

This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

The Modern QDK only supports the '%%qsharp' magic command.


Runs a given function or operation on the ToffoliSimulator target machine.


This magic command allows executing a given function or operation on the ToffoliSimulator, which performs a simulation of the given function or operation in which the state is always a simple product state in the computational basis, and prints the resulting return value.

See the ToffoliSimulator user guide to learn more.

Required parameters

  • Q# operation or function name. This must be the first parameter, and must be a valid Q# operation or function name that has been defined either in the notebook or in a Q# file in the same folder.
  • Arguments for the Q# operation or function must also be specified as key=value pairs.

Examples for %toffoli

Example 1

Use the ToffoliSimulator to simulate a Q# operation defined as operation MyOperation() : Result:

In []: %toffoli MyOperation
Out[]: <return value of the operation>

Example 2

Use the ToffoliSimulator to simulate a Q# operation defined as operation MyOperation(a : Int, b : Int) : Result:

In []: %toffoli MyOperation a=5 b=10
Out[]: <return value of the operation>