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IBodyIndexFrameReader Interface

Represents an interface to a reader for body index frames.


interface IBodyIndexFrameReader : public IUnknown


IBodyIndexFrameReader has the following members.


Name Description
AcquireLatestFrame Gets the most recent body index frame.
get_BodyIndexFrameSource Gets the source of the body index frames.
get_IsPaused Gets whether the body index frame reader is paused.
GetFrameArrivedEventData Gets the event data when a new frame arrives.
put_IsPaused Sets a boolean value that either pauses the body index frame reader or resumes it.
SubscribeFrameArrived Subscribes to the specified event handler to process new frames.
UnsubscribeFrameArrived Unsubscribes the specified event handler that processes new frames.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib