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MED-V 1.0 SP1 and SP2 Release Notes

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Note   Read these Release Notes thoroughly before you install the Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) platform. These Release Notes contain information that you must have to successfully install the MED-V platform. This document contains information that is not available in the product documentation. If there is a discrepancy between these Release Notes and other MED-V platform documentation, the latest change should be considered authoritative. These Release Notes supersede the content included with this product.

About the Product Documentation

Comprehensive documentation for Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) platform is available. Refer to the Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization Planning, Deployment, and Operations Guide.

Protect Against Security Vulnerabilities and Viruses

To help protect against security vulnerabilities and viruses, you should install the latest available security updates for any new software that you are installing. For more information, see the Microsoft Security website at

What’s New in MED-V 1.0 SP2

MED-V 1.0 SP2 includes the following updates to the MED-V 1.0 SP1 features and functionality:

  • Support for running MED-V on a Chinese traditional or Chinese simplified workstation.

  • Support for the MED-V 1.0 SP2 client to run on Windows 7 SP1.

  • Improved performance for the applications that are running in the MED-V workspace when MED-V frames around the published applications are turned-on. Previously, under some instances the MED-V frames had to be turned-off for the applications to run correctly.

Known Issues with MED-V 1.0 SP1 and MED-V 1.0 SP2

This section provides the most up-to-date information about issues with the Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) 1.0 SP1 platform. These issues do not appear in the product documentation and in some cases may contradict existing product documentation. Whenever possible, these issues are addressed in later releases.

MED-V does not provide Windows 7 advanced user experience support

MED-V 1.0 SP1 does not provide Windows 7 advanced user experience support, such as the following:

Docking windows to the top, left, or right is not applied to published application windows.

The Windows 7 taskbar preview does not display the published application content.

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