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AnimationFrameDithering Enumeration

Animation frame palette source designator

Namespace: Lumia.Imaging
Assembly: Lumia.Imaging (in Lumia.Imaging.dll) Version:


public enum AnimationFrameDithering
Public Enumeration AnimationFrameDithering
public enum class AnimationFrameDithering
Lumia.Imaging.AnimationFrameDithering = function();
Lumia.Imaging.AnimationFrameDithering.createEnum('Lumia.Imaging.AnimationFrameDithering', false);


Member name Value Description
UseRendererSetting 0 Use the value from GifRenderer.ApplyDithering to determine if the frame should be dithered.
On 1 Dither the frame.
Off 2 Do not dither the frame.

Version Information

Lumia Imaging SDK

Supported in: 3.0, 2.0

See Also

Lumia.Imaging Namespace