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SkeletonStream Members

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the SkeletonStream type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AppChoosesSkeletons Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application or the runtime chooses which skeletons to track.
Public Property EnableTrackingInNearRange Gets or sets the tracking mode, which indicates whether skeleton tracking is enabled when the depth range is set to near mode. The default value is false.
Public Property FrameSkeletonArrayLength Gets the maximum number of skeletons that can be tracked.
Public Property IsEnabled Gets a value that enables/disables the skeleton data stream.
Public Property IsSmoothingEnabled Gets a value indicating whether to smooth skeleton data to reduce the amount of variation in the data between frames.
Public Property SmoothParameters Gets or sets smoothing parameters for transforming raw skeleton tracking data.
Public Property TrackingMode Gets or sets the tracking mode, which determines how many joints to track. The default value is SkeletonTrackingMode.Default.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ChooseSkeletons Overloaded. Overloaded methods for choosing which skeletons to track.
Public Method Disable Disables the skeleton stream.
Public Method Enable Overloaded. Enables the skeleton data stream.
Public Method OpenNextFrame Gets the next frame of skeleton data from the sensor.

See Also


SkeletonStream Class
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace