Azure Load Testing client library for Python - version 1.0.0

Azure Load Testing provides client library in python to the user by which they can interact natively with Azure Load Testing service. Azure Load Testing is a fully managed load-testing service that enables you to generate high-scale load. The service simulates traffic for your applications, regardless of where they're hosted. Developers, testers, and quality assurance (QA) engineers can use it to optimize application performance, scalability, or capacity.


Various documentation is available to help you get started

Getting started

Installing the package

python -m pip install azure-developer-loadtesting


  • Python 3.7 or later is required to use this package.
  • You need an Azure subscription to use this package.
  • An existing Azure Developer LoadTesting instance.

Create with an Azure Active Directory Credential

To use an Azure Active Directory (AAD) token credential, provide an instance of the desired credential type obtained from the azure-identity library.

To authenticate with AAD, you must first pip install azure-identity

After setup, you can choose which type of credential from azure.identity to use.

As an example, sign in via the Azure CLI az login command and DefaultAzureCredential will authenticate as that user.

Use the returned token credential to authenticate the client.

Create the client

Azure Developer LoadTesting SDK has 2 sub-clients of the main client (LoadTestingClient) to interact with the service, 'administration' and 'test_run'.

from azure.developer.loadtesting import LoadTestAdministrationClient

# for managing authentication and authorization
# can be installed from pypi, follow:
# using DefaultAzureCredentials, read more at:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

client = LoadTestAdministrationClient(endpoint='<endpoint>', credential=DefaultAzureCredential())

<endpoint> refers to the data-plane endpoint/URL of the resource.

Key concepts

The Azure Load Test client library for python allows you to interact with each of these components through the use of clients. There are two top-level clients which are the main entry points for the library

  • LoadTestAdministrationClient (azure.developer.loadtesting.LoadTestAdministrationClient)
  • LoadTestRunClient (azure.developer.loadtesting.LoadTestRunClient)

These two clients also have there asynchronous counterparts, which are

  • LoadTestAdministrationClient (azure.developer.loadtesting.aio.LoadTestAdministrationClient)
  • LoadTestRunClient (azure.developer.loadtesting.aio.LoadTestRunClient)

Load Test Administration Client

The LoadTestAdministrationClient is used to administer and configure the load tests, app components and metrics.


A test specifies the test script, and configuration settings for running a load test. You can create one or more tests in an Azure Load Testing resource.

App Component

When you run a load test for an Azure-hosted application, you can monitor resource metrics for the different Azure application components (server-side metrics). While the load test runs, and after completion of the test, you can monitor and analyze the resource metrics in the Azure Load Testing dashboard.


During a load test, Azure Load Testing collects metrics about the test execution. There are two types of metrics:

  1. Client-side metrics give you details reported by the test engine. These metrics include the number of virtual users, the request response time, the number of failed requests, or the number of requests per second.

  2. Server-side metrics are available for Azure-hosted applications and provide information about your Azure application components. Metrics can be for the number of database reads, the type of HTTP responses, or container resource consumption.

Test Run Client

The LoadTestRunClient is used to start and stop test runs corresponding to a load test. A test run represents one execution of a load test. It collects the logs associated with running the Apache JMeter script, the load test YAML configuration, the list of app components to monitor, and the results of the test.

Data-Plane Endpoint

Data-plane of Azure Load Testing resources is addressable using the following URL format:

The first GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is the unique identifier used for accessing the Azure Load Testing resource. This is followed by aaa which is the Azure region of the resource.

The data-plane endpoint is obtained from Control Plane APIs.


In the above example, eus represents the Azure region East US.


Creating a load test

from azure.developer.loadtesting import LoadTestAdministrationClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
import os

TEST_ID = "some-test-id"  
DISPLAY_NAME = "my-load-test"  

# set SUBSCRIPTION_ID as an environment variable

client = LoadTestAdministrationClient(endpoint='<endpoint>', credential=DefaultAzureCredential())

    result = client.create_or_update_test(
            "description": "",
            "displayName": "My New Load Test",
            "loadTestConfig": {
                "engineInstances": 1,
                "splitAllCSVs": False,
            "passFailCriteria": {
                "passFailMetrics": {
                    "condition1": {
                        "clientmetric": "response_time_ms",
                        "aggregate": "avg",
                        "condition": ">",
                        "value": 300
                    "condition2": {
                        "clientmetric": "error",
                        "aggregate": "percentage",
                        "condition": ">",
                        "value": 50
                    "condition3": {
                        "clientmetric": "latency",
                        "aggregate": "avg",
                        "condition": ">",
                        "value": 200,
                        "requestName": "GetCustomerDetails"
            "secrets": {
                "secret1": {
                    "value": "",
                    "type": "AKV_SECRET_URI"
            "environmentVariables": {
                "my-variable": "value"
except HttpResponseError as e:
     print('Service responded with error: {}'.format(e.response.json()))

Uploading .jmx file to a Test

from azure.developer.loadtesting import LoadTestAdministrationClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError

TEST_ID = "some-test-id"  
FILE_NAME = "some-file-name.jmx"  

client = LoadTestAdministrationClient(endpoint='<endpoint>', credential=DefaultAzureCredential())


    # uploading .jmx file to a test
    resultPoller = client.begin_upload_test_file(TEST_ID, FILE_NAME, open("sample.jmx", "rb"))

    # getting result of LRO poller with timeout of 600 secs
    validationResponse = resultPoller.result(600)
except HttpResponseError as e:
    print("Failed with error: {}".format(e.response.json()))

Running a Test

from azure.developer.loadtesting import LoadTestRunClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError

TEST_ID = "some-test-id"  
TEST_RUN_ID = "some-testrun-id" 
DISPLAY_NAME = "my-load-test-run"  

client = LoadTestRunClient(endpoint='<endpoint>', credential=DefaultAzureCredential())

    testRunPoller = client.begin_test_run(
            "testId": TEST_ID,
            "displayName": "My New Load Test Run",

    #waiting for test run status to be completed with timeout = 3600 seconds
    result = testRunPoller.result(3600)
except HttpResponseError as e:
    print("Failed with error: {}".format(e.response.json()))

Next steps

More samples can be found here.


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