E-mail Delivery Method

If your Internet service provider (ISP) requires you to send e-mail to a dedicated e-mail server, click Forward all mail to e-mail server at your ISP for your outgoing e-mail. Otherwise, click Use DNS to route e-mail.

Item Description

Use DNS to route e-mail

Click if you want to use DNS to send e-mail to the Internet. Exchange sends outgoing e-mail using a mail exchange (MX) resource record in Domain Name System (DNS).

Forward all e-mail to e-mail server at your ISP

Click if you want to send all e-mail to the Internet through your ISP's e-mail server (relay). Exchange will forward all e-mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) smart host at your ISP.

You must enter the e-mail server name or IP address for your ISP.

Before selecting this option, check with your ISP to see if they allow e-mail forwarding.


If your ISP has multiple e-mail server names, you can enter additional e-mail servers. Type the first e-mail server name followed by either a semi-colon or a comma, and then type the next e-mail server name.