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INuiFusionReconstruction Interface

Reconstruction encapsulates reconstruction volume creation updating and meshing functions.


interface INuiFusionReconstruction : public IUnknown


INuiFusionReconstruction has the following members.


Name Description
AlignDepthFloatToReconstruction Aligns a depth float image to the reconstruction volume to calculate the new camera pose.
AlignPointClouds Aligns two sets of overlapping oriented point clouds and calculates the camera's relative pose.
CalculateMesh Exports a polygon mesh of the zero-crossing dense surfaces from the reconstruction volume with per-vertex color.
CalculatePointCloud Calculates a point cloud by raycasting into the reconstruction volume, returning the point cloud containing 3D points and normals of the zero-crossing dense surface at every visible pixel in the image from the specified camera pose and color visualization image.
CalculatePointCloudAndDepth Calculates a point cloud by raycasting into the reconstruction volume, returning the point cloud containing 3D points and normals of the zero-crossing dense surface at every visible pixel in the image from the specified camera pose, color visualization image, and the depth to the surface.
DepthToDepthFloatFrame Converts the specified array of Kinect depth pixels to a NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME object representing a depth float frame.
ExportVolumeBlock Exports a part or all of the reconstruction volume as a short array.
GetCurrentWorldToCameraTransform Retrieves the current internal world-to-camera transform (camera view pose).
ImportVolumeBlock Imports a reconstruction volume as a buffer of shorts, with color as an integer buffer.
IntegrateFrame Integrates depth float data and color data into the reconstruction volume from the specified camera pose.
ProcessFrame Processes the specified depth frame and color frame through the Kinect Fusion pipeline.
ResetReconstruction Clears the reconstruction volume and sets a new world-to-camera transform (camera view pose).
SetAlignDepthFloatToReconstructionReferenceFrame Sets a reference depth frame that is used internally to help with tracking when calling the AlignDepthFloatToReconstruction method to calculate a new camera pose.
SmoothDepthFloatFrame Spatially smoothes a depth float image frame using edge-preserving filtering.


Header: nuikinectfusionvolume.h

Library: TBD