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Curve Members

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The Curve type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Curve()
Creates and initializes a new curve with linear interpolation.
Public method Curve(CurveInterpolation)
Creates and initializes a new curve with the specified interpolation mode.
Public method Curve(CurveInterpolation, array<Point[])
Creates and initializes a new curve with the specified interpolation mode and control points.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member Add(Curve, Curve)
Adds two curves.
Public methodStatic member Add(Curve, Int32)
Adds a signed scalar value to a curve.
Public methodStatic member Add(Curve, Curve, Curve)
Adds two curves and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Add(Curve, Int32, Curve)
Adds a signed scalar value to a curve and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Clamp(Curve, Int32, Int32)
Clamps the y-values of the curve to the interval (min, max).
Public methodStatic member Clamp(Curve, Int32, Int32, Curve)
Clamps the y-values of the curve to the interval (min, max).
Public method Clear
Clears all control points and values to defaults.
Public method Close
Public methodStatic member CombineIntervals(Curve, Curve, Int32)
Combines two curves into a new curve by selecting points in one interval from the corresponding interval in one input curve, and the remaining points from the other curve.
Public methodStatic member CombineIntervals(Curve, Curve, Int32, Curve)
Combines two curves into a new curve by selecting points in one interval from the corresponding interval in one input curve, and the remaining points from the other curve.
Public methodStatic member Compose(Curve, Curve)
Composes two curves (curve1 ∘ curve2).
Public methodStatic member Compose(Curve, Curve, Curve)
Composes two curves (curve1 ∘ curve2) and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member EstimateInterpolationFactor(Curve, Curve)
Estimates the factor of interpolation between the identity curve and the curve supplied that should be used to get as close to target curve as possible.
Public methodStatic member EstimateInterpolationFactor(Curve, CurveMinMaxPair)
Estimates the factor of interpolation between the identity curve and one of the min and max curves supplied that should be used to get as close to target curve as possible.
Public methodStatic member EstimateInterpolationFactors(Void, Double)
Public methodStatic member EstimateInterpolationFactors(Curve, IEnumerable<Curve>)
Public methodStatic member EstimateInterpolationFactors(Curve, IEnumerable<CurveMinMaxPair>)
Public method GetInterpolatedValues
Gets the curve represented as an array of y-values, corresponding to each x in the range [MinX,MaxX].
Public methodStatic member Interpolate(CurveMinMaxPair, Double)
Interpolates between the min and the max curve.
Public methodStatic member Interpolate(Curve, Curve, Double)
Interpolates between two curves.
Public methodStatic member Interpolate(CurveMinMaxPair, Double, Curve)
Interpolates between the min and the max curve.
Public methodStatic member Interpolate(Curve, Curve, Double, Curve)
Interpolates between two curves and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Interpolate3(Curve, Curve, Curve, Double)
Interpolates between maxCurve and normCurve if alpha >= 0, otherwise between minCurve and normCurve.

If alpha is 1, the resulting curve is identical to maxCurve. If alpha is -1, the resulting curve is identical to minCurve. If alpha is 0, the resulting curve is equal to normCurve.

The result is stored in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Interpolate3(Curve, Curve, Curve, Double, Curve)
Interpolates between maxCurve and normCurve if alpha >= 0, otherwise between minCurve and normCurve.

If alpha is 1, the resulting curve is identical to maxCurve. If alpha is -1, the resulting curve is identical to minCurve. If alpha is 0, the resulting curve is equal to normCurve.

The result is stored in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Multiply(Curve, Double)
Multiplies a curve with a signed scalar value.
Public methodStatic member Multiply(Curve, Double, Curve)
Multiplies a curve with a signed scalar value and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Reflect(Curve, Double)
Reflects a curve in the line y = m*x.
Public methodStatic member Reflect(Curve, Double, Curve)
Reflects a curve in the line y = m*x into a new or existing curve.
Public method RemovePoint
Remove a control point from the curve.
Public method SetPoint(Point)
Set a control point for the curve.
Public method SetPoint(Int32, Int32)
Set a control point for the curve.
Public methodStatic member Subtract(Int32, Curve)
Subtracts a curve from a signed scalar value.
Public methodStatic member Subtract(Curve, Curve)
Subtracts the first curve from the second.
Public methodStatic member Subtract(Int32, Curve, Curve)
Subtracts a curve from a signed scalar value and stores the result in a new or existing curve.
Public methodStatic member Subtract(Curve, Curve, Curve)
Subtracts the first curve from the second and stores the result in a new or existing curve.


  Name Description
Public property CurveInterpolation
The method of interpolation used when creating curve values between control points.
Public property Points
The control points that will be used to create the curve.
Public property Values
The curve represented as an array of y-values corresponding to each x in the range [MinX,MaxX].

See Also

Curve Class

Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace