Restore SharePoint files
Your company Web site is based on Windows SharePoint Services. If you have enabled the recovery of SharePoint files, you can recover a file or list item by restoring the entire site from a backup to a subsite of https://companyweb, selecting the file or list item that you want to restore, extracting it, and uploading it to its original location. To enable the recovery of individual SharePoint files, see Enable recovery of individual SharePoint files.
To restore SharePoint files
From the server:
- Click Start, click Command Prompt, and then type "%SystemDrive%\Program files\Common files\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" -o createsiteinnewdb -url https://companyweb/sites/RestoredSite -ownerlogin DOMAIN\administrator -owneremail administrator@DOMAIN.local -databasename STS_RESTORE, where DOMAIN is your server domain and administrator@DOMAIN.local is your administrator’s e-mail address. Include the quotation marks as part of the path. Press ENTER.
- Type "%SystemDrive%\Program files\Common files\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" -o restore -url https://Companyweb/Sites/Restoredsite -filename target path -overwrite, where target path is the location where you chose to save your SharePoint backup. Include the quotation marks as part of the path. Press ENTER.
- Open Internet Explorer, and in the address bar, type https://Companyweb/Sites/Restoredsite. The site that appears is the same as your company Web site.
- In the restored site, navigate to the missing file.
- Right-click the file, select Save Target As, and then select a location to which to save the file.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all missing files.
- Open your company Web site, navigate to the location where the missing files should be, and then on the SharePoint toolbar, click Upload Document.
You cannot upload multiple files at the same time using the remainder of the steps in this procedure. If you have a large number of files to restore to the same location, click Start, click Server Management, and then click Import Files.
- Type the path or browse to the location where you saved the file, and then on the SharePoint toolbar, click Save and Close.
- To delete the restored subsite:
- In Server Management, click Internal Web Site, and then click Central Administration.
- Under Virtual Server Configuration, click Configure Virtual Server Settings.
- Click companyweb.
- Under Virtual Server Management, click Delete site collection.
- Type https://companyweb/sites/Restoredsite, click OK, and then click Delete.
- To delete the content database:
- Under Virtual Server Management, click Manage content databases.
- Under Remove Content Database, select remove content database, and then click OK.
- Click Start, click Command Prompt, and then type osql -E -S SERVERNAME\SharePoint -Q "drop database sts_restore", where SERVERNAME is the name of the server running Windows Small Business Server 2003.
To restore list items
From the server:
- Click Start, click Command Prompt, and then type "%SystemDrive%\Program files\Common files\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" -o createsiteinnewdb -url https://companyweb/sites/RestoredSite -ownerlogin DOMAIN\administrator -owneremail administrator@DOMAIN.local -databasename STS_RESTORE, where DOMAIN is your server domain and administrator@DOMAIN.local is your administrator’s e-mail address. Include the quotation marks as part of the path. Press ENTER.
- Type "%SystemDrive%\Program files\Common files\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" -o restore -url https://Companyweb/Sites/Restoredsite -filename target path -overwrite, where target path is the location where you chose to save your SharePoint backup. Include the quotation marks as part of the path. Press ENTER.
- Open Internet Explorer, and in the address bar, type https://Companyweb/Sites/Restoredsite. The site that appears is the same as your company Web site.
- In the restored site, navigate to the missing list item.
- Select the text of the list item that you want to restore.
- Right-click the selected text, and then select Copy.
- Open your company Web site, navigate to the location where the missing list item should be, right-click, and then click Paste.
- Repeat steps 4-7 for all missing list items.
- To delete the restored subsite:
- In Server Management, click Internal Web Site, and then click Central Administration.
- Under Virtual Server Configuration, click Configure Virtual Server Settings.
- Click companyweb.
- Under Virtual Server Management, click Delete site collection.
- Type https://companyweb/sites/Restoredsite, click OK, and then click Delete.
- To delete the content database:
- Under Virtual Server Management, click Manage content databases.
- Under Remove Content Database, select remove content database, and then click OK.
- Click Start, click Command Prompt, and then type osql -E -S SERVERNAME\SharePoint -Q "drop database sts_restore", where SERVERNAME is the name of the server running Windows Small Business Server 2003.