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ColorMode Enumeration

Color formats

Namespace: Lumia.Imaging
Assembly: Lumia.Imaging (in Lumia.Imaging.dll) Version:


public enum ColorMode
Public Enumeration ColorMode
public enum class ColorMode
Lumia.Imaging.ColorMode = function();
Lumia.Imaging.ColorMode.createEnum('Lumia.Imaging.ColorMode', false);


Member name Value Description
Ayuv4444 0 Standard interleaved AYUV.
Rgb565 1 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, interleaved.
Rgb565D 2 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, interleaved, with dithering to minimize gradient errors.
Argb8888 3 4 bytes per pixel, interleaved.
Bgra8888 4 4 bytes per pixel, interleaved.
Pbgra8888 5 4 bytes per pixel, interleaved, with premultiplied alpha.
Gray8 6 8 bit grayscale, 8 bit per pixel.
Gray16 7 16 bit grayscale, 16 bit per pixel.
Gray32 8 32 bit grayscale, 32 bit per pixel.
Yuv422P 9 Planar YUV422. YYY..., UUU..., VVV...
Yuv420Sp 10 Semi-planar YUV420. YYY..., UVUVUV...
Yvu420Sp 11 Semi-planar YVU420. YYY..., VUVUVU...
Yuv422Sp 12 Semi-planar YUV422. YYY..., UVUVUV...
Yvu422Sp 13 Semi-planar YVU422. YYY..., VUVUVU...
Yuv420P 14 Planar YUV420. YYY..., UUU..., VVV...
Yuv444P 15 Planar YUV444. YYY..., UUU..., VVV...
Yuv422_Y1UY2V 16 Y, U, Y, V, interleaved.
Y 17 Represents the Y channel (luma) in a planar format.
U 18 Represents the U channel (chroma) in a planar format.
V 19 Represents the V channel (chroma) in a planar format.
Uv 20 Represent a single UV channel, UVUVUV...
Vu 21 Represent a single VU channel, VUVUVU...
Float16 22 16 bit float16 per pixel.
Float32 23 32 bit float32 per pixel.

Version Information

Lumia Imaging SDK

Supported in: 3.0, 2.0

See Also

Lumia.Imaging Namespace