Filtering Your Compatibility Data
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista
You can filter your organization's compatibility-issue data by selecting specific restriction criteria. Additionally, you can add a filter to any of the quick reports by creating query clauses.
Using the Query Builder
The Toggle Filter button enables you to access the Query Builder to build queries that filter your compatibility report data. You can access the Query Builder on any report screen, by clicking Toggle Filter on the Analyze toolbar.
To close the Query Builder, click Toggle Filter again.
The following table describes the columns and options that the Query Builder provides for building your query.
Column name | Description | ||
And/Or |
You can select either And or Or. If you select And for a query row, your data must match all query rows to appear as a returned result. If you select Or for a query row, your data can match any query row in order to appear as a returned result. |
Field |
You can select any filter criteria that are available for your selected report type.
Operator |
You can select any of the available operators to make a comparison. The available operators depend on the field you are using. |
Value |
Type or select a value based on your Field and Operator. For example, if you are searching for all of the applications with a company name of Microsoft Corporation, then you would select Application Name for the Field and you would enter Microsoft Corporation for the Value. |
Creating Basic Query Clauses
You can create as many query clauses as necessary to create a customized view of your compatibility data. Multiple query clauses that work together are known as a query phrase.
For the purposes of this topic, we are going to use the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen. However, the process is the same for all of the available report types. For more information about the criteria on which you can filter, see Available Filtering Criteria. For more complex query examples, see Example Filter Queries.
To create a basic query clause
On the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen, click Toggle Filter.
The Query Builder appears with a blank row.
Enter your filter criteria, pressing TAB to add additional clauses.
To delete a clause, right-click the row, and then click Delete Clause.
The following example shows a query that will filter for all applications with an assessment of **Works with minor issues or has solutions** and a deployment status equaling **Not Reviewed**.
Click Refresh.
Your filtered results appear.
Querying on a Collection
You can query your compatibility data based on how objects relate to your primary selection. For example, you can query on how your issue collection or category collection relates to an application.
To query on a collection
In the Field list of the Query Builder, click any field that contains a plus sign (+) as the suffix. (The plus sign indicates that the field is a category.)
In the Operator list, select Exists, Not Exists, or All Have.
The Query Builder creates a group clause, shown by a bracket between the first and second query rows.
The Value box remains blank and you must move your cursor to the Field box of the next query row.
- In the Field list, select a field.
Your initial query row filters your field selection, so only the fields related to your initial query row are available.
Select an operator in the Operator list, enter a value in the Value list, and then click Refresh.
The following example shows a query for all applications with issues related to the User Account Control Compatibility Evaluator (UACCE).
See Also
Filtering and Organizing Your Compatibility Data
Available Filtering Criteria
Example Filter Queries
Viewing Quick Reports