DocumentIntelligenceClient Class




DocumentIntelligenceClient(endpoint: str, credential: AzureKeyCredential | TokenCredential, **kwargs: Any)


Name Description

The Document Intelligence service endpoint. Required.


Credential needed for the client to connect to Azure. Is either a AzureKeyCredential type or a TokenCredential type. Required.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The API version to use for this operation. Default value is "2024-02-29-preview". Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.



Analyzes document with document model.


Classifies document with document classifier.


Runs the network request through the client's chained policies.

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest("GET", "")
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = client.send_request(request)
<HttpResponse: 200 OK>

For more information on this code flow, see


Analyzes document with document model.

begin_analyze_document(model_id: str, analyze_request: AnalyzeDocumentRequest | MutableMapping[str, Any] | IO[bytes] | None = None, *, pages: str | None = None, locale: str | None = None, string_index_type: str | StringIndexType | None = None, features: List[str | DocumentAnalysisFeature] | None = None, query_fields: List[str] | None = None, output_content_format: str | ContentFormat | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[AnalyzeResult]


Name Description

Unique document model name. Required.

AnalyzeDocumentRequest or <xref:JSON> or IO[bytes]

Analyze request parameters. Is one of the following types: AnalyzeDocumentRequest, JSON, IO[bytes] Default value is None.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

List of 1-based page numbers to analyze. Ex. "1-3,5,7-9". Default value is None.


Locale hint for text recognition and document analysis. Value may contain only the language code (ex. "en", "fr") or BCP 47 language tag (ex. "en-US"). Default value is None.


Method used to compute string offset and length. Known values are: "textElements", "unicodeCodePoint", and "utf16CodeUnit". Default value is None.


List of optional analysis features. Default value is None.


List of additional fields to extract. Ex. "NumberOfGuests,StoreNumber". Default value is None.


Format of the analyze result top-level content. Known values are: "text" and "markdown". Default value is None.


Type Description

An instance of LROPoller that returns AnalyzeResult. The AnalyzeResult is compatible with MutableMapping


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   analyze_request = {
       "base64Source": bytes("bytes", encoding="utf-8"),  # Optional. Base64
         encoding of the document to analyze.  Either urlSource or base64Source must be
       "urlSource": "str"  # Optional. Document URL to analyze.  Either urlSource or
         base64Source must be specified.

   # response body for status code(s): 202
   response == {
       "apiVersion": "str",  # API version used to produce this result. Required.
       "content": "str",  # Concatenate string representation of all textual and
         visual elements in reading order. Required.
       "modelId": "str",  # Document model ID used to produce this result. Required.
       "pages": [
               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number in the input
                 document. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "angle": 0.0,  # Optional. The general orientation of the
                 content in clockwise direction, measured in degrees between (-180, 180].
               "barcodes": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the barcode. Required.
                       "kind": "str",  # Barcode kind. Required.
                         Known values are: "QRCode", "PDF417", "UPCA", "UPCE", "Code39",
                         "Code128", "EAN8", "EAN13", "DataBar", "Code93", "Codabar",
                         "DataBarExpanded", "ITF", "MicroQRCode", "Aztec", "DataMatrix",
                         and "MaxiCode".
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "value": "str",  # Barcode value. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the barcode, with coordinates specified relative to the
                             top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values
                             of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "formulas": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the formula. Required.
                       "kind": "str",  # Formula kind. Required.
                         Known values are: "inline" and "display".
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "value": "str",  # LaTex expression
                         describing the formula. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the formula, with coordinates specified relative to the
                             top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values
                             of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "height": 0.0,  # Optional. The height of the image/PDF in
                 pixels/inches, respectively.
               "lines": [
                       "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of
                         the contained elements in reading order. Required.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the line, with coordinates specified relative to the top-left
                             of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                             polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                             inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "selectionMarks": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the selection mark. Required.
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "state": "str",  # State of the selection
                         mark. Required. Known values are: "selected" and "unselected".
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the selection mark, with coordinates specified relative to
                             the top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                             values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "unit": "str",  # Optional. The unit used by the width,
                 height, and polygon properties. For images, the unit is "pixel". For PDF,
                 the unit is "inch". Known values are: "pixel" and "inch".
               "width": 0.0,  # Optional. The width of the image/PDF in
                 pixels/inches, respectively.
               "words": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the word. Required.
                       "content": "str",  # Text content of the
                         word. Required.
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the word, with coordinates specified relative to the top-left
                             of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                             polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                             inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
       "stringIndexType": "str",  # Method used to compute string offset and length.
         Required. Known values are: "textElements", "unicodeCodePoint", and
       "contentFormat": "str",  # Optional. Format of the analyze result top-level
         content. Known values are: "text" and "markdown".
       "documents": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly extracting the
                 document. Required.
               "docType": "str",  # Document type. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "fields": {
                   "str": {
                       "type": "str",  # Data type of the field
                         value. Required. Known values are: "string", "date", "time",
                         "phoneNumber", "number", "integer", "selectionMark",
                         "countryRegion", "signature", "array", "object", "currency",
                         "address", "boolean", and "selectionGroup".
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Optional. Confidence of
                         correctly extracting the field.
                       "content": "str",  # Optional. Field content.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "valueAddress": {
                           "city": "str",  # Optional. Name of
                             city, town, village, etc.
                           "cityDistrict": "str",  # Optional.
                             Districts or boroughs within a city, such as Brooklyn in New
                             York City or City of Westminster in London.
                           "countryRegion": "str",  # Optional.
                           "house": "str",  # Optional. Build
                             name, such as World Trade Center.
                           "houseNumber": "str",  # Optional.
                             House or building number.
                           "level": "str",  # Optional. Floor
                             number, such as 3F.
                           "poBox": "str",  # Optional. Post
                             office box number.
                           "postalCode": "str",  # Optional.
                             Postal code used for mail sorting.
                           "road": "str",  # Optional. Street
                           "state": "str",  # Optional.
                             First-level administrative division.
                           "stateDistrict": "str",  # Optional.
                             Second-level administrative division used in certain locales.
                           "streetAddress": "str",  # Optional.
                             Street-level address, excluding city, state, countryRegion,
                             and postalCode.
                           "suburb": "str",  # Optional.
                             Unofficial neighborhood name, like Chinatown.
                           "unit": "str"  # Optional. Apartment
                             or office number.
                       "valueArray": [
                       "valueBoolean": bool,  # Optional. Boolean
                       "valueCountryRegion": "str",  # Optional.
                         3-letter country code value (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
                       "valueCurrency": {
                           "amount": 0.0,  # Currency amount.
                           "currencyCode": "str",  # Optional.
                             Resolved currency code (ISO 4217), if any.
                           "currencySymbol": "str"  # Optional.
                             Currency symbol label, if any.
                       "valueDate": "2020-02-20",  # Optional. Date
                         value in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601).
                       "valueInteger": 0,  # Optional. Integer
                       "valueNumber": 0.0,  # Optional. Floating
                         point value.
                       "valueObject": {
                           "str": ...
                       "valuePhoneNumber": "str",  # Optional. Phone
                         number value in E.164 format (ex. +19876543210).
                       "valueSelectionGroup": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Selection group
                       "valueSelectionMark": "str",  # Optional.
                         Selection mark value. Known values are: "selected" and
                       "valueSignature": "str",  # Optional.
                         Presence of signature. Known values are: "signed" and "unsigned".
                       "valueString": "str",  # Optional. String
                       "valueTime": "12:30:00"  # Optional. Time
                         value in hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601).
       "figures": [
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "caption": {
                   "content": "str",  # Content of the caption.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
                   "elements": [
                       "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the
               "elements": [
                   "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the figure,
                     excluding any caption or footnotes.
               "footnotes": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the footnote.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the footnote.
       "keyValuePairs": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly extracting the
                 key-value pair. Required.
               "key": {
                   "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the
                     key-value element in reading order. Required.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
               "value": {
                   "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the
                     key-value element in reading order. Required.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
       "languages": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly identifying the
                 language. Required.
               "locale": "str",  # Detected language.  Value may an ISO
                 639-1 language code (ex. "en", "fr") or BCP 47 language tag (ex.
                 "zh-Hans"). Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
       "lists": [
               "items": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the list
                         item. Required.
                       "level": 0,  # Level of the list item
                         (1-indexed). Required.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the list item.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
       "paragraphs": [
               "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the paragraph in
                 reading order. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "role": "str"  # Optional. Semantic role of the paragraph.
                 Known values are: "pageHeader", "pageFooter", "pageNumber", "title",
                 "sectionHeading", "footnote", and "formulaBlock".
       "sections": [
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "elements": [
                   "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the section.
       "styles": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly identifying the
                 style. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "backgroundColor": "str",  # Optional. Background color in
                 #rrggbb hexadecimal format..
               "color": "str",  # Optional. Foreground color in #rrggbb
                 hexadecimal format.
               "fontStyle": "str",  # Optional. Font style. Known values
                 are: "normal" and "italic".
               "fontWeight": "str",  # Optional. Font weight. Known values
                 are: "normal" and "bold".
               "isHandwritten": bool,  # Optional. Is content handwritten?.
               "similarFontFamily": "str"  # Optional. Visually most similar
                 font from among the set of supported font families, with fallback fonts
                 following CSS convention (ex. 'Arial, sans-serif').
       "tables": [
               "cells": [
                       "columnIndex": 0,  # Column index of the
                         cell. Required.
                       "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of
                         the table cell in reading order. Required.
                       "rowIndex": 0,  # Row index of the cell.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "columnSpan": 0,  # Optional. Number of
                         columns spanned by this cell.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the table cell.
                       "kind": "str",  # Optional. Table cell kind.
                         Known values are: "content", "rowHeader", "columnHeader",
                         "stubHead", and "description".
                       "rowSpan": 0  # Optional. Number of rows
                         spanned by this cell.
               "columnCount": 0,  # Number of columns in the table.
               "rowCount": 0,  # Number of rows in the table. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "caption": {
                   "content": "str",  # Content of the caption.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
                   "elements": [
                       "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the
               "footnotes": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the footnote.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the footnote.


Classifies document with document classifier.

begin_classify_document(classifier_id: str, classify_request: ClassifyDocumentRequest | MutableMapping[str, Any] | IO[bytes], *, string_index_type: str | StringIndexType | None = None, split: str | SplitMode | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[AnalyzeResult]


Name Description

Unique document classifier name. Required.

ClassifyDocumentRequest or <xref:JSON> or IO[bytes]

Classify request parameters. Is one of the following types: ClassifyDocumentRequest, JSON, IO[bytes] Required.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Method used to compute string offset and length. Known values are: "textElements", "unicodeCodePoint", and "utf16CodeUnit". Default value is None.


Document splitting mode. Known values are: "auto", "none", and "perPage". Default value is None.


Type Description

An instance of LROPoller that returns AnalyzeResult. The AnalyzeResult is compatible with MutableMapping


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   classify_request = {
       "base64Source": bytes("bytes", encoding="utf-8"),  # Optional. Base64
         encoding of the document to classify.  Either urlSource or base64Source must be
       "urlSource": "str"  # Optional. Document URL to classify.  Either urlSource
         or base64Source must be specified.

   # response body for status code(s): 202
   response == {
       "apiVersion": "str",  # API version used to produce this result. Required.
       "content": "str",  # Concatenate string representation of all textual and
         visual elements in reading order. Required.
       "modelId": "str",  # Document model ID used to produce this result. Required.
       "pages": [
               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number in the input
                 document. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "angle": 0.0,  # Optional. The general orientation of the
                 content in clockwise direction, measured in degrees between (-180, 180].
               "barcodes": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the barcode. Required.
                       "kind": "str",  # Barcode kind. Required.
                         Known values are: "QRCode", "PDF417", "UPCA", "UPCE", "Code39",
                         "Code128", "EAN8", "EAN13", "DataBar", "Code93", "Codabar",
                         "DataBarExpanded", "ITF", "MicroQRCode", "Aztec", "DataMatrix",
                         and "MaxiCode".
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "value": "str",  # Barcode value. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the barcode, with coordinates specified relative to the
                             top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values
                             of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "formulas": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the formula. Required.
                       "kind": "str",  # Formula kind. Required.
                         Known values are: "inline" and "display".
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "value": "str",  # LaTex expression
                         describing the formula. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the formula, with coordinates specified relative to the
                             top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values
                             of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "height": 0.0,  # Optional. The height of the image/PDF in
                 pixels/inches, respectively.
               "lines": [
                       "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of
                         the contained elements in reading order. Required.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the line, with coordinates specified relative to the top-left
                             of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                             polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                             inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "selectionMarks": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the selection mark. Required.
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "state": "str",  # State of the selection
                         mark. Required. Known values are: "selected" and "unselected".
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the selection mark, with coordinates specified relative to
                             the top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                             values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180
                             degrees inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
               "unit": "str",  # Optional. The unit used by the width,
                 height, and polygon properties. For images, the unit is "pixel". For PDF,
                 the unit is "inch". Known values are: "pixel" and "inch".
               "width": 0.0,  # Optional. The width of the image/PDF in
                 pixels/inches, respectively.
               "words": [
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly
                         extracting the word. Required.
                       "content": "str",  # Text content of the
                         word. Required.
                       "span": {
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Optional. Bounding polygon of
                             the word, with coordinates specified relative to the top-left
                             of the page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                             polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                             inclusive) relative to the element orientation.
       "stringIndexType": "str",  # Method used to compute string offset and length.
         Required. Known values are: "textElements", "unicodeCodePoint", and
       "contentFormat": "str",  # Optional. Format of the analyze result top-level
         content. Known values are: "text" and "markdown".
       "documents": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly extracting the
                 document. Required.
               "docType": "str",  # Document type. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "fields": {
                   "str": {
                       "type": "str",  # Data type of the field
                         value. Required. Known values are: "string", "date", "time",
                         "phoneNumber", "number", "integer", "selectionMark",
                         "countryRegion", "signature", "array", "object", "currency",
                         "address", "boolean", and "selectionGroup".
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "confidence": 0.0,  # Optional. Confidence of
                         correctly extracting the field.
                       "content": "str",  # Optional. Field content.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "valueAddress": {
                           "city": "str",  # Optional. Name of
                             city, town, village, etc.
                           "cityDistrict": "str",  # Optional.
                             Districts or boroughs within a city, such as Brooklyn in New
                             York City or City of Westminster in London.
                           "countryRegion": "str",  # Optional.
                           "house": "str",  # Optional. Build
                             name, such as World Trade Center.
                           "houseNumber": "str",  # Optional.
                             House or building number.
                           "level": "str",  # Optional. Floor
                             number, such as 3F.
                           "poBox": "str",  # Optional. Post
                             office box number.
                           "postalCode": "str",  # Optional.
                             Postal code used for mail sorting.
                           "road": "str",  # Optional. Street
                           "state": "str",  # Optional.
                             First-level administrative division.
                           "stateDistrict": "str",  # Optional.
                             Second-level administrative division used in certain locales.
                           "streetAddress": "str",  # Optional.
                             Street-level address, excluding city, state, countryRegion,
                             and postalCode.
                           "suburb": "str",  # Optional.
                             Unofficial neighborhood name, like Chinatown.
                           "unit": "str"  # Optional. Apartment
                             or office number.
                       "valueArray": [
                       "valueBoolean": bool,  # Optional. Boolean
                       "valueCountryRegion": "str",  # Optional.
                         3-letter country code value (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
                       "valueCurrency": {
                           "amount": 0.0,  # Currency amount.
                           "currencyCode": "str",  # Optional.
                             Resolved currency code (ISO 4217), if any.
                           "currencySymbol": "str"  # Optional.
                             Currency symbol label, if any.
                       "valueDate": "2020-02-20",  # Optional. Date
                         value in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601).
                       "valueInteger": 0,  # Optional. Integer
                       "valueNumber": 0.0,  # Optional. Floating
                         point value.
                       "valueObject": {
                           "str": ...
                       "valuePhoneNumber": "str",  # Optional. Phone
                         number value in E.164 format (ex. +19876543210).
                       "valueSelectionGroup": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Selection group
                       "valueSelectionMark": "str",  # Optional.
                         Selection mark value. Known values are: "selected" and
                       "valueSignature": "str",  # Optional.
                         Presence of signature. Known values are: "signed" and "unsigned".
                       "valueString": "str",  # Optional. String
                       "valueTime": "12:30:00"  # Optional. Time
                         value in hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601).
       "figures": [
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "caption": {
                   "content": "str",  # Content of the caption.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
                   "elements": [
                       "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the
               "elements": [
                   "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the figure,
                     excluding any caption or footnotes.
               "footnotes": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the footnote.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the footnote.
       "keyValuePairs": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly extracting the
                 key-value pair. Required.
               "key": {
                   "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the
                     key-value element in reading order. Required.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
               "value": {
                   "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the
                     key-value element in reading order. Required.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
       "languages": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly identifying the
                 language. Required.
               "locale": "str",  # Detected language.  Value may an ISO
                 639-1 language code (ex. "en", "fr") or BCP 47 language tag (ex.
                 "zh-Hans"). Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
       "lists": [
               "items": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the list
                         item. Required.
                       "level": 0,  # Level of the list item
                         (1-indexed). Required.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the list item.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
       "paragraphs": [
               "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of the paragraph in
                 reading order. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "role": "str"  # Optional. Semantic role of the paragraph.
                 Known values are: "pageHeader", "pageFooter", "pageNumber", "title",
                 "sectionHeading", "footnote", and "formulaBlock".
       "sections": [
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "elements": [
                   "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the section.
       "styles": [
               "confidence": 0.0,  # Confidence of correctly identifying the
                 style. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "backgroundColor": "str",  # Optional. Background color in
                 #rrggbb hexadecimal format..
               "color": "str",  # Optional. Foreground color in #rrggbb
                 hexadecimal format.
               "fontStyle": "str",  # Optional. Font style. Known values
                 are: "normal" and "italic".
               "fontWeight": "str",  # Optional. Font weight. Known values
                 are: "normal" and "bold".
               "isHandwritten": bool,  # Optional. Is content handwritten?.
               "similarFontFamily": "str"  # Optional. Visually most similar
                 font from among the set of supported font families, with fallback fonts
                 following CSS convention (ex. 'Arial, sans-serif').
       "tables": [
               "cells": [
                       "columnIndex": 0,  # Column index of the
                         cell. Required.
                       "content": "str",  # Concatenated content of
                         the table cell in reading order. Required.
                       "rowIndex": 0,  # Row index of the cell.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "columnSpan": 0,  # Optional. Number of
                         columns spanned by this cell.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the table cell.
                       "kind": "str",  # Optional. Table cell kind.
                         Known values are: "content", "rowHeader", "columnHeader",
                         "stubHead", and "description".
                       "rowSpan": 0  # Optional. Number of rows
                         spanned by this cell.
               "columnCount": 0,  # Number of columns in the table.
               "rowCount": 0,  # Number of rows in the table. Required.
               "spans": [
                       "length": 0,  # Number of characters in the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
                       "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of the
                         content represented by the span. Required.
               "boundingRegions": [
                       "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page number of
                         page containing the bounding region. Required.
                       "polygon": [
                           0.0  # Bounding polygon on the page,
                             or the entire page if not specified. Coordinates specified
                             relative to the top-left of the page. The numbers represent
                             the x, y values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                             left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                             orientation. Required.
               "caption": {
                   "content": "str",  # Content of the caption.
                   "spans": [
                           "length": 0,  # Number of characters
                             in the content represented by the span. Required.
                           "offset": 0  # Zero-based index of
                             the content represented by the span. Required.
                   "boundingRegions": [
                           "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based page
                             number of page containing the bounding region. Required.
                           "polygon": [
                               0.0  # Bounding polygon on
                                 the page, or the entire page if not specified.
                                 Coordinates specified relative to the top-left of the
                                 page. The numbers represent the x, y values of the
                                 polygon vertices, clockwise from the left (-180 degrees
                                 inclusive) relative to the element orientation. Required.
                   "elements": [
                       "str"  # Optional. Child elements of the
               "footnotes": [
                       "content": "str",  # Content of the footnote.
                       "spans": [
                               "length": 0,  # Number of
                                 characters in the content represented by the span.
                               "offset": 0  # Zero-based
                                 index of the content represented by the span. Required.
                       "boundingRegions": [
                               "pageNumber": 0,  # 1-based
                                 page number of page containing the bounding region.
                               "polygon": [
                                   0.0  # Bounding
                                     polygon on the page, or the entire page if not
                                     specified. Coordinates specified relative to the
                                     top-left of the page. The numbers represent the x, y
                                     values of the polygon vertices, clockwise from the
                                     left (-180 degrees inclusive) relative to the element
                                     orientation. Required.
                       "elements": [
                           "str"  # Optional. Child elements of
                             the footnote.


close() -> None

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

List of 1-based page numbers to analyze. Ex. "1-3,5,7-9". Default value is None.


Locale hint for text recognition and document analysis. Value may contain only the language code (ex. "en", "fr") or BCP 47 language tag (ex. "en-US"). Default value is None.


Method used to compute string offset and length. Known values are: "textElements", "unicodeCodePoint", and "utf16CodeUnit". Default value is None.


List of optional analysis features. Default value is None.


List of additional fields to extract. Ex. "NumberOfGuests,StoreNumber". Default value is None.


Format of the analyze result top-level content. Known values are: "text" and "markdown". Default value is None.


Type Description


Runs the network request through the client's chained policies.

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest("GET", "")
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = client.send_request(request)
<HttpResponse: 200 OK>

For more information on this code flow, see

send_request(request: HttpRequest, *, stream: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse


Name Description

The network request you want to make. Required.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether the response payload will be streamed. Defaults to False.


Type Description

The response of your network call. Does not do error handling on your response.


Type Description