Back Up and Restore the Web Server to a File or Tape
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1
You should back up a Web server before upgrading it or making configuration changes to it. A complete Web server backup includes all Web sites, applications, and data stored on the Web server. For example, before an upgrade, or before you enable client access to a target Web server, perform a complete image backup before you change any of the configuration settings on the existing Web server. The image backup provides a point-in-time snapshot of the Web server. If unforeseen problems occur during the upgrade or configuration process, you can use this backup to restore the Web server to a known configuration.
A backup file can be saved to a hard disk, a floppy disk, or to any other nonremovable or removable media on which you can save a file. Backup files usually have the extension .bkf, but you can change it to any extension you prefer.
You should back up all boot and system volumes, including the System State, when you back up the Web server.
Credentials: Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer.
Tools: ntbackup.exe
As a security best practice, log on to your computer using an account that is not in the Administrators group, and then use the Run as command to run IIS Manager as an administrator. At the command prompt, type **runas /user:**administrative_accountname mmc %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc.
To back up to a file or tape
Open Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Backup.
Click the Advanced Mode link on the Backup or Restore Wizard.
Click the Backup tab, and then on the Job menu, click New.
In the Click to select the check box for any drive, folder, or file that you want to back up text box, click the box next to System State and any other items you would like to backup. You should back up all boot and system volumes along with the System State.
In Backup destination, do one of the following:
Choose File if you want to back up files and folders to a file. This is selected by default. You will not be able to choose any other option if you do not have a tape drive on your system.
Click a tape device from the drop-down list if you want to back up files and folders to a tape. You cannot use this option if you do not have a tape device on your system.
In Backup media or file name, do one of the following:
If you are backing up files and folders to a file, type a path and file name for the backup (.bkf) file, or click the Browse button to find a file.
If you are backing up files and folders to a tape, select the tape you want to use from the drop-down list box.
Click Tools, and then click Options to select any backup options you want, such as the backup type and the log file type. When you have finished selecting backup options in the Options dialog box, click OK.
Click Start Backup, and then make any necessary changes to the Backup Job Information dialog box.
Click the Advanced tab if you want to set advanced backup options such as data verification or hardware compression. When you have finished setting advanced backup options, click OK.
Click Start Backup to start the backup operation.
To restore the Web server from a file or tape
Open Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Backup.
Click the Advanced Mode link on the Backup or Restore Wizard.
Click the Restore and Manage Media tab, and then in Expand the desired media item, then check the box for the items to restore, expand the media item that contains the backup file you wish to use, and select the check box next to System State for that file. This will restore the System State data along with any other data you have selected for the current restore operation.
In Restore files to, do one of the following:
Click Original location if you want the backed up files and folders to be restored to the folder or folders they were in when they were backed up. Skip to step 6.
Click Alternate location if you want the backed up files and folders to be restored to a folder that you designate. This option will preserve the folder structure of the backed up data; all folders and subfolders will appear in the alternate folder you designate.
Click Single folder if you want the backed up files and folders to be restored to a folder that you designate. This option will not preserve the folder structure of the backed up data; the files will appear only in the folder that you designate.
If you selected Alternate location or Single folder, type a path for the folder under Alternate location, or click the Browse button to find the folder.
On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Restore tab, and then do one of the following:
Click Do not replace the file on my computer if you do not want the restore operation to copy over files that are already on your hard disk.
Click Replace the file on disk only if the file on disk is older if you want the restore operation to replace older files on your disk with newer files from your backup.
Click Always replace the file on my computer if you want the restore operation to replace files on your disk regardless of whether the backup files are newer or older.
Click OK to accept the restore options you have set.
Click Start Restore.
Click the Advanced tab if you want to change any advanced restore options, such as restoring security settings and junction point data. When you are done setting advanced restore options, click OK.
Click OK to start the restore operation.