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Repair user access to the internal Web site

Updated: March 11, 2009

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

Problem   One or more of the following:

  • You cannot access the internal Web site (https://companyweb) or https://sites:987.

  • An error is displayed in the Windows SBS 2008 Console, such as “Cannot retrieve the requested information.”


To check for an error message, open the Windows SBS 2008 Console, click Shared Folders and Web Sites, click Web Sites, and then, in Windows SBS Web sites, check for issues listed for the Internal Web site.

  • There is an Internet Information Services (IIS) issue or a configuration problem.

Solution   Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then verify whether the server that is running IIS is running. If it is not, restart it. Verify whether the internal Web site exists and is running. If it is exists and is not running, restart it. If it does not exist and you have a backup of it, restore it. Otherwise, recreate it.

To verify that the server that is running Internet Information Services is running

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  3. Expand the name of the server that is running Windows SBS 2008, and then, in Actions, verify that the server is started. If it is stopped, click Start.

To verify that the internal Web site exists

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

  2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  3. Click Application Management, and then, in SharePoint Web Application Management, click Web application list.

    If SBS SharePoint does not appear in the list, recreate the site. For instructions about how to recreate the site, see “To recreate the internal Web site,” later in this document.

To verify that the internal Web site is running

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  3. Expand the name of the server that is running Windows SBS 2008, and then expand Sites.

  4. Click SBS SharePoint, and then, in Manage Web Site, verify that the internal Web site is running. If it is not, click Start.

To recreate the internal Web site

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

  2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  3. Click the Application Management tab, and then, in SharePoint Web Application Management, click Remove SharePoint from IIS Web site.

  4. Verify that the Web Application is https://remote.<Domain>.com:987/, where <Domain> is the name of your domain, change Delete IIS Web sites to Yes, and then click OK.

  5. On the Application Management page, click Create or extend Web application, and then click Extend an existing Web application.

  6. In Web Application, click No selection, click Change Web Application, and then click SBS SharePoint.

  7. Click Create a new IIS web site, and then, for the description, type SBS SharePoint.

  8. For the Port, type 987.

  9. For the Host header, type sites.

  10. For the Path, type C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\webapp\InternalWebsite.

  11. For the Authentication provider, click NTLM.

  12. For Allow Anonymous, click No.

  13. For User SSL, click Yes.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  16. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  17. Expand the name of the server that is running Windows SBS 2008, and then expand Sites.

  18. Right-click SBS SharePoint, and then click Edit Bindings.

  19. Click Add.

  20. In the Add Site Binding dialog, for Type, click http, and then, in Host name, type companyweb.

  21. Click OK, and then click Close.

To read the most recent version of this topic, see the Microsoft Web site ( The most recent version might contain additional information that was not available when Windows SBS 2008 was released.