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entry Element

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

The entry element contains child elements that define information about a product displayed in the Web PI interface. The child elements include information about the product, such as version, release date, and supported operating systems.

The entry element can contain user-defined elements that let you customize product groupings and interact with the XML via the Web PI API. There is no predefined set of supported child elements.

The entry element is also used as a child element of the dependency element. The dependency element is used to define a product on which there is a dependency for the product defined by using the parent entry element.

Schema Hierarchy

feed Element
  discoveryHint Element


    <title resourceName="Entry_ComponentName_Title>Component Name title</title>
    <summary>Short description displayed in the Web PI interface.</summary>
    <images> ... </mages>
    <keywords> ... </keywords>
    <longSummary resourceName="Entry_ComponentName_LongSummary">Long description of the product.</longSummary>
    <author> ... </author>
    <link href="" />
    <discoveryHint> ... </discoveryHint>
    <architectures> ... </architectures>
    <supportedOSes>... </supportedOSes>
    <dependency> ... </dependency>
    <installers> ... </installers>

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description


Specifies the classification for the entry. The attribute is used for entries for the Web Application gallery. Supported types include the following:

  • Application

Child Elements

Element Description


Required. Contains a URL or a numeric value that represents the ID associated with the product. The productId element is also used as a child element of the dependency element to reference a product on which a dependency exists for the parent entry element.


Required. The product title that is displayed in the Web PI interface.


Optional. A numeric value, in the format x.x.x.x, that is the version number of the product.


Optional. Text that is displayed as the product summary in the Web PI interface.


Required. Contains a URL for the product that is used for the Atom feed.


Required. Specifies the date on which the product was published, in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

images Element

Optional. Contains child elements that specify image files associated with the product, such as icons or screenshots.


Optional. Contains one or more child item elements that define a keyword associated with the product. The keywords are used to determine which products are displayed on Keyword tabs in the Web PI interface, and for programmatic queries.


Optional. The text displayed as the product description in the Web PI interface.


Optional. The date on which the product was released, in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.


Optional. Specifies a URL to a page that contains additional information about the product.


Optional. Contains child elements that define the values, such as registry key name or executable version number, used to determine whether a product is already installed on the client computer.


Optional. Contains child name and uri elements that define the author of the product and a URL to the author's Web site.


Required. Defines the CPU architectures on which the product is supported.


Optional. Defines the operating systems on which the product is supported. If not used, all operating systems are displayed. To see a list of the values supported, see os Element


Optional. Contains one or more child productId elements that define products on which the product has a dependency.


Required. Contains child elements that include information about the installer files for the product.


Contains one more child productId elements that reference a product that is installed as an update to this product.


Contains one or more child relatedProduct elements. The value of a relatedProduct element corresponds to a product that will be installed with this product, but on which there is no dependency.


Contains one or more item elements that can be specified when a product is included as a related product in the related element.


Contains one or more child productId elements that reference products with which this product is incompatible.


If present, the external element indicates that this product contains no child installers element and therefore cannot be installed by using the Web PI. If the external element is included the longDescription and link elements are required.

An entry element may still contain a discoveryHint element.

When products have dependencies on products that are not installed by using the Web PI, a message is displayed that informs the user that the product is needed as a dependency.


Contains one child termsText, termsLink, and termsLinkText elements that define additional terms displayed for the user to agree to when the product is installed.

Parent Elements

Element Description


The root element.