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FaceFrameResult Class

Represents a face frame result.


public ref class FaceFrameResult sealed
public sealed class FaceFrameResult
var faceFrameResult = Microsoft.Kinect.Face.FaceFrameResult;


FaceFrameResult has the following members.


Name Description
FaceBoundingBoxInColorSpace Gets the face bounding box in color space.
FaceBoundingBoxInInfraredSpace Gets the face bounding box in infrared space.
FaceFrameFeatures Gets the face frame features.
FacePointsInColorSpace Gets the face points in color space.
FacePointsInInfraredSpace Gets the face points in infrared space.
FaceProperties Gets the face properties.
FaceRotationQuaternion Gets the quaternion representing the face rotation.
RelativeTime Gets the timestamp of the face frame result.
TrackingId Gets the tracking ID of the face frame result.


Namespace: Microsoft.Kinect.Face

Assembly: Microsoft.Kinect.Face (in microsoft.kinect.face.dll)

See also


Microsoft.Kinect.Face Namespace