Error Messages Listed Alphabetically
Use the Expand and Collapse buttons to locate a specific error message.
<name value>
1815 |
1832 |
1130 |
1165 |
1196 |
1309 |
1298 |
1929 |
1932 |
1794 |
1462 |
1737 |
1740 |
226 |
1992 |
225 |
1294 |
1745 |
232 |
1924 |
1983 |
1429 |
78 |
*** |
*** |
1550 |
115 |
117 |
116 |
120 |
121 |
119 |
1727 |
1771 |
2024 |
1538 |
1961 |
1889 |
A table in multiple relationships can only have one child order. |
1640 |
2081 |
2080 |
2143 |
13 |
24 |
103 |
1870 |
2032 |
1211 |
1781 |
An object's control source cannot be set to its Value property. |
2028 |
1098 |
1726 |
1711 |
1178 |
1936 |
1972 |
230 |
1764 |
1974 |
1542 |
1590 |
BEGIN TRANSACTION command failed. Nesting level is too deep. |
38 |
2140 |
227 |
1164 |
1163 |
1966 |
1967 |
2068 |
1549 |
Data session #number cannot be released with open transaction(s). |
1599 |
Data session #number was forced to ROLLBACK all transactions to avoid deadlock. |
1732 |
9 |
1534 |
1569 |
1561 |
1570 |
1709 |
1773 |
1544 |
2035 |
2034 |
2027 |
2086 |
1232 |
DIMENSION contains variable declaration without required subscript arguments. |
1963 |
216 |
1907 |
1156 |
4 |
1591 |
END TRANSACTION command cannot be issued without a corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION command. |
1214 |
1473 |
1957 |
1779 |
Error adding "name" to the object. Duplicate member/property name. |
2199 |
2186 |
1112 |
1941 |
1424 |
1973 |
1423 |
1735 |
1258 |
1574 |
1508 |
1554 |
Error instantiating cursor. Table "alias" cannot be opened. Object will be ignored. |
1736 |
1958 |
1995 |
1881 |
Error loading file - record number n. "object" <or one of its members>. "Issue": "error". |
2049 |
1797 |
1584 |
Error reading a property from the database. The property is ignored. |
1104 |
1296 |
1422 |
2005 |
1105 |
1445 |
1977 |
1523 |
46 |
67 |
1148 |
Expression has been re-entered while the filter is executing. |
1759 |
Expression is invalid. Use a valid expression for "name" property. |
1940 |
1947 |
293 |
291 |
2039 |
*** |
1001 |
1580 |
1953 |
1530 |
2174 |
1581 |
2172 |
2088 |
1582 |
1647 |
2142 |
Field for Unicode value should not use code page translation. |
2040 |
1913 |
350 |
1712 |
2141 |
1713 |
2014 |
1529 |
1 |
1553 |
1551 |
1552 |
1933 |
1558 |
1565 |
1718 |
1190 |
1705 |
7 |
1184 |
1503 |
108 |
3 |
2191 |
1113 |
1708 |
1338 |
1637 |
110 |
1918 |
1750 |
File was created in a later version of Visual FoxPro than the current version. |
91 |
1140 |
2157 |
2190 |
1749 |
1991 |
1686 |
2069 |
2043 |
2042 |
Foxcode table not found, is not correct version or is incompatible. |
2046 |
11 |
1999 |
1536 |
1525 |
1300 |
1304 |
1504 |
1586 |
G - H
1986 |
1489 |
2053 |
2050 |
1167 |
1587 |
2192 |
2193 |
1910 |
1887 |
1960 |
1594 |
Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. |
1679 |
1241 |
1994 |
1471 |
1470 |
1886 |
114 |
Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index. |
23 |
19 |
2066 |
2200 |
1683 |
2198 |
1684 |
2061 |
Index or expression does not match an existing member of the collection. |
1730 |
2177 |
Inner and outer XMLTable objects are not associated with the same XMLAdapter object |
1002 |
1588 |
1308 |
1443 |
1000 |
1243 |
231 |
1477 |
Invalid call issued while executing a SQLCOLUMNS( ) sequence. |
1474 |
1475 |
Invalid call issued while executing a SQLMORERESULTS( ) sequence. |
1476 |
Invalid call issued while executing a SQLTABLES( ) sequence. |
2047 |
1783 |
2153 |
2048 |
*** |
1959 |
2168 |
1578 |
2098 |
1245 |
1111 |
1510 |
2156 |
2161 |
2162 |
2146 |
112 |
2026 |
2011 |
2008 |
2007 |
1115 |
*** |
*** |
202 |
2171 |
1103 |
31 |
2160 |
1479 |
2163 |
2164 |
1652 |
1223 |
J - K
1124 |
1117 |
1255 |
1257 |
356 |
54 |
1653 |
221 |
Left margin including indent must be less than the right margin. |
21 |
1691 |
18 |
222 |
1194 |
1911 |
58 |
*** |
1662 |
297 |
1678 |
355 |
1609 |
1607 |
1608 |
1431 |
392 |
1943 |
1760 |
1975 |
1756 |
Member object removed – cannot complete the Save operation. |
41 |
55 |
2000 |
Memory is low, so streaming output updating has been disabled. |
1687 |
178 |
179 |
168 |
165 |
167 |
2051 |
1611 |
287 |
181 |
182 |
164 |
279 |
1765 |
1661 |
2038 |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro doesn't support and cannot open this format of recordset. |
1723 |
1256 |
1724 |
1193 |
1306 |
152 |
1231 |
1670 |
1875 |
Multiple warnings occurred performing the requested index modifications. |
1710 |
MULTISELECT or MOVER clause is not supported for PROMPT style menus. |
1145 |
1226 |
1225 |
94 |
96 |
2179 |
1488 |
1520 |
1878 |
47 |
138 |
1492 |
No key columns specified for the update table "name". Use the KeyFieldList property of the cursor. |
1605 |
1604 |
166 |
1621 |
1964 |
No PageFrame or Page is found in FormSet or Form with WindowType set to READ or READ MODAL. |
1238 |
1649 |
1879 |
1796 |
1463 |
1877 |
1774 |
1612 |
52 |
1491 |
No update tables are specified. Use the Tables property of the Cursor object. |
45 |
27 |
1439 |
15 |
1682 |
256 |
255 |
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
1600 |
1696 |
NOWAIT/SAVE/NOENVIRONMENT/IN/WINDOW clauses are not allowed with the FROM clause. |
2155 |
39 |
1413 |
1688 |
1767 |
Parent object will not allow this property setting for "name". |
1217 |
1108 |
*** |
1722 |
1681 |
PREVIEW clause is not allowed with OFF/NOCONSOLE or TO PRINT/FILE. |
1883 |
1567 |
1956 |
1643 |
1644 |
125 |
124 |
1162 |
1937 |
*** |
1202 |
1946 |
1685 |
1169 |
2197 |
1763 |
2145 |
1738 |
1734 |
1757 |
1743 |
1138 |
1467 |
1468 |
1559 |
1739 |
Property setting will not take effect until data environment reloaded. |
1560 |
1469 |
2055 |
Query Parse Error - Try rebuilding in Query Wizard or by using View Designer Join Tab. |
1716 |
2018 |
109 |
20 |
130 |
5 |
1126 |
1583 |
2041 |
1206 |
2187 |
1880 |
1882 |
1183 |
1555 |
2016 |
1645 |
50 |
2074 |
2060 |
1592 |
ROLLBACK command cannot be issued without a corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION command. |
30 |
1598 |
1405 |
1411 |
1490 |
1507 |
1917 |
2139 |
1851 |
1715 |
1540 |
*** |
*** |
2167 |
1890 |
1802 |
2151 |
2149 |
SQL: Invalid SET expression in UPDATE, "table name" is not a target table |
2150 |
2148 |
SQL: The ORDER BY clause is invalid in subqueries, unless TOP is also specified |
2189 |
SQL: Too many fields in final or intermediate result have the same name |
1845 |
1499 |
1493 |
1465 |
1498 |
1472 |
SQL statement parameter is required for non-prepared SqlExec() calls. |
1811 |
1802 |
1806 |
1819 |
1831 |
1801 |
1818 |
1807 |
1803 |
1828 |
1830 |
1800 |
1822 |
1865 |
1866 |
1810 |
1839 |
1808 |
1809 |
1814 |
1820 |
1826 |
1804 |
1812 |
1825 |
1842 |
1841 |
1864 |
1805 |
1834 |
1867 |
1813 |
1833 |
61 |
95 |
1931 |
1927 |
1928 |
1934 |
1903 |
1707 |
1235 |
1212 |
1860 |
1234 |
1236 |
1673 |
1674 |
2093 |
Syntax error: "name" is not allowed in the view script or is in the wrong place. |
1242 |
10 |
2101 |
2159 |
2103 |
Unable to change XMLName property while XMLField object belongs to XMLTable object. |
2122 |
Unable to close offline view in ADMIN/ONLINE mode inside a transaction. |
2102 |
Unable to change XMLName property while XMLTable object belongs to XMLAdapter object. |
1410 |
2133 |
Unable to emit XML, two or more cursors use different code pages. |
2185 |
2120 |
1717 |
*** |
2158 |
2121 |
Unable to open offline view in ADMIN/ONLINE mode inside a transaction. |
*** |
1437 |
2123 |
Unable to set external schema location when inline schema is used. |
2059 |
1884 |
*** |
104 |
1925 |
2154 |
16 |
1141 |
1595 |
1585 |
1097 |
2031 |
2071 |
1485 |
Warning: Invalid data conversion(s) starting at record "name". |
1486 |
Warning: Invalid memo field conversions starting at record "name". |
1496 |
Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts. |
1483 |
1480 |
1481 |
1487 |
1495 |
Warning: The key defined by the KeyField property for table "alias" is not unique. |
1484 |
Warning: The next "cExpr" modified records have already been updated remote. |
1482 |
1908 |
1955 |
1714 |
2087 |
1632 |
215 |
214 |
332 |
1939 |
1775 |
1680 |
X - Z
2124 |
2126 |
2096 |
2110 |
2128 |
1435 |
2094 |
2129 |
2180 |
2107 |
XMLAdapter.ToXML cannot be called while there is a loaded XML document. |
2127 |
2118 |
XMLAdapter: fractionDigits must not be greater than or equal to maxLength. |
2144 |
2182 |
2109 |
2132 |
XMLTable object already has parent or is associated with XMLAdapter object. |
2097 |
2095 |
2130 |
XMLTable object with XMLName "name" does not have associated fields. |
2181 |
2108 |
1772 |
1127 |
You must use a logical expression with a FOR or WHILE clause. |
37 |
See Also
Error Messages Listed Numerically