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Why does my Xamarin.Forms.Maps Android project fail with COMPILETODALVIK UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL ERROR?

This error may be seen in the Error pad of Visual Studio for Mac or in the Build Output window of Visual Studio; in Android projects using Xamarin.Forms.Maps.

This is most commonly resolved by increasing the Java Heap Size for your Xamarin.Android project. Follow these steps to increase the heap size:

Visual Studio

  1. Right-click the Android project & open the project options.
  2. Go to Android Options -> Advanced
  3. In the Java heap size text box enter 1G.
  4. Rebuild the project.

Screenshot of the Visual Studio Project Options

Visual Studio for Mac

  1. Right-click the Android project & open the project options.
  2. Go to Build -> Android Build -> Advanced
  3. In the Java heap size text box enter 1G.
  4. Rebuild the project.

Screenshot of the Visual Studio for Mac Project Options