive. To complete the configuration setup, after installing iDataAgent for SQL Server, you must fail over the disk group containing this iDataAgent to the passive nodes at least once, so that the configurations to the passive nodes occur.

    Note: Do not go on to the other installations before you fail over and create the nodes.

  23. Fail back the nodes and then continue with the installation as usual.

  24. From the CommCell Console access iDataAgent for Windows 2000. From this iDataAgent, filter the shared drives from the physical clients (node 1 & node 2), and the local drives from the virtual clients.

    The default subclient of the physical iDataAgent automatically backs up the quorum database. If you are using file system backups to back up the quorum database, filter all applications accordingly.

This concludes the iDataAgent for SQL Server software installation procedure in a clustered environment. You can now do any of the following:

  • Install iDataAgent for SQL Server on another client computer.

  • Back up SQL Server databases on the client computer that you just installed; for instructions, see the topic "Backing Up iDataAgent for SQL Server" later in this section.

  • Exit the installation program.

Performing a Manual Passive Node Installation

This procedure must be used if a passive node failed to update during the installation of the active node.

Before You Begin

Please review the items in the checklist "Before You Begin" topic of the "Installing iDataAgent for SQL Server on a Cluster" section in this chapter. In particular you must:

  • Install patch 28. iDataAgent for Windows 2000 must be installed using the Galaxy 3.1.0 GSP1 (build 59) compact disc prior to installing iDataAgent for SQL Server from the patch 28 package. In a clustered environment, install iDataAgent for Windows 2000 to all physical nodes first, and then install to all chosen virtual servers, before using the patch 28 package to install iDataAgent for SQL Server.

To perform a manual passive node installation

  1. In the registry, create a new string under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Platform\Virtual_Server_Name\Install

    (where virtual_server_name is the name of the virtual server).

    • For Windows 2000, the string name is Windows2000.

    • For the Microsoft Windows NT® operating system, the string name is FSBackup.

    • For both platforms, the value is Installed.

  2. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 of the previous installation procedure. Then proceed to the next step.

  3. A dialog box acknowledges this to be a passive node, and prompts you to indicate whether you want Setup to update the CommVault environment on the node. Click Yes.

  4. Enter the SQL Server system administrator account user name (initial default of sa) and password. Galaxy uses this account to create the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver entry.

  5. The registry and environmental files are updates on the passive node. When the update is complete, the system displays the Setup Complete window. To close this window, click Finish.

This concludes the manual passive installation procedure for iDataAgent for SQL Server.

Backing Up iDataAgent for SQL Server

In the following procedure, you will perform a backup of an instance, using the SQL Server sample database.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common installation problems, do the following:

  • Ensure that all software is installed. The iDataAgent for SQL Server software must be installed on the client computer.

  • Ensure that all systems are running. The client computer is turned on.

  • Install the sample SQL Server database. You must have installed the sample database Pubs included with your Microsoft SQL Server software.

To perform a backup of the Pubs database on the client computer

  1. On any computer where the CommCell Console is installed, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for Java GUI.

  2. In the CommCell Logon window, log on by entering your Galaxy user name and password.

  3. Galaxy displays the CommCell Console window.

  4. From the CommCell browser, open Client Computers, open the appropriate client, and then open the SQL Server nodes. Next, open the Instance node where you just installed the iDataAgent. Right-click Pubs, and then click Backup Database.

  5. In the SQL Backup Options window, click OK.

    Regardless of the backup type you select, Galaxy automatically performs a full backup the first time any database is backed up.

  6. Galaxy starts a full backup of the Pubs database and indicates its status in the Job Controller window. The job status should change from Waiting to Running in a few moments.

  7. When the backup completes, Galaxy displays a completion message. Click OK to close the window.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you've installed Galaxy and run your first backup, you probably want to set up backup schedules, monitor the success of your backups, and configure Galaxy to notify you when significant system events occur. For more information about these basic administrative tasks, see the section "Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration" later in this chapter and the DailyOperations Guide.

Getting Started with iDataAgent Administration

Now that the Galaxy clients are installed and backed up, you are ready to begin basic back up administration. This section introduces you to the user interface and scheduling. Daily administrative tasks are reviewed in the Operations Guide.

Overview of the CommCell Console

Please refer to the Galaxy CommServe Administration Guide for more information about the CommCell Console.

The CommCell Console is the graphical user interface that allows you to control and manage a Galaxy CommCell. You can use the CommCell Console to initiate a variety of tasks, for example:

  • Establish and change configurations of CommCell entities (storage policies, for example)

  • Start or schedule backups, restores, or administrative jobs

  • Monitor ongoing jobs

  • Evaluate success of completed jobs

  • Monitor Galaxy system events

Multiple remote CommCell Console sessions can be active at one time, so multiple users can access the CommServe simultaneously.

The CommCell Console software can be run in the following ways:

  • As a stand-alone Java application

  • As a Web-based Java applet

  • As an MMC Snap-in module

All versions of the CommCell Console enable you to access all Galaxy features. There are, however, some distinctions between the MMC Snap-in version and the other two Java versions.

Stand-alone Java Console

The stand-alone Java version of the CommCell Console is automatically installed and therefore always available on the CommServe computer. For remote administration, you can also install the CommCell Console application directly on other computers, whether or not they are part of a Galaxy CommCell. Installation instructions are provided in the CommVault Galaxy Quick Start Guide. You can access the CommCell Console application by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar, and then pointing to Programs.

MMC Snap-in Console

The CommCell Console is available as an MMC Snap-in module and thus provides you with the convenience of managing and controlling the Galaxy CommCell from within the context of MMC. The MMC Snap-in module of the CommCell Console is automatically installed and therefore always available on the CommServe computer. For remote administration, you can also install it directly on other computers, whether or not they are part of a Galaxy CommCell. Installation instructions are provided in the CommVault Galaxy Quick Start Guide. You can access the CommCell Console application by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar, and then pointing to Programs.

Web-Based Java Applet Console

The CommCell Console is also available as a Web-based Java applet. Using a Java-enabled Web browser, you can display the CommCell Console from a remote computer, in a manner similar to that of the application version. In fact, the Web-based version of the CommCell Console has the same basic appearance as the stand-alone version.

The Web-based version offers additional flexibility in that you need not install any Galaxy software on the display computer. You need only a Java-enabled Web browser.

Note: Remote access may not be available for computers on the other side of an Internet firewall because they cannot access the URL of the CommServe. For more information on this topic, see the Galaxy CommServe and MediaAgent Release Notes.

You can access the CommCell Console as a Web applet by entering the URL of the Galaxy CommServe in your Web browser. The CommServe computer must have IIS installed for this capability.

Note: For Web-based access to work, the CommServe must be properly configured. For additional details, see the Galaxy Pre-Installation Checklist and the Galaxy CommServe Quick Start Guide. Also, you can enable Web browse support manually for the Windows NT or Windows 2000 CommServe, as described in the CommServe Administration Guide.

Starting the CommCell Console

This section describes starting the CommCell Console.

MMC Snap-in Version

The Galaxy CommCell Snap-in is available to be used as a part of any MMC-based tool. Provided with your Galaxy installation is a sample tool created with Galaxy's CommCell Snap-in. This tool has examples of task pads and other capabilities provided by MMC.

The Single Sign-on option allows you to start the MMC Snap-in without entering your user name and password. You can do this after your Windows logon account is authenticated (that is, after you are logged on to your Windows system) and as long as your user account is also configured in the CommServe Users Database. If your account is not configured as such, you must start the MMC Snap-in by entering your user name and password.

To start the Java version of the CommCell Console

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for JAVA GUI. The CommCell Logon Information window appears.

    At the bottom of the window, a brief "Retrieving list of CommCells..." message displays. If CommCell Plus is installed, a list containing the names of the available CommServes and a brief "List of CommCells retrieved..." message display.

  2. In the CommCell Logon Information window, type your CommCell user name and password. Then, if CommCell Plus is installed, select the CommCell that you want from the drop-down list.

  3. Click OK. In a few moments, the CommCell Console appears, and is now ready for use.

Note: If the CommCell Console does not start, check that the Galaxy services on the CommServe computer are running. For more information about Galaxy services, see Chapter 5, "Galaxy Service Control Manager," in the CommServe Administration Guide.

Web-Based Applet

The following procedure describes how to run the CommCell Console (Java version) as a Web-based applet.

Before You Begin

To help avoid common problems you need to:

  • Obtain a valid Galaxy account. To log on to the Galaxy CommCell, you must have a Galaxy user account. If you need an account, contact your Galaxy administrator.

  • Obtain the CommServe URL. You need the URL of the Galaxy home page on the CommServe computer, by default, https://*CommServe_name/*Galaxy. For URL information, contact your Galaxy administrator.

  • Use a Java-enabled browser. Your Web browser must be capable of running Java applets and be Java-enabled. Also, Java version 1.3 or later is required.

  • Correctly configure the CommServe. To support Web access, your CommServe must be properly configured. This configuration is performed during CommServe installation. For details, see the Galaxy Quick Start Guide.

To run the CommCell Console as a Java Web Applet

  1. From any computer on the network, open a Java-enabled Web browser.

  2. Type the URL of the CommServe in the browser. By default, the URL is https://*CommServe_name/*Galaxy.

Note: If this is your first time accessing the CommServe from this computer, you may need to install the Java plug-in software. For specific instructions on downloading and installing the plug-in, see the "To install the Java Plug-in" section of the CommServe Administration Guide. After you have installed the plug-in, continue with the next step.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu has the following commands:

  • CommCell Browser. This command presents all objects in the CommCell in a tree structure. The objects are displayed under the following categories: Client Computers, MediaAgents, CommCell Users, CommCell User Groups, and Storage Policies. The browser is divided into two panes: the left pane displays the Galaxy CommCell tree and the right pane displays detailed information about the CommCell object that is selected in the left pane.

  • Backup Controller. This command provides a simplified view of the CommCell browser, showing only the client computers and related objects. This view is optimized for performing backup-related operations only.

  • Restore & Browse. This command allows you to browse and restore the CommCell's backed up data.

  • Job Controller. This command displays information about running Galaxy operations (backups, restores, and so on). You can end, suspend, or resume a job by using this controller. For more information about the Job Controller, see Chapter 6, "Job Management," of the CommServe Administration Guide.

  • Scheduler. This command allows you to view scheduled jobs (backups, restores, and auxiliary copies, for example) and change their schedule.

  • Event Viewer. This command displays events from the Galaxy Event Log. Each event contains information about a Galaxy process, which can be filtered, as an option. For more information about the Event Viewer, see Chapter 7, "Galaxy Event Viewer," in the CommServe Administration Guide.

  • Reports. This command allows you to generate a report.

  • Library & Drive Configuration. This command allows you to configure all storage devices within the CommCell and display all configured devices in the CommCell.

  • NAS Client Configuration. This command allows you to configure a NAS client.

The MMC Snap-in version of the CommCell Console provides the same capabilities as the Java-based Galaxy CommCell Console. These include CommCell Plus, which is discussed in the "Starting the CommCell Console (Java version)" section of the CommServe Administration Guide. There are some variations in appearance, but the functionality is the same. The most notable differences in appearance are the locations of the Job Controller and Event Viewer, as well as all functionality being accessed by using the right-click, context-sensitive menus. CommCell Plus on the MMC Console works only if the computer on which the Console is installed is a member of a Windows 2000 Active Directory domain.

Installing for CommCell Plus

If you are planning on using the CommCell Plus feature that allows you to log on to any CommServe computer on your network, note the following:

  • The Java version of the CommCell Console fully supports the CommCell Plus feature.

  • The MMC Snap-in version of the CommCell Console supports the CommCell Plus feature only if the Console is installed on a computer that is a member of an Active Directory enabled domain. The CommCell Plus feature is not available if you are accessing a CommCell Console by using the Galaxy console Java applet.

  • To support CommCell Plus, your computer must be a part of a Windows 2000 Active Directory enabled domain.

  • Even if the computer is running Windows 2000 and is a member of an Active Directory enabled domain, you may still receive a message stating that this CommServe has not been made a part of CommCell Plus. If you receive this message, click OK to continue the installation.

  • When the installation is complete, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, click Run, and then enter the following:

RegEvMgrsWithAD –c <computername.>

Administration Using the CommCell Snap-in

This section describes the methods in which the CommCell Snap-in can be used to administer your CommCell.

Before you Begin

To log on to the Galaxy CommCell, you must have a Galaxy user account. If you do not have a Galaxy user account, contact your Galaxy administrator.

Note: Before you start the CommCell Console, make sure that Galaxy services are running on the CommServe. Otherwise, the CommCell Console will not run. For details, see Chapter 5, "Galaxy Service Control Manager," in the CommServe Administration Guide.

To start the sample MMC tool

  1. On the computer where Galaxy's MMC Snap-in has been installed, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Snap-in for MMC. (For information about installing the Galaxy CommCell Snap-in for MMC, see the Galaxy Quick Start Guide.)

  2. In the Connect to CommCell window, continue by using the instructions in the appropriate bullet item that follows:

    • If the Use Windows User Name field is selected, the User Name and Password fields are unavailable; this indicates that you may have the single sign-on option described earlier. If multiple consoles are available from the CommCell drop-down box (indicating CommCell Plus capability), select the appropriate CommCell. Otherwise, type the appropriate CommCell name (if necessary). Then click OK. If this does not start the MMC Snap-in, you receive an error message; if this happens, try the procedure in the next bullet item. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    • Select the Use CommCell authentication field. Then, if multiple consoles are available from the CommCell drop-down box (indicating CommCell Plus capability), select the appropriate CommCell. Otherwise, enter the appropriate CommCell name (if necessary). Finally, type your user name and password and click OK. For example: User: cvadmin Password: cvadmin.

  3. In a few moments, the MMC appears, and the Galaxy CommCell Snap-in will be ready for use.

Setting Up the ExpressRecovery Account

CommServe ExpressRecovery is a Galaxy feature that secures the Galaxy metadata on the CommServe computer. After installing the CommServe software, you need to identify the Windows user account under which CommServe ExpressRecovery backups are to be conducted. In order for ExpressRecovery backups to work successfully, the specified Windows account must be a domain administrative account for the domain containing the ExpressRecovery backup destination directory. Also, Galaxy's SQL Server account needs to be a system account dedicated to the Galaxy application.

To specify the ExpressRecovery account

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Galaxy, and then click Galaxy CommCell Console for Java GUI or Galaxy CommCell Console for MMC GUI.

  2. In the CommCell Logon window, log on as Cvadmin, with a password of Cvadmin, and then click OK.

  3. In the CommCell browser, right-click the CommCell node (the top-most object in the CommCell browser, for example), and then click Properties.

  4. On the ER Backup tab of the CommCell Properties window, click Change.

  5. In the Change User Account dialog box, type the user name and password of the Windows user account under which you want the ExpressRecovery backups conducted. Type the password a second time to confirm it, and then click OK.

  6. After specifying the Windows user account, you should start an ExpressRecovery backup. In the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommCell node, and then click ExpressRecovery Backup.

  7. Check the status of the operation by using the Galaxy Event Viewer.

Setting Up the ExpressRecovery Subclient Backup

These steps are performed after a MediaAgent with a tape library is installed. In the case of disaster where your magnetic CommServeER is lost, you need to retrieve the data from tape quickly to rebuild the CommServe and recover the enterprise. Creating a subclient that contains only the data of the CommServeER backup is the first step in a successful disaster recovery plan. After the subclient is created, the second step is to schedule the subclient to back up one hour after the magnetic CommServeER backup is performed. The final step is to note the barcode of the media that contains this critical data. In the case of disaster, you will be prepared to use Galaxy's DRRestoreGUI.exe to easily index and recover the CommServeER data. DRRestoreGUI.exe information is provided in the Advanced Operations Guide.

To create an ExpressRecovery subclient

  1. From the CommCell browser, right-click the client that contains the CommServeER backup. This is the client on which you designated CommServeER backup data to reside (see the "Installing the CommServe Software" section above).

    Note: If you do not have the information, review your settings provided in CommCell node (that is, the top-most object in the CommCell browser), and then click Properties. The client name is listed in the UNC path. From the ER Backup tab of the CommCell Properties dialog box, view the UNC path for CommServeER.

  2. Expand the tree, and then right-click Default Backup Set.

  3. From the short-cut menu, click New Subclient.

  4. In the Subclient Properties dialog box, click the General tab. In the Name box, type Subclient CommServeER or CSER (something you will recognize in the backup history as the subclient containing CommServeER data).

  5. Click the Contents tab, and in the Enter New Content field, type the path to the CommServeER data (for example C:\CommServeER). Optionally, you can use the Browse button to locate the content.

  6. In the Subclient Properties dialog box, click the Storage Device tab, and then click CSER Storage Policy on the Storage Policy pull-down menu.

  7. Click OK to create the subclient.

  8. Perform and confirm the immediate backup:

    1. From the CommCell browser, right-click the CSER, and then click Backup.

    2. From the window, select Full for the backup type, and then click OK. You can track the progress of the backup operation from the Job Controller window.

    3. When the backup is complete, browse the backup data to confirm it contains the data you expected.

You can also choose to restore the data for further confirmation. This should be part of your disaster recovery plan.

To restore the data

  1. From the CommCell browser, right-click the CSER, and then click RestoreFiles/Folders.

  2. Click OK to allow the defaults of browsing the most recent date.

  3. Expand the tree to view the data structure of the backup.

Restoration of data is included in the "Disaster Recovery" section of Chapter 4, "Advanced Backup and Restore Operations."

You are now ready to note the tape that your backup is stored on. For additional security, you should export this media for offsite storage on a schedule basis. For information about exporting tapes, see the "Exporting Media" section of Chapter 4, "Advanced Backup and Restore Operations."

To view the barcode of the tape on which the CommServeER subclient is stored

  1. From the CommCell browser, right-click the CSER subclient or backup set, and then click View Backup History.

  2. Right-click the most recent backup of the CSER subclient, and then click View Media.

  3. Note the barcode for the CSER backup. If this tape is needed in the case of disaster recovery, knowing the barcode will save hours of cataloging tapes.

The CommServeER data has been backed up to tape and the barcode of the tape has been noted. You are now ready to schedule the subclient to back up.

To schedule the CSER subclient backup

  1. From the CommCell browser, right-click the CSER subclient, and then click Backup.

  2. From the window, select the backup type Full.

  3. Select Schedule.

  4. Schedule the backup to perform daily, selecting the time of 6:00 P.M. (one hour after the default time that CommServeER backup to magnetic is performed).

You have completed the CommServe installation. Continue to the next section to install the MediaAgent software.

Scheduling Backups

Backup strategies are determined in the planning phase prior to installation. Now that the enterprise clients have been installed, all clients can now be scheduled for backup from a single point, the CommCell console.

When to Schedule Backups

A backup, like any other process, consumes system resources. The extent to which any given backup affects other applications depends on several factors:

  • Amount of data to be backed up

  • Processing power of the client computer

  • Compression mode of the backup

  • Number of other backups occurring for the same client computer

It is suggested that you schedule regularly occurring backups for times of low system utilization. For example, you may want to avoid backing up during office hours. If backup data must travel across a network to reach the destination library, scheduling backups during off-peak hours can be even more important because launching many backups simultaneously could diminish network responsiveness. The extent, if any, to which network responsiveness is degraded depends on a number of issues, including the quantity of data being backed up concurrently, the capacity of the network, network configuration, and so on.

It is often prudent to distribute the scheduled backups in a CommCell over some period of time in order to avoid media drive and media group contention. The length of time for any particular CommCell depends on the amount of data to be backed up and the specific configuration of the CommCell with respect to libraries and storage policies. If the number of media drives is small compared with the number of subclients in the CommCell, drive contention can occur. If the number of storage policies is small compared with the number of subclients or if a specific storage policy is the target of many subclients, media group contention can occur. If either condition occurs, backups will queue until the needed resource becomes available. Consequently, backups may extend beyond the backup window that was intended for the CommCell.

How to Schedule Backups

Scheduling the jobs within your CommCell helps ensure that the data that you want to safeguard is secured automatically on a regular basis.

Designing Backup Schedules

Backups can be scheduled from either the Schedule Wizard or the CommCell browser. Within the CommCell browser, you can schedule backups at various levels in the browser tree by right-clicking the entity that you want to back up and then selecting the appropriate menu options.

If your iDataAgent supports backup sets, you can schedule a backup for either a subclient or an entire backup set. Scheduling at the backup set level provides the convenience of scheduling all subclients in one step.

When establishing a backup schedule for an entire backup set, keep in mind that each subclient initiates a backup at the scheduled time. If two or more subclients are associated with the same storage policy, their backups may run serially. That is, it is possible that one subclient will back up at the specified time, but that the other(s) will queue until the storage policy is free.

Depending on the iDataAgent, Galaxy allows you to schedule some or all of the following:

  • Full backups

  • Incremental backups

  • Differential backups

  • Synthetic full backups

  • Preselected backups (the exact type of a preselected backup depends on your selection during iDataAgent installation)

Before You Begin

To help avoid common problems you need to:

  • Use an effective backup cycle. When you create a backup schedule, you will most likely establish a full backup cycle. Try to ensure that the backups that comprise a full backup cycle are complementary. For example, if a schedule calls for daily incremental backups with full backups to occur every week, make sure that the incremental backup skips the day that the full backup is scheduled to run, avoiding unnecessary backups and collisions.

  • Consider storage retention periods. If you are scheduling backups to establish a full backup cycle, keep in mind that the full backup cycle should be reflective of the associated retention period. For those iDataAgents that support backup sets, if you are scheduling for an entire backup set, you should consider the storage policy retention periods for all constituent subclients.

  • Minimize media and network usage. If your CommCell has several client computers, try to coordinate your backups to minimize media, media drive, and possible network contention.

  • Use appropriate backup schedules. To secure all data for a given iDataAgent on a client computer, be sure to define backup schedules either for all subclients within the iDataAgent or for a backup set (if backup sets are supported).

  • Check the backup timeframe. Check if an operational window has been established for the type of backup operation that you want to schedule. If an operational window exists, be sure to schedule the backup within the valid time frame.

  • Enable backup. Ensure backup activity is enabled.

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Jobs

Jobs can be scheduled from either the Schedule Wizard or the CommCell browser. Within the CommCell browser, you create a scheduled job by right-clicking the entity (subclient or backup set, for example) for which you want to schedule a job, and then selecting the appropriate backup or browse/restore options. The following procedure tells you how to access the Schedule Wizard, which you can use to schedule backup, restore, or administrative jobs.

To add a scheduled job

  • In the CommCell browser, click the Tasks menu, and then click View Schedules.

    • To add: In the dialog box that appears, click Add. A Schedule wizard appears to guide you through the process of scheduling a backup, restore, or administrative job.

    • To modify: Select the job you want to reschedule, and then click Edit.

    • To delete: Select the job you want to remove from the schedule, and then click Delete. To confirm the deletion, click Yes in the message that appears.

Scheduling Reports

Reports are detailed in Chapter 4, "Advanced Backup and Restore Operations," in this documentation series. Now that client backups have succeeded and are scheduled, reports should be scheduled for ease in daily administration.

Selecting Users and Scheduling Reports

Note: Scheduling reports use the same mail server as Alerts.

Each of the report types discussed in the previous sections allows you to do the following:

  • Select the users who will receive the reports.

  • Schedule reports for specific times (for example, daily, weekly, monthly, and so on).

To select users for and schedule any report type, do the following:

  1. Click the Reports icon.

  2. In the dialog box for the appropriate report, click Schedule. The Select the Users dialog box appears.

  3. Include the users who will receive the reports in the Users to be Notified field. To move a user name from the Available Users field to the Users to be Notified field, select the name in the former field and then click <. The name moves to the Users to be Notified field.

  4. Click OK. The Schedule Details dialog box appears. Make your selections in the Schedule Details dialog box . Click OK.


This chapter provided detailed instructions for deploying CommVault Galaxy components in an Internet Data Center environment; starting with the configuring of the CommServe, and MediaAgents. Several types of iDataAgents are used in the Internet Data Center environment. This chapter included procedures for configuring these on standard and clustered servers.

Use of the CommCell Console is also described for basic iDataAgent administration. For information about daily operations, refer to Chapter 3, Basic Backup and Restore Operations, in this documentation series; this includes managing backup and restore operations, as well as reviewing events, alerts and logs.

For details on managing the CommServe, MediaAgents and the various iDataAgents, refer to Chapter 4, Advanced Backup and Restore Operations in this documentation series. This chapter also discussed managing Libraries and Drives, and the Disaster Recovery process; it also provided detailed configuration information for SAN and Galaxy firewalls.