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Install DHCP

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

You can use this procedure to install and configure the DHCP Server role using the Add Roles Wizard.

Membership in Domain Admins, or equivalent, is the minimum required to perform this procedure.

To install DHCP

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In Initial Configuration Tasks, in Customize This Server, click Add roles. The Add Roles Wizard opens.

    • Click Start, and then click Server Manager. In the left pane of Server Manager, click Roles, and in the details pane, in Roles Summary, click Add Roles. The Add Roles Wizard opens.

  2. In Before You Begin, click Next.


The Before You Begin page of the Add Roles Wizard is not displayed if you have previously selected Do not show this page again when the Add Roles Wizard was run.

  1. In Select Server Roles, in Roles, select DHCP Server, and then click Next.

  2. In DHCP Server, click Next.

  3. In Select Network Connection Bindings, in Network Connections, select the IP addresses that are connected to the subnets for which you want to provide DHCP service, and then click Next.

  4. In Specify IPv4 DNS Server Settings, in Parent Domain, verify that the name of the DNS domain that clients use for name resolution is correct. For example, if your domain is named, verify that the DNS domain name is

  5. In Preferred DNS server IPv4 address, type the IPv4 address of your preferred DNS server, and then click Validate. In Alternate DNS server IPv4 address, type the IPv4 address of your alternate DNS server, if any, and then click Validate.


If a DNS server responds when you click Validate, the DHCP installation wizard indicates the specified address for the DNS server is valid. If no DNS server responds when you click Validate, the DHCP installation wizard returns the message: “The DNS server at the specified IP address is not responding.”

  1. Click Next. In Specify IPv4 WINS Server Settings, select one of the following:

    • If you do not have WINS servers on your network, select WINS is not required for applications on this network.

    • If one or more WINS servers are deployed on your network, select WINS is required for applications on this network. In Preferred WINS server IP address, type the IPv4 address of your preferred WINS server. In Alternate WINS server IP Address, type the IPv4 address of your alternate WINS server, if any, and then click Next.

  2. In Add or Edit DHCP Scopes, click Add. The Add Scope dialog box opens.

  3. In the Add Scope dialog box, type values for all required items, and in Subnet Type, select either Wired or Wireless, depending on the IP address lease duration that you prefer, and then do one of the following:

    • To automatically activate the scope immediately after DHCP installation is complete, click Activate this scope. If there are computers or devices on the network that have static IP addresses, do not activate the scope until after you have created an exclusion range. The exclusion range prevents the DHCP server from leasing IP addresses that are already in use by a statically configured device.

    • To manually activate the scope later, use the DHCP Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  4. Click OK. This returns you to the Add or Edit DHCP Scopes page. If your network has multiple subnets that are serviced by this DHCP server, add scopes for each subnet using steps 9 and 10. Click Next.

  5. In Configure DHCPv6 Stateless Mode, select whether you want to configure the DHCP server for DHCPv6 stateless operation, and then click Next.

  6. In Authorize DHCP Server, do one of the following:

    • Select Use current credentials to authorize the DHCP server in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) using the credentials supplied for the current session.

    • To specify alternate credentials for authorization, select Use alternate credentials. Click Specify, and then type the credentials to use for DHCP server authorization.

    • Select Skip authorization of this DHCP server in AD DS, and then click Next.


Before your DHCP server can issue IP address leases, the DHCP server must be authorized in AD DS.

  1. In Confirm Installation Selections, review your selections, and then click Install.

  2. In Installation Results, review your installation results, and then click Close.


The DHCP Server service in Windows Server 2008 R2 is a Network Service account. In previous versions of Windows it was a Local System account that created the security groups "DHCP Users" and "DHCP Administrators," and then set the appropriate access for management of the server. Even though the Network Service account has lower security privileges than the Local System account, and cannot normally create the DHCP security groups, the Server Manager application can create the security groups and set the appropriate access. However, if DHCP server is installed using command line options like Optional Component Setup (OCSetup) or servermanagercmd, then the security groups are not automatically created and you must do so manually in netsh with the add securitygroups command.