Xamarin.Forms 3.1.0-pre1 Release Notes
Updated: 5/8/2018
Getting Started | What's New | Blogs | Feedback | Open Source
What's New in this Release
- "[iOS Maps] Pin rendering customization" (#1065)
- "[Tizen] Add Button.Pressed and Button.Released events" (#1981)
- "[Tizen] Change the appearance of Entry/Editor even better" (#2147)
- Github #1340 - "[Enhancement] Bindable Span" (#1850)
- Github #1610 - "Picker only opens when clicking on the arrow, not anywhere else [Mac]" (#1831)
- Github #1660 - "[Enhancement] IsSpellCheckEnabled on Entry/Editor" (#2116)
- Github #1662 - "[Enhancement] Ability to set color for switch" (#1929) (#2468)
- Github #1670 - "[Enhancement] Hide ScrollView scroll bars." (#1910)
- Github #1672 - "[Enhancement] UWP: Button: AccessKey support" (#2061)
- Github #1677 - "[Enhancement] Entry: Control over text-prediction" (#2038) (#2161)
- Github #1683 - "[Enhancement] AutoCaptialization support for Entry/Editor" (#1833) (#2116)
- Github #1684 - "[Enhancement] Color on Slider" (#1781) (#2065) (#2072)
- Github #1697 - "[Enhancement] Add ButtonType for return Entry and done Editor" (#2029)
- Github #1699 - "[Enhancement] Add EvaluateJavaScript method to WebView" (#2140)
- Github #1705 - "[Enhancement] Icon on TabbedPage UWP" (#1952)
- Github #1707 - "[Enhancement] Drop shadow support for iOS/UWP" (#1896)
- Github #1733 - "Autoresizable Editor " (#2091)
- Github #1739 - "[Enhancement] Allow hooking into an App's DI Container" (#1870)
- Github #1801 - "[Enhancement] Add SelectionMode property to ListView" (#2143) (#2206)
- Github #1933 - "GTK: App Lifecycle events have not been implemented" (#1995)
- Github #2104 - "If possible remove the use of async void inside FormsAppCompatActivity life cycle methods" (#2122)
- Github #2459 - "XAMLC fails on lowercase color even though it works" (#2494)
- Github #2549 - "When using XAML compilation, binding to undeclared namespace creates hard to diagnose error " (#2568)
Release History
- Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - Xamarin.Forms (3.1.0 Pre Release 1)
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - Xamarin.Forms (3.1.0 Pre Release 1)
Issues Fixed
- Github #1630 - "[macOS] WebView Navigated & Navigating events not raised" (#2156)
- Github #1864 - "[WPF] Xamarin.Forms WPF load local html throw ArgumentException with message "Relative URIs are not allowed"" (#2166)
- Github #1905 - "Pull to refresh doesn't work if iOS 11 large titles is enabled" (#1984)
- Github #2127 - "Error On Setting CarouselPage.IsEnabled to false" (#2547)
- Github #2129 - "iOS Platform Specific BlurEffect disables touch input" (#2133)
- Github #2189 - "[WPF] Placeholder property doesn't work" (#2211)
- Github #2228 - " [UWP] MasterPage - Blank Area below Popover menu the second time you show it" (#2502)
- Github #2297 - "UWP throws exception on close application if native page is displayed" (#2392)
- Github #2394 - "[WPF] StackLayout VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.End is not working" (#2451)
- Github #2399 - "[iOS] ViewCell's with nested layout are not garbage collected causing huge memory leak" (#2416)
- Github #2507 - "[macOS] MasterDetailPage: default MasterBehavior doesn't show Master page" (#2538)
- Github #2560 - "XamlParser should not assume XAML namespace prefix" (#2561)
- Github #2574 - "Code-behind x:Name not linking properly" (#2582)
- Github #2596 - "App crashes if css uses color
" (#2599) - Github #2607 - "[UWP] Deadlock if you rapid fire alerts " (#2609)
Additional fixes included in this release
- "[Core] Add Watch to TargetIdiom" (#1990)
- "[Tizen] Fix minor issues tizen backend" (#2402)
- "[Tizen] Refactor the GestureDetector" (#2059)
- "[Tizen] Set TargetIdom.Watch for Tizen wearable device" (#2163)
- "Improve warning message, since the calling code isn't on Device" (#2545)
Breaking Changes
headers may not longer clip content. Github #1705 - "[Enhancement] Icon on TabbedPage UWP" (#1952)
Feedback welcome
Your feedback is important to us. If there are any problems with this release, check the Xamarin.Forms Forums, Xamarin.Forms Bugzilla Tracker and GitHub for existing issues. Report new issues and suggestions on GitHub.
Open Source
Xamarin.Forms 3.1.0 is based on the open-source Xamarin.Forms repository: