Summary: Project Server 2013 default security groups have defined global permissions to allow you to access and use features and functionality.
The Project Server 2013 environment must be in Project Permission Mode in order to view categories, groups, and other security settings. For more information about Project Permission Mode, see Plan user access in Project Server.
This article describes the global permissions that are given to the default templates and security groups in Project Server 2013.
Project Server 2013 creates seven default groups during installation:
Portfolio Managers
Portfolio Viewers
Project Managers
Resource Managers
Team Leads
Team Members
Each group is given a default set of global permissions. Templates are also included to allow these default permissions to be assigned to new groups created by the administrator. After you use the template to create a new group, you can then choose to customize the new group to better suit your users by editing the permission for the group.
Global permissions differ from category permissions in that they apply to functionality that the user is allowed to do throughout Project Server 2013. In order to work with specific projects or resources, users must have access to them through a category to which the project or resource is added. The users are only allowed to do tasks with these specific projects and resources through the category permissions defined in the category. For more detailed information about groups and categories, see Plan groups, categories, and RBS in Project Server.
For information about the default categories that are associated to default security groups, as well their corresponding category permissions, see Default categories in Project Server 2013.
Security group default global permissions
The following table contains a list of the default global permissions for each of the default security groups.
Default global permissions for Project Server security groups
Permission Name
Portfolio Managers
Portfolio Viewers
Project Managers
Resource Managers
Team Leads
Team Members
Access Project Server Reporting Service
Build Team On New Project
Can Be Delegate
Change Workflow
Clean Up Project Server Database
Contribute to Project Web App
Edit Status Report Requests
Log On
Log on to Project Server from Project Professional
This module examines the use of roles and role groups in the Microsoft 365 permission model, including role management, best practices when configuring admin roles, delegating roles, and elevating privileges.
As an Information Security Administrator, you plan and implement information security of sensitive data by using Microsoft Purview and related services. You’re responsible for mitigating risks by protecting data inside collaboration environments that are managed by Microsoft 365 from internal and external threats and protecting data used by AI services. You also implement information protection, data loss prevention, retention, insider risk management, and manage information security alerts and activities.