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Move the internal Web site for Windows SBS 2008 migration

Updated: March 3, 2009

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008


This is an optional task.

These instructions are for migrating from Windows SBS 2003. If you are migrating from Windows SBS 2008, see the Microsoft Web site (

To migrate the internal Web site

  1. In the Migration Wizard, on the Migration Wizard Home page, click Migrate SharePoint Web site, and then click Next.

  2. If you do not want to migrate your internal Web site, click Skip Task, and then click Next.

  3. If you want to migrate a your internal Web site, do the following:

    1. Perform the all of the procedures in Steps performed on the Source Server for Windows SBS 2008 migration.

    2. Perform all of the procedures in Steps performed on the Destination Server for Windows SBS 2008 migration.

    3. When you finish migrating your internal Web site to the Destination Server, return to the Migration Wizard, click Task Complete on the Migrate your internal Web site page, and then click Next.


If you were using the built-in administrator account on the Source Server to manage the internal Web site, and if you plan to disable the built-in administrator account, you must add an administrator account on the Destination Server, and then set it up as the administrator of the internal Web site.