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GraphicsDeviceManager Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the GraphicsDeviceManager type.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Method GraphicsDeviceManager Creates a new GraphicsDeviceManager and registers it to handle the configuration and management of the graphics device for the specified Game.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field Static DefaultBackBufferHeight Specifies the default minimum back-buffer height.
Public Field Static DefaultBackBufferWidth Specifies the default minimum back-buffer width.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property GraphicsDevice Gets the GraphicsDevice associated with the GraphicsDeviceManager.
Public Property GraphicsProfile Gets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set.
Public Property IsFullScreen Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the device should start in full-screen mode.
Public Property PreferMultiSampling Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable a multisampled back buffer.
Public Property PreferredBackBufferFormat Gets or sets the format of the back buffer.
Public Property PreferredBackBufferHeight Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer height.
Public Property PreferredBackBufferWidth Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer width.
Public Property PreferredDepthStencilFormat Gets or sets the format of the depth stencil.
Public Property SupportedOrientations Gets or sets the display orientations that are available if automatic rotation and scaling is enabled.
Public Property SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to sync to the vertical trace (vsync) when presenting the back buffer.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ApplyChanges Applies any changes to device-related properties, changing the graphics device as necessary.
Public Method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method ToggleFullScreen Toggles between full screen and windowed mode.
Public Method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method CanResetDevice Determines whether the given GraphicsDeviceInformation is compatible with the existing graphics device.
Protected Method Dispose Releases the unmanaged resources used by the GraphicsDeviceManager and optionally releases the managed resources.
Protected Method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected Method FindBestDevice Finds the best device configuration that is compatible with the current device preferences.
Protected Method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected Method OnDeviceCreated Called when a device is created. Raises the DeviceCreated event.
Protected Method OnDeviceDisposing Called when a device is being disposed. Raises the DeviceDisposing event.
Protected Method OnDeviceReset Called when the device has been reset. Raises the DeviceReset event.
Protected Method OnDeviceResetting Called when the device is about to be reset. Raises the DeviceResetting event.
Protected Method OnPreparingDeviceSettings Called when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice). Raises the PreparingDeviceSettings event.
Protected Method RankDevices Ranks the given list of devices that satisfy the given preferences.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event DeviceCreated Raised when a new graphics device is created.
Public Event DeviceDisposing Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is being disposed.
Public Event DeviceReset Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is reset.
Public Event DeviceResetting Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is about to be reset.
Public Event Disposed Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is disposed.
Public Event PreparingDeviceSettings Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice).

See Also


GraphicsDeviceManager Class
Microsoft.Xna.Framework Namespace