SupportedModels Class

Defines friendly names for automated ML algorithms supported by Azure Machine Learning.

If you plan to export your auto ML created models to an ONNX model /azure/machine-learning/concept-onnx, only those algorithms indicated with an * are able to be converted to the ONNX format. Learn more about converting models to ONNX <–onnx>.

Classification | ————————————| Logistic Regression* | Light GBM* | Gradient Boosting* | Decision Tree* | K Nearest Neighbors* | Linear SVC | Support Vector Classification (SVC)| Random Forest | Extremely Randomized Trees* | Xgboost* | Averaged Perceptron Classifier | Naive* Bayes | Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)* | Linear SVM Classifier* | Tabnet Classifier |

Regression | ———————————– | Elastic Net* | Light GBM* | Gradient Boosting* | Decision Tree* | K Nearest Neighbors* | LARS Lasso* | Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) | Random Forest* | Extremely Randomized Trees* | Xgboost* | Online Gradient Descent Regressor | Fast Linear Regressor | Tabnet Regressor |

Time Series Forecasting | ———————————– | Elastic Net | Light GBM | Gradient Boosting | Decision Tree | K Nearest Neighbors | LARS Lasso | Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) | Random Forest | Extremely Randomized Trees | Xgboost | Auto-ARIMA | Prophet | ForecastTCN |


