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INuiSensor Interface

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

References multiple Kinect sensors. If you are using only one Kinect sensor, use the functions in NUI Functions instead of implementing this interface.


interface INuiSensor : public IUnknown

Public Methods

Name Description
AddRef Increments the reference count.
NuiAccelerometerGetCurrentReading Gets the accelerometer reading.
NuiAudioArrayId Gets the USB device name of the audio array.
NuiCameraElevationGetAngle Gets the elevation (tilt angle) whose range is [+/-27] degrees.
NuiCameraElevationSetAngle Sets the elevation (tilt angle) whose range is [+/-27] degrees.
NuiDeviceConnectionId Gets the Kinect sensor connection ID.
NuiGetAudioSource Gets the audio source.
NuiGetColorCameraSettings Gets the color camera settings.
NuiGetCoordinateMapper Gets the coordinate mapping settings.
NuiGetDepthFilter Reserved for future use.
NuiGetDepthFilterForTimeStamp Reserved for future use.
NuiGetForceInfraredEmitterOff Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the infrared emitter is disabled. The default is FALSE, that is, the emitter is NOT disabled.
NuiImageFrameGetDepthImagePixelFrameTexture Returns a pointer to an INuiFrameTexture that contains the data of a depth frame in NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_PIXEL format (instead of packed USHORTs).
NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinateFrameFromDepthPixelFrameAtResolution Gets the pixel coordinates in color space that correspond to the specified pixel coordinates in depth space, using the specified depth resolution.
NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinatesFromDepthPixel Gets the pixel coordinates in color space that correspond to the specified pixel coordinates in depth space.
NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinatesFromDepthPixelAtResolution Gets the pixel coordinates in color space that correspond to the specified pixel coordinates in depth space, using the specified depth resolution.
NuiImageStreamGetImageFrameFlags Gets the image frame options.
NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame Gets the next frame of data.
NuiImageStreamOpen Opens an image stream.
NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame Releases a frame of data.
NuiImageStreamSetImageFrameFlags Sets the image frame options.
NuiInitializationFlags Gets the flags that were passed to the INuiSensor::NuiInitialize method.
NuiInitialize Initializes the Kinect.
NuiInstanceIndex Gets the zero-based sensor index.
NuiSetDepthFilter Reserved for future use.
NuiSetForceInfraredEmitterOff Sets a value indicating whether the infrared emitter is disabled. The default value is false, which means that the infrared sensor is enabled (that is, not disabled).
NuiSetFrameEndEvent Sets the event that signals the last frame.
NuiShutdown Turns the sensor off. No action is taken if the sensor is already off.
NuiSkeletonGetNextFrame Gets the next frame of data from the skeleton stream.
NuiSkeletonSetTrackedSkeletons Sets an array of identifiers (IDs) for skeleton tracking.
NuiSkeletonTrackingDisable Disables skeleton tracking.
NuiSkeletonTrackingEnable Enables skeleton tracking.
NuiStatus Gets the connection status of the Kinect sensor.
NuiTransformSmooth Filters skeleton positions to reduce jitter between frames.
NuiUniqueId Do not use this method.
QueryInterface Gets the supported interfaces.
Release Decrements the reference count.


Header: Declared in NuiSensor.h; however, include NuiApi.h in your project.