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KinectInteraction Managed API

Kinect for Windows 1.7, 1.8

The KinectInteraction Managed API

The KinectInteraction managed API is intended for advanced applications. A full UX layer is not provided by this API.


The libraries and assemblies for these features are NOT installed into the GAC and System32 directories. They must be distributed with the application.

The KinectInteraction managed API provides interaction frames (analogous to the frames from the other data streams) that contain information about hand pointer position, targeted controls, and hand state (gripping or pressing). The API also provides an entry point for a UX framework (InteractionClient).

The major types provided by the managed API are:

  • HandPointer
  • IInteractionClient
  • InteractionFrame
  • InteractionInfo
  • InteractionStream
  • KinectRuntimeExtensions
  • UserInfo


The HandPointer class contains all information about a user's hand. It includes whether the hand is the primary hand (this is the hand that the software considers is interacting with the application), hand coordinates relative to the Physical Interaction Zone, arm extension (used to help determine if a user is making a pressing motion), the hand type, and the hand pointer state (is pressed, is gripping, etc.)


The IInteractionClient interface of the InteractionStream class provides an entry point for the UX framework, and contains methods for opening the next interaction frame and an event handler for the interaction frame ready event.


An interaction frame, much like the frames provided by the other Kinect data streams (depth stream, skeleton stream, etc.), provides data about the current state of the interaction. An interaction frame contains pointers to the user info.


InteractionInfo contains information about the targeted control, including whether the control is currently a grip or a press target.


InteractionStream is the class that manages use of the interaction stream. The interaction stream supplies interaction frames as they are generated by KinectInteraction.


The KinectRuntimeExtensions class contains a method to access the raw hand pointer data (the hand pointer data provided by the HandPointer class is cleaned up to make the hand's association with the underlying controls clearer).


The UserInfo class contains information about the skeleton tracking ID for a user and pointers to the HandPointer objects.