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Teaching Users about Disk and Profile Quotas

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

If you implement disk or profile quotas, tell your users what to expect if they exceed their quotas and how to resolve the situation. Tell them how to request a quota increase. Make sure users know how to determine how much disk space they have used and how much they have left.

When a user tries to exceed a quota on a disk volume, the disk volume appears to be full. Any files that the user cannot save to that disk volume can be saved to an alternate disk volume to which they have access.

A user who exceeds a profile quota cannot log off until the profile size is reduced to the quota allowance. The user must remove files from the roaming user profile until the combined size of the redirected folders in the user’s roaming profile drops below the profile quota.