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A1 specifies whether the computer accepts Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) packets from any host.

If a host is specified in A1, the computer accepts SNMP settings only from that host. You can specify either the host computer name or the IP address for the host. It is recommended that Host be used as the host computer name.


You can configure only a single host with the A1 setting. Adding multiple hosts is not supported.

You can use this setting in core installations of Windows ServerĀ® 2008, by enabling SNMP-SC in the Windows Foundation package.



Specifies the host from which the computer accepts SNMP packets. A1 is a string. The default value is localhost.

This string type supports empty elements.

Valid Passes



Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-SNMP-Agent-Service | PermittedManagers | A1

Applies To

For the list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-SNMP-Agent-Service.

XML Sample

The following XML output shows how to set SNMP.

   <TrapConfigurationItems wcm:action="add">
   <TrapConfigurationItems wcm:action="add">
   <ValidCommunity wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Community1">2</ValidCommunity>
   <ValidCommunity wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Community2">4</ValidCommunity>

See Also

