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TextureCube.SetData Generic Method (CubeMapFace, Int32, Nullable<Rectangle>, T , Int32, Int32, SetDataOptions)

Copies array data to the texture, specifying a start offset, mipmap level, and subregion to copy.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Assembly: Microsoft.Xna.Framework (in microsoft.xna.framework.dll)


public void SetData<T> (
         CubeMapFace faceType,
         int level,
         Nullable<Rectangle> rect,
         T[] data,
         int startIndex,
         int elementCount,
         SetDataOptions options
) where T : ValueType

Type Parameters

  • T
    The type of the elements in the array.


  • faceType
    The cube map face type.
  • level
    The mipmap level where the data will be placed.
  • rect
    The section of the texture where the data will be placed. null indicates the data will be copied over the entire texture.
  • data
    The array of data to copy.
  • startIndex
    Start offset in the array.
  • elementCount
    Number of elements in the array. The number of elements to copy must be equal to the size of the texture.
  • options
    Option specifying if existing data in the buffer will be kept after this operation.


On Windows, GetData and SetData will fail if TextureCube.ResourceManagementMode is ResourceManagementMode.Manual and the format cannot be used as a render target.


In the Draw method of an Xbox 360 game, vertex buffers, index buffers, and textures should not be written using when they are intended to be used for rendering. This condition may lead to graphics corruption or crashes.

This is because, in cases where the size of the back buffer and depth-stencil buffer exceed the size of the Xbox 360 10 MB of embedded memory (EDRAM), predicated tiling is utilized on this platform to compensate for the additional memory requirements. Predicated tiling is a process by which scene rendering is performed multiple times on subsections of the final render target dimensions.

When predicated tiling has been triggered, the drawing commands contained in the Draw function are not submitted until Present is called. (Note that Draw implicitly calls Present at the end of this method.) In this case, these resources are not available for modification until the GPU is finished with presenting the entire frame.

See Also


Predicated Tiling


TextureCube Class
TextureCube Members
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics Namespace


Xbox 360, Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista