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CameraIntrinsics Structure

Represents the calibration data for the depth camera.


typedef struct _CameraIntrinsics {
    float FocalLengthX;
    float FocalLengthY;
    float PrincipalPointX;
    float PrincipalPointY;
    float RadialDistortionSecondOrder;
    float RadialDistortionFourthOrder;
    float RadialDistortionSixthOrder;
} CameraIntrinsics;


  • FocalLengthX
    The X focal length of the camera, in pixels.
  • FocalLengthY
    The Y focal length of the camera, in pixels.
  • PrincipalPointX
    The principal point of the camera in the X dimension, in pixels.
  • PrincipalPointY
    The principal point of the camera in the Y dimension, in pixels.
  • RadialDistortionSecondOrder
    The second order radial distortion parameter of the camera.
  • RadialDistortionFourthOrder
    The fourth order radial distortion parameter of the camera.
  • RadialDistortionSixthOrder
    The sixth order radial distortion parameter of the camera.


Header: kinect.h

Library: TBD