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Xamarin.iOS 12.4 Release Notes

System Requirements | What's New | Blogs | Open Source

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  • The latest features and APIs requires Xcode 10.2 and the bundled iOS, tvOS and watchOS SDKs
  • Apple Xcode 10.2 requires a Mac running OSX 10.14.3 (Mojave) or newer

What's New in this Release

Support for Xcode 10.2

For more information you can consult the Xcode 10.2 release notes from Apple.

Support for iOS 12.2

For more information you can consult the iOS 12.2 release notes from Apple.

Support for tvOS 12.2

For more information you can consult the tvOS 12.2 release notes from Apple.

Support for watchOS 5.2

For more information you can consult the watchOS 5.2 release notes from Apple.

Release History

This version of Xamarin.iOS correspond to our xcode10.2 milestone and is based of the stable 15.9 release.

  • April 2, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS
  • March 7, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS
  • February 21, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS
  • February 8, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS

You can learn more about how we ship our releases in the Visual Studio 2017 Release Rhythm document.

April 2, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS

This release is based on the Xcode 10.2 final release.

March 7, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS

This release is based on the Xcode 10.2 beta 4 release. It contains new bindings for MediaPlayer, PassKit and WebKit.

It also contains bindings for the Metal Performance Shaders APIs recently stabilzied in the Xcode 10 series.

February 21, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS

This release is based on the Xcode 10.2 beta 3 release. It contains new bindings for AVFoundation, PassKit, StoreKit and UIKit.

Issues Fixed

  • rdar://47596444 Missing PKDisbursementVoucher.h header file

February 8, 2019 - Xamarin.iOS

This release is based on the Xcode 10.2 beta 2 release.


  • 4740 - [NSLayoutManager] Complete bindings for NSLayoutManager

Issues Fixed

  • 5345 - [mapkit] Add missing [NullAllowed] in initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier

Apple Non-Breaking Issues

  • rdar://47596444 Missing PKDisbursementVoucher.h header file

Using an older Xcode version

Using an older Xcode version (than the one mentioned in the above requirements) is often possible, but some features may not be available. Also some limitations might require workarounds, e.g.:

  • The static registrar requires Xcode headers files to build applications, leading to MT0091 or MT4109 errors if APIs are missing. In most cases enabling the managed linker will help (by removing the API).
  • Bitcode builds (for tvOS and watchOS) can fail submission to the App Store unless an Xcode 9.0+ toolchain is used.

API Diff

The following documents contains a complete list of the API changes since the Xamarin.iOS 12.2.1 stable release:

Integrated Mono Features/Fixes

Xamarin.iOS uses a customized runtime and base class libraries (BCL) from Mono.

Additional information can be found in Mono release notes.

Feedback welcome

Your feedback is important to us. If there are any problems with this release, check the Xamarin.iOS Forums and Xamarin Mac/iOS Github Repository for existing issues. If you do not find any matching issue, please feel free to start a new discussion and report an issue.

Open Source

Xamarin.iOS is based on the following open-source repositories: