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AD CS Deployment Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Applies To: Windows 8.1, Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows PowerShell® is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. This reference topic for the information technology (IT) professional provides assistance in utilizing the Windows PowerShell cmdlets to script and automate tasks.

AD CS Deployment Cmdlets (in verb order)

This topic contains brief descriptions of the Windows PowerShell® cmdlets that are for use in deploying Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). Each cmdlet in the table is linked to additional information about that cmdlet.

Cmdlet Description


Performs the configuration of the Certification Authority role service.


Performs the configuration of Certificate Enrollment Policy Web role service.


Performs the configuration of the Certificate Enrollment Web role service.


Performs the configuration of the Network Device Enrollment Service.


Performs the configuration of the Online Responder role service.


Performs the configuration of Certification Authority Web Enrollment role service.


Removes the configuration information for the Certification Authority (CA) role service.


Removes the configuration information for Certificate Enrollment Policy Web role service.


Removes the configuration information for Certificate Enrollment Web role service or individual instances of it.


Removes the configuration information for the Network Device Enrollment role service.


Removes the configuration information for the Online Responder role service.


Removes the configuration information for the Certification Authority (CA) Web Enrollment role service.

You can import and display the cmdlets by running the following commands from Windows PowerShell. You need only run the Add-WindowsFeature for the specific server role servce that you would like to add.

  • Import-Module ServerManager – Imports the Server Manager module that provides the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Cert-Authority – Installs the Certification Authority role service binaries.


    To include the Certification Authority and Certificate Templates console, add -IncludeManagementTools to the command.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Enroll-Web-Pol – Installs the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service binaries.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Enroll-Web-Svc – Installs the Certificate Enrollment Web Service binaries.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Web-Enrollment – Installs the Certification Authority Web Enrollment role service binaries.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Device-Enrollment – Installs the Network Device Enrollment Service binaries.

  • Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Online-Cert – Installs the Online Responder role service binaries.

  • Get-Command -Module AdcsDeployment – Displays all the cmdlets that are associated with AD CS Deployment.

See Also
