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Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Input Namespace

Provides APIs for using the Kinect Toolkit input framework.


Name Description
CursorModel Maintains the data and state for a Kinect cursor.
CursorSpriteSheetDefinition Defines the format of a sprite sheet used for Kinect cursor animations.
CursorViewModel Represents the presentation logic and state of a Kinect cursor.
HitTestResult Stores the first PressableModel object and all ManipulatableModel objects associated with a hit test.
InputPointerManager Handles the routing of KinectPointerPoint Class objects to the correct KinectGestureRecognizer Class objects and keeps track of the currently captured Kinect Tookit input elements.
ManipulatableModel Maintains data and state for a manipulatable Kinect Toolkit input element.
PressableModel Maintains data and state for a pressable Kinect Toolkit input element.


Name Description
IInputModel The base interface implemented by the ManipulatableModel and PressableModel Kinect Toolkit input elements.
IKinectEngagementManager The interface implemented by a Kinect engagement manager.
IManipulatableModel The interface implemented by the ManipulatableModel Kinect Toolkit input element.
IPressableModel The interface implemented by the PressableModel Kinect Toolkit input element.


Name Description
CursorState The state of a Kinect Toolkit cursor.