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Troubleshooting Tools and Strategies

Windows 2000 Professional provides tools to help you troubleshoot problems with devices and drivers. Many of the most helpful tools for troubleshooting these issues, are discussed in this section, as shown in Table 31.8.

For more information about troubleshooting problems with Plug and Play and other devices, see Device Management in this book.

Table 31.8 Device and Driver Troubleshooting Tools




System File Checker (Sfc.exe)

As part of Windows File Protection, scans protected system files and replaces files overwritten with correct versions provided by Microsoft.


Driver Verifier (Verifier.exe)

Runs a series of checks in the Windows 2000 kernel to help readily expose errors in kernel mode drivers.


Driver Signing (Sigverif.exe)

Verifies that device drivers have passed a series of rigorous tests administered by the Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL).
