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SensorCore SDK samples

We offer a number of different samples and tools to help you get started with the Lumia SensorCore SDK.

The Lumia SensorCore SDK and its APIs are used in the same way in both Universal and Silverlight apps. The Silverlight 8.1 framework was chosen for the Sense Recorder application, because the framework allows app idle detection to be disabled for an app to run under the lock screen. There are no technical reasons for the chosen app framework for the other samples.




Quick Start











Sense Recorder










Quick Start

The Quick Start sample shows general patterns and practices on how one should use the SensorCore SDK to ensure stability and compatibility. Note that the same essential patterns and practices are used in other samples in an identical way, although they are only documented in detail in the Quick Start.


Hello SensorCore project


Hello SensorCore

The source code for this application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.


Steps is a sample application that demonstrates the use of the Step Counter API. This is a single view application that shows the number of steps that the user walked and ran for today, and up to 7 days in the past. The motion data service on a device is capable of storing data for a 10 day period, and the application reads data from the service history. The target device may not have any history available if the user has just recently enabled motion data collecting or has erased motion data lately. However, starting with motion data settings version 2, step counter data will always be available and cannot be cleared. The Steps application does not store user data anywhere.


The Steps sample includes a background task component that is triggered to update the live tile with the user's step count meter for the current day (i.e. today). If the device supports the SensorCore step counter trigger, that background task is launched when the user has moved at least 5 steps and at least 10 minutes have elapsed since the last step counter trigger. If the device doesn't support the step counter trigger, the Steps application will use a normal time based trigger which is triggered every 15 minutes. The image below shows how the wide and large square live tile of the Steps sample appears on the phone.


When the Steps sample is started, it will automatically switch to use simulation data if it recognizes that it is running in an emulator environment.


Steps project


This sample application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.

Get the app from Windows Phone store


Activities is a sample application that demonstrates the use of the Activity Monitor API. The Activity Monitor API offers the functionality to query the current activity performed by the user, receive notifications when the activity changes, and keep a history log that contains up to 10 days of recorded activities. In this sample, application history data is used to display a graph of the user's activities during the current day, and up to 10 days in the past.

The SensorCore SDK supports the following activities: Unknown, Idle, Stationary, Moving, Walking, Running, MovingInVehicle and Biking. MovingInVehicle and Biking activities are available on devices that have at least Windows Phone 8.1 update 2 software installed. Also, in order to detect Biking activity, the system location setting, detailed data collection, and places visited
in Motion data settings must be enabled.



Activities project


This sample application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.

Get the app from Windows Phone store


Places is a sample application that demonstrates the use of the Place Monitor API. This application shows home, work, and all the known and frequent places on a map. Places have a circle around them drawn with different color for each place type, and the radius of the circle indicates the quality of the location data. The application also creates geofences around all places. The user can switch between the places by using the map or the application bar buttons. The application also includes a full screen mode.

By tapping a place in the map, you can see the number of visits, the length of previous stay, and the total length of the stay. This information is available on devices that have at least Windows Phone 8.1 update 2 software installed. The place information on the map can be filtered to show only places from one day in the past ten days, or show all places from the past ten days.

There is also a history view in the application that shows the place history from the past ten days including the name of the place, the timestamp, the length of stay, and the total visit count. This view is available on devices that have at least Windows Phone 8.1 update 2 software installed.

Dn932095.places-sample-1(en-us,WIN.10).jpg Dn932095.places-sample-2(en-us,WIN.10).jpg

Both system location and motion data must be enabled on the phone settings for Place monitor to function and to collect data. If either of these settings is not enabled, a dialog is shown to the user for easy access to enable the setting.

Dn932095.places-sample-3(en-us,WIN.10).jpg Dn932095.places-sample-4(en-us,WIN.10).jpg


Places project


This sample application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.

Get the app from Windows Phone store


Tracks is a sample application that demonstrates the use of the Track Point Monitor API. This application shows the recorded track points, as well as the approximate route that the user has taken by drawing lines between the track points. Track points can be filtered to show only the track points from a certain day of the last week, or the track points where the user has stayed for at least a specified amount of time.

Dn932095.tracks-sample-1(en-us,WIN.10).jpg Dn932095.tracks-sample-2(en-us,WIN.10).jpg Dn932095.tracks-sample-3(en-us,WIN.10).jpg


Tracks project


This sample application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.

Get the app from Windows Phone store


Recorder is a sample application that shows how you can record data for all SensorCore APIs to be used later with the simulator.



Sense recorder project


This sample application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.


This application shows the user's daily steps on a graph. It demonstrates how easily one can implement a fitness app.



Simple Steps project


Simple Steps

The source code for this application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.


This application visualizes the user's daily activities on a graph.



Simple Activity project


Simple Activity

The source code for this application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.


This application shows the visited places on a map with pushpins. Tapping on the pushpins shows the details of a place.



Simple Places project


Simple Places

The source code for this application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.


This app draws the user's movements on a map.



Simple Tracks project


Simple Tracks

The source code for this application is hosted in GitHub, where you can check the latest activities, report issues, browse source, ask questions, or even contribute to the project yourself.