

This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

The Modern QDK only supports the '%%qsharp' magic command.


Displays a list of jobs in the current Azure Quantum workspace.


This magic command allows for displaying the list of jobs in the current Azure Quantum workspace, optionally filtering the list to jobs which have an ID, name, or target containing the provided filter parameter.

The Azure Quantum workspace must have been previously initialized using the %azure.connect magic command.

Optional parameters

  • A string to filter the list of jobs. Jobs which have an ID, name, or target containing the provided filter parameter will be displayed. If not specified, no job is filtered.
  • count=<integer> (default=30): The max number of jobs to return.

Possible errors

  • NotConnected: Not connected to any Azure Quantum workspace.

Examples for %azure.jobs

Example 1

Get the list of jobs:

In []: %azure.jobs
Out[]: <detailed status of all recent jobs in the workspace>

Example 2

Get the list of jobs whose ID, name, or target contains "My job":

In []: %azure.jobs "My job"
Out[]: <detailed status of matching jobs in the workspace>

Example 3

Get the list of jobs whose ID, name, or target contains "My job", limit it to at most 100 jobs:

In []: %azure.jobs "My job" count=100
Out[]: <detailed status of at most 100 matching jobs in the workspace>