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Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net Namespace

Contains classes that implement support for Xbox LIVE, multiplayer, and networking for XNA Framework games.


Name Description
Public Class AvailableNetworkSession Describes a multiplayer session that can be joined.
Public Class AvailableNetworkSessionCollection Represents a collection of sessions available for joining.
Public Class GameEndedEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a GameEnded event.
Public Class GamerJoinedEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a GamerJoined event.
Public Class GamerLeftEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a GamerLeft event.
Public Class GameStartedEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a GameStarted event.
Public Class HostChangedEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a HostChanged event.
Public Class LocalNetworkGamer Represents a local player in a network session.
Public Class NetworkGamer Represents a player in a network session.
Public Class NetworkMachine Represents a physical machine (such as single Xbox 360 console or Windows-based computer) that is participating in a multiplayer session. It can be used to detect when more than one NetworkGamer is playing on the same actual machine.
Public Class NetworkSession Represents a multiplayer game session.
Public Class NetworkSessionEndedEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a SessionEnded event. These arguments are passed to event handlers when a session ends.
Public Class NetworkSessionJoinException Thrown if an error was encountered while joining a session.
Public Class NetworkSessionProperties Describes custom, game-specific information about a NetworkSession object.
Public Class PacketReader Provides common functionality for efficiently reading incoming network packets.
Public Class PacketWriter Provides common functionality for efficiently formatting outgoing network packets.
Public Class QualityOfService Describes the quality of the network connection between this machine and the host of a multiplayer session that was discovered with a matchmaking query.
Public Class WriteLeaderboardsEventArgs Represents the arguments passed to a WriteArbitratedLeaderboard. WriteUnarbitratedLeaderboard, or WriteTrueSkill event.


Name Description
Public Enumeration NetworkSessionEndReason Defines the reason a session ended.
Public Enumeration NetworkSessionJoinError Contains additional data about a NetworkSessionJoinException.
Public Enumeration NetworkSessionState Defines the different states of a multiplayer session.
Public Enumeration NetworkSessionType Defines the different types of a multiplayer session.
Public Enumeration SendDataOptions Defines options for network packet transmission.



Games for Windows - LIVE is unavailable to finished games. This functionality is not included in the redistributable version of the XNA Framework. A game that attempts to use these components without XNA Game Studio installed will result in a GamerServicesNotAvailableException.

See Also


Prerequisites for Developing Xbox LIVE Multiplayer Games on Xbox 360
Networking Content Catalog at App Hub Online