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WarpFilter Members

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The WarpFilter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method WarpFilter()
Creates and initializes a new WarpFilter with default values.
Public method WarpFilter(WarpEffect, Double)
Creates and initializes a new WarpFilter with specified warp effect and level.
Public method WarpFilter(WarpEffect, Double, Rotation, IList<Rect>)
Creates and initializes a new WarpFilter.


  Name Description
Public method Apply
Internal framework method.
Public method Lock
Internal framework method.
Public method PrepareAsync
Internal framework method.


  Name Description
Public property Level

Amount of effect applied.

Range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 means no effect and 1.0 means full effect.

Public property Regions
List of rectangles where warp is applied.
Public property Rotation
Rotation of the effect.
Public property WarpEffect
The warp effect to apply. Default is WarpEffect::Upnose.

See Also

WarpFilter Class

Lumia.Imaging.Artistic Namespace