constants Module
Defines automated ML constants used in Azure Machine Learning.
Defines names for the Azure Machine Learning API operations that can be performed. |
AcquisitionFunction |
Defines names for all acquisition functions used to select the next pipeline. The default is EI (expected improvement). |
AggregationFunctions |
Define the aggregation functions for numeric columns. |
AutoMLDefaultTimeouts |
Constants to store the default timeouts |
AutoMLJson |
Defines constants for JSON created by automated ML. |
AutoMLValidation | |
CheckImbalance |
If the ratio of the samples in the minority class to the samples in the majority class is equal to or lower than this threshold, then Imbalance will be detected in the dataset. |
ClientErrors |
Defines client errors that can occur when violating user-specified cost constraints. |
DatetimeDtype |
Defines supported datetime datatypes. Names correspond to the output of pandas.api.types.infer_dtype(). |
Defaults |
Defines default values for pipelines. |
Dependencies | |
EnsembleConstants |
Defines constants used for Ensemble iterations. |
EnsembleMethod |
Defines ensemble methods. |
ExceptionFragments |
Exception Fragments |
FeatureSweeping |
Defines constants for Feature Sweeping. |
FitPipelineComponentName |
Constants for the FitPipeline Component names. |
HyperparameterSweepingConstants |
Defines constants related with hyperparameter tunning. |
IterationTimeout |
Defines ways of changing the per_iteration_timeout. |
LearnerColumns |
Defines all columns used for learner pipeline. |
LegacyModelNames |
Defines names for all models supported by the Miro recommender in Automated ML. These names are still used to refer to objects in the Miro database, but are not used by any Automated ML clients. |
MLFlowLiterals |
Constants related to MLFlow. |
MLFlowMetaLiterals |
Constants related to MLFlow metdata. |
MLTableLiterals | |
Metric |
Defines all metrics supported by classification and regression. |
MetricExtrasConstants |
Defines internal values of Confidence Intervals |
MetricObjective |
Defines mappings from metrics to their objective. Objectives are maximization or minimization (regression and classification). |
ModelCategories |
Defines categories for models. |
ModelClassNames |
Defines class names for models. These are model wrapper class names in the pipeline specs. |
ModelName |
Defines a model name that includes customer, legacy, and class names. Init ModelName. |
ModelNameMappings |
Defines model name mappings. |
ModelParameters |
Defines parameter names specific to certain models. For example, to indicate which features in the dataset are categorical a LightGBM model accepts the 'categorical_feature' parameter while a CatBoost model accepts the 'cat_features' parameter. |
NumericalDtype |
Defines supported numerical datatypes. Names correspond to the output of pandas.api.types.infer_dtype(). |
Optimizer |
Defines the categories of pipeline prediction algorithms used.
OptimizerObjectives |
Defines nthe objectives an algorithm can have relative to a metric. Some metrics should be maximized and some should be minimized. |
PipelineCost |
Defines cost model modes.
PipelineMaskProfiles |
Defines mask profiles for pipelines. |
PipelineParameterConstraintCheckStatus |
Defines values indicating whether pipeline is valid. |
PreprocessorCategories |
Defines categories for preprocessors. |
RuleBasedValidation |
Defines constants for the rule-based validation setting. |
RunState |
Defines states a run can be in. |
ServerStatus |
Defines server status values. |
ShortSeriesHandlingValues |
Define the possible values of ShortSeriesHandling config. |
Status |
Defines possible child run states. |
SubsamplingSchedule |
Defines subsampling strategies. |
SubsamplingTreatment |
Defines subsampling treatment in GP. |
Subtasks |
Defines names of the subtasks. |
SupportedCategoricals |
Defines supported categoricals learnersin _set_dataset_categoricals type : |
SupportedInputDatatypes |
Input data types supported by AutoML for different Run types. |
SupportedModelNames |
Defines supported models where each model has a customer name, legacy model name, and model class name. |
SupportedModels |
Defines customer-facing names for algorithms supported by automated ML in Azure Machine Learning. |
Tasks |
Defines types of machine learning tasks supported by automated ML. |
TelemetryConstants |
Defines telemetry constants. |
TextOrCategoricalDtype |
Defines supported categorical datatypes. |
TimeConstraintEnforcement |
Enumeration of time contraint enforcement modes. |
TimeSeries |
Defines parameters used for timeseries. |
TimeSeriesInternal |
Defines non user-facing TimeSeries constants. |
TimeSeriesWebLinks |
Define the web links for the time series documentation. |
TrainingResultsType |
Defines potential results from runners class. |
TrainingType |
Defines validation methods. Different experiment types will use different validation methods. |
Transformers |
Defines transformers used for data processing. |
ValidationLimitRule |
Defines validation rules. Init the rule based on the inputs. |
ErrorLinks |
Constants to store the link to correct the errors. |
ImageTask |
Available Image task types. |
MLTableDataLabel |
An enumeration. |
Get valid metrics for a given training type.
Name | Description |
Get valid training statuses for a given training type.
Name | Description |
Algorithm names that we must force to run in single threaded mode.
Sample_Weights_Unsupported = {'ElasticNet', 'KNeighborsClassifier', 'KNeighborsRegressor', 'LassoLars'}
Names of algorithms that do not support sample weights.
TIMEOUT_TAG = 'timeout'