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JointType Enumeration

Joint types in a skeleton.


public enum class JointType
public enum JointType
var jointType = WindowsPreview.Kinect.JointType.ankleLeft;


Member Value Description
AnkleLeft 14  Left ankle
AnkleRight 18  Right ankle
ElbowLeft Left elbow
ElbowRight Right elbow
FootLeft 15  Left foot
FootRight 19  Right foot
HandLeft Left hand
HandRight 11  Right hand
HandTipLeft 21  Tip of the left hand
HandTipRight 23  Tip of the right hand
Head Head
HipLeft 12  Left hip
HipRight 16  Right hip
KneeLeft 13  Left knee
KneeRight 17  Right knee
Neck Neck
ShoulderLeft Left shoulder
ShoulderRight Right shoulder
SpineBase Base of the spine
SpineMid Middle of the spine
SpineShoulder 20  Spine
ThumbLeft 22  Left thumb
ThumbRight 24  Right thumb
WristLeft Left wrist
WristRight 10  Right wrist


This following figure shows the skeleton that is made up of each of these joint types.

Figure 1.  Skeleton positions relative to the human body


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace