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Body Class

Represents a body.


public ref class Body sealed : IClosable
public sealed class Body : IDisposable
var body = WindowsPreview.Kinect.Body;


Body has the following members.


Name Description
Activities [Deprecated] Gets the status of the body’s possible activities. This API is not implemented in the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK and will always return null. It is included to support cross-compilation with the Xbox SDK.
Appearance [Deprecated] Gets the status of the body’s possible appearance characteristics. This API is not implemented in the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK and will always return null. It is included to support cross-compilation with the Xbox SDK.
ClippedEdges Gets the edges of the field of view that clip the body.
Engaged [Deprecated] Gets the status of the body’s engagement. This API is not implemented in the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK. It is included to support cross-compilation with the Xbox SDK.
Expressions Gets the status of the body's possible expressions. This API is not implemented in the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK and will always return null. It is included to support cross-compilation with the Xbox SDK.
HandLeftConfidence Gets the confidence of the body’s left hand state.
HandLeftState Gets the status of the body's left hand state.
HandRightConfidence Gets the confidence of the body's right hand state.
HandRightState Gets the status of the body's right hand state.
IsRestricted Gets whether or not the body is restricted.
IsTracked Gets whether or not the body is tracked.
JointCount Gets the number of joints in a body.
JointOrientations Gets the joint orientations of the body.
Joints Gets the joint positions of the body.
Lean Gets the lean vector of the body.
LeanTrackingState Gets the tracking state for the body lean.
TrackingId Gets the tracking ID for the body.


Name Description
Close Releases system resources associated with the body.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace