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View the Job Queue

Applies To: Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003

The job queue is always on view in the upper pane of Job Manager. The default view is the Active Jobs view, which displays jobs with the status Queued or Running. When a job is selected, its task list also comes into view.

You can filter the jobs to display all jobs or only jobs that are finished, canceled, or failed. To do this, click the Show menu and then click All Jobs, Canceled Jobs, Completed Jobs, or Failed Jobs.

Jobs and their tasks are displayed in a tabular format. Each line represents a job or task, while each column represents a status, property, or other statistic belonging to the job or task, as follows:

Job Statistic Definition


Job ID


User-assigned name of the job


Schedule priority class: Highest, AboveNormal, Normal, BelowNormal,or Lowest

Submitted By

Name of requesting user, including domain


Job status in the queue: NotSubmitted, Queued, Running, Finished, Canceled, or Failed


Number of processors allocated to the job.

Pending Reason

Reason job is waiting in queue. Can be one of the following:

  • Not enough available processors

  • Higher priority jobs take precedence.

  • A job of equal priority that was submitted earlier takes precedence

  • Job <ID> activation is held by the activation filter.

Start Time

Date and time of job start

End Time

Date and time of job end


Number of tasks in job.

Queued Tasks

Number of tasks in job with status Queued

Running Tasks

Number of tasks in job with status Running

Finished Tasks

Number of tasks in job with status Finished

Failed Tasks

Number of tasks in job with status Failed

Canceled Tasks

Number of tasks in job with status Canceled


Name of the job's project

Run Time

Job run time estimate

Error Message

Reason for job failure

Asked Nodes

Nodes eligible to be reserved by the job

Allocated Nodes

Nodes actually reserved for job


Whether the job has exclusive use of the allocated nodes. Default for jobs is true.


Whether job is set to run until the run time is used up or until canceled. Default is false

Task Statistic Definition


Task ID


User-assigned name of the task


Job status in the queue: NotSubmitted, Queued, Running, Finished, Canceled, or Failed

Task Id

Task ID

Command Line

The task command line


Number of processors allocated to the task

Start Time

Date and time of task start

End Time

Date and time of task end

Failure Message

Reason for failure

Allocated Nodes

Nodes actually reserved for the task

Pending Reason

Reason task is waiting in the queue. Can be one of the following:

  • A task submitted earlier in the same job takes precedence

  • Dependency conditions were not met

Required Nodes

Nodes required by the task


Whether the job has exclusive use of the allocated nodes. Default for jobs is False.

Run Time

Task run time estimate