Edit Connection String Dialog Box

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

Use the Edit Connection String dialog box to specify the connection string for the database server that you want to use. The options available in the dialog box depend on the type of database that you will use (for example, SQL Server or MySQL).

UI Elements

Element Name Description

SQL Server

Select this option to let Web Deploy create a SQL connection string based on the information that you provide in the Server, Database, and Credentials boxes. If you want to edit the connection string yourself, select the Custom option and type the connection string in the box below the Custom option.


Select this option to let Web Deploy create a MySQL connection string based on the information that you provide in the Server, Database, and Credentials boxes. If you want to edit the connection string yourself, select the Custom option and type the connection string in the box below the Custom option.


Type the path of the database server that you want to use.


Type the name of the database that you want to use.

Use Windows Integrated Security

Select this option to use Windows Integrated Security. Windows Integrated Security passes user credentials to ASP.NET without requiring re-authentication if the user is already logged on to Windows. This authentication method works best if both the client and server are within the same domain.

Specify credentials

Select this option and click Set to open the Set Credentials dialog box to specify a Windows user name and password. For more information, see Set Credentials Dialog Box (Web Deploy).


Select this option to manually type a connection string to the database server that you want to use (for example, Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=Test;Integrated Security=true).

See Also


Import Application Package and Import Server or Site Package Wizard Pages
Enter Application Package Information Page