Microsoft.Quantum.Canon namespace


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.


Name Summary
AndLadder Performs a controlled "AND ladder" on a register of target qubits.
ApplyAnd Inverts a given target qubit if and only if both control qubits are in the 1 state, using measurement to perform the adjoint operation.
ApplyCCNOTChain Implements a cascade of CCNOT gates controlled on corresponding bits of two qubit registers, acting on the next qubit of one of the registers. Starting from the qubits at position 0 in both registers as controls, CCNOT is applied to the qubit at position 1 of the target register, then controlled by the qubits at position 1 acting on the qubit at position 2 in the target register, etc., ending with an action on the target qubit in position Length(nQubits)-1.
ApplyCNOTChain Computes the parity of a register of qubits in-place.
ApplyCNOTChainWithTarget Computes the parity of an array of qubits into a target qubit.
ApplyControlledOnBitString Applies a unitary operation on the target register, controlled on a a state specified by a given bit mask.
ApplyControlledOnInt Applies a unitary operation on the target register if the control register state corresponds to a specified nonnegative integer.
ApplyDiagonalUnitary Applies an array of complex phases to numeric basis states of a register of qubits.
ApplyFermionicSWAP Applies the Fermionic SWAP.
ApplyIf Applies an operation conditioned on a classical bit.
ApplyIfA Applies a adjointable operation conditioned on a classical bit.
ApplyIfC Applies a controllable operation conditioned on a classical bit.
ApplyIfCA Applies a unitary operation conditioned on a classical bit.
ApplyIfElseB Applies one of two operations, depending on the value of a classical bit.
ApplyIfElseBA Applies one of two adjointable operations, depending on the value of a classical bit.
ApplyIfElseBC Applies one of two controllable operations, depending on the value of a classical bit.
ApplyIfElseBCA Applies one of two unitary operations, depending on the value of a classical bit.
ApplyIfElseR Applies one of two operations, depending on the value of a classical result.
ApplyIfElseRA Applies one of two adjointable operations, depending on the value of a classical result.
ApplyIfElseRC Applies one of two controllable operations, depending on the value of a classical result.
ApplyIfElseRCA Applies one of two unitary operations, depending on the value of a classical result.
ApplyIfOne Applies an operation conditioned on a classical result value being one.
ApplyIfOneA Applies an adjointable operation conditioned on a classical result value being one.
ApplyIfOneC Applies a controllable operation conditioned on a classical result value being one.
ApplyIfOneCA Applies a unitary operation conditioned on a classical result value being one.
ApplyIfZero Applies an operation conditioned on a classical result value being zero.
ApplyIfZeroA Applies an adjointable operation conditioned on a classical result value being zero.
ApplyIfZeroC Applies a controllable operation conditioned on a classical result value being zero.
ApplyIfZeroCA Applies a unitary operation conditioned on a classical result value being zero.
ApplyLowDepthAnd Inverts a given target qubit if and only if both control qubits are in the 1 state, with T-depth 1, using measurement to perform the adjoint operation.
ApplyMultiControlledC Applies a multiply controlled version of a singly controlled operation. The modifier C indicates that the single-qubit operation is controllable.
ApplyMultiControlledCA Applies a multiply controlled version of a singly controlled operation. The modifier CA indicates that the single-qubit operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyOpRepeatedlyOver Applies the same op over a qubit register multiple times.
ApplyOpRepeatedlyOverA Applies the same op over a qubit register multiple times.
ApplyOpRepeatedlyOverC Applies the same op over a qubit register multiple times.
ApplyOpRepeatedlyOverCA Applies the same op over a qubit register multiple times.
ApplyP Given a single-qubit Pauli operator, applies the corresponding operation to a single qubit.
ApplyPauli Given a multi-qubit Pauli operator, applies the corresponding operation to a register.
ApplyPauliFromBitString Applies a Pauli operator on each qubit in an array if the corresponding bit of a Boolean array matches a given input.
ApplyQuantumFourierTransform Performs the Quantum Fourier Transform on a quantum register containing an integer in the little-endian representation.
ApplyReversedOpBigEndianA > [!WARNING]
ApplyReversedOpBigEndianC > [!WARNING]
ApplyReversedOpBigEndianCA > [!WARNING]
ApplyReversedOpLittleEndianA > [!WARNING]
ApplyReversedOpLittleEndianC > [!WARNING]
ApplyReversedOpLittleEndianCA > [!WARNING]
ApplyRippleCarryComparatorLE > [!WARNING]
ApplySeriesOfOps Applies a list of ops and their targets sequentially on an array.
ApplySeriesOfOpsA Applies a list of ops and their targets sequentially on an array. (Adjoint)
ApplySeriesOfOpsC Applies a list of ops and their targets sequentially on an array. (Controlled)
ApplySeriesOfOpsCA Applies a list of ops and their targets sequentially on an array. (Adjoint + Controlled)
ApplyToEach Applies a single-qubit operation to each element in a register.
ApplyToEachA Applies a single-qubit operation to each element in a register. The modifier A indicates that the single-qubit operation is adjointable.
ApplyToEachC Applies a single-qubit operation to each element in a register. The modifier C indicates that the single-qubit operation is controllable.
ApplyToEachCA Applies a single-qubit operation to each element in a register. The modifier CA indicates that the single-qubit operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToEachIndex Applies a single-qubit operation to each indexed element in a register.
ApplyToEachIndexA Applies a single-qubit operation to each indexed element in a register. The modifier A indicates that the single-qubit operation is adjointable.
ApplyToEachIndexC Applies a single-qubit operation to each indexed element in a register. The modifier C indicates that the single-qubit operation is controllable.
ApplyToEachIndexCA Applies a single-qubit operation to each indexed element in a register. The modifier CA indicates that the single-qubit operation is adjointable and controllable.
ApplyToElement Applies an operation to a given element of an array.
ApplyToElementA Applies an operation to a given element of an array.
ApplyToElementC Applies an operation to a given element of an array.
ApplyToElementCA Applies an operation to a given element of an array.
ApplyToFirstQubit Applies an operation to the first qubit in the register.
ApplyToFirstQubitA Applies an operation to the first qubit in the register. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
ApplyToFirstQubitC Applies operation op to the first qubit in the register. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
ApplyToFirstQubitCA Applies operation op to the first qubit in the register. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToFirstThreeQubits Applies an operation to the first three qubits in the register.
ApplyToFirstThreeQubitsA Applies an operation to the first three qubits in the register. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
ApplyToFirstThreeQubitsC Applies an operation to the first three qubits in the register. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
ApplyToFirstThreeQubitsCA Applies an operation to the first three qubits in the register. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToFirstTwoQubits Applies an operation to the first two qubits in the register.
ApplyToFirstTwoQubitsA Applies an operation to the first two qubits in the register. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
ApplyToFirstTwoQubitsC Applies an operation to the first two qubits in the register. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
ApplyToFirstTwoQubitsCA Applies an operation to the first two qubits in the register. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToHead Applies an operation to the first element of an array.
ApplyToHeadA Applies an operation to the first element of an array.
ApplyToHeadC Applies an operation to the first element of an array.
ApplyToHeadCA Applies an operation to the first element of an array.
ApplyToMost Applies an operation to all but the last element of an array.
ApplyToMostA Applies an operation to all but the last element of an array.
ApplyToMostC Applies an operation to all but the last element of an array.
ApplyToMostCA Applies an operation to all but the last element of an array.
ApplyToPartition Applies a pair of operations to a given partition of a register into two parts.
ApplyToPartitionA Applies a pair of operations to a given partition of a register into two parts. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
ApplyToPartitionC Applies a pair of operations to a given partition of a register into two parts. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
ApplyToPartitionCA Applies a pair of operations to a given partition of a register into two parts. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToRest Applies an operation to all but the first element of an array.
ApplyToRestA Applies an operation to all but the first element of an array.
ApplyToRestC Applies an operation to all but the first element of an array.
ApplyToRestCA Applies an operation to all but the first element of an array.
ApplyToSubregister Applies an operation to a subregister of a register, with qubits specified by an array of their indices.
ApplyToSubregisterA Applies an operation to a subregister of a register, with qubits specified by an array of their indices. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
ApplyToSubregisterC Applies an operation to a subregister of a register, with qubits specified by an array of their indices. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
ApplyToSubregisterCA Applies an operation to a subregister of a register, with qubits specified by an array of their indices. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
ApplyToTail Applies an operation to the last element of an array.
ApplyToTailA Applies an operation to the last element of an array.
ApplyToTailC Applies an operation to the last element of an array.
ApplyToTailCA Applies an operation to the last element of an array.
ApplyWith Given two operations, applies one as conjugated with the other.
ApplyWithA Given two operations, applies one as conjugated with the other.
ApplyWithC Given two operations, applies one as conjugated with the other.
ApplyWithCA Given two operations, applies one as conjugated with the other.
ApplyWithInputTransformation Given an operation that accepts some input, a function that returns an output compatible with that operation, and an input to that function, applies the operation using the function to transform the input to a form expected by the operation.
ApplyWithInputTransformationA Given an operation that accepts some input, a function that returns an output compatible with that operation, and an input to that function, applies the operation using the function to transform the input to a form expected by the operation.
ApplyWithInputTransformationC Given an operation that accepts some input, a function that returns an output compatible with that operation, and an input to that function, applies the operation using the function to transform the input to a form expected by the operation.
ApplyWithInputTransformationCA Given an operation that accepts some input, a function that returns an output compatible with that operation, and an input to that function, applies the operation using the function to transform the input to a form expected by the operation.
ApproximateQFT Apply the Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform (AQFT) to a quantum register.
ApproximatelyApplyDiagonalUnitary Applies an array of complex phases to numeric basis states of a register of qubits, truncating small rotation angles according to a given tolerance.
ApproximatelyMultiplexPauli Applies a Pauli rotation conditioned on an array of qubits, truncating small rotation angles according to a given tolerance.
ApproximatelyMultiplexZ Applies a Pauli Z rotation conditioned on an array of qubits, truncating small rotation angles according to a given tolerance.
AssertHighestBit > [!WARNING]
AssertLessThanPhaseLE > [!WARNING]
AssertPhase > [!WARNING]
CNOTChainTarget > [!WARNING]
CX Applies the controlled-X (CX) gate to a pair of qubits.
CY Applies the controlled-Y (CY) gate to a pair of qubits.
CZ Applies the controlled-Z (CZ) gate to a pair of qubits.
CascadeCNOT > [!WARNING]
Delay Applies a given operation with a delay.
DelayA Applies a given operation with a delay.
DelayC Applies a given operation with a delay.
DelayCA Applies a given operation with a delay.
HY Applies the Y-basis analog to the Hadamard transformation that interchanges the Z and Y axes.
InPlaceMajority > [!WARNING]
InPlaceXorBE > [!WARNING]
InPlaceXorLE > [!WARNING]
IntegerIncrementLE > [!WARNING]
IntegerIncrementPhaseLE > [!WARNING]
IterateThroughCartesianPower Applies an operation for each index in the Cartesian power of an integer range.
IterateThroughCartesianProduct Applies an operation for each index in the Cartesian product of several ranges.
ModularAddProductLE > [!WARNING]
ModularAddProductPhaseLE > [!WARNING]
ModularIncrementLE > [!WARNING]
ModularIncrementPhaseLE > [!WARNING]
ModularMultiplyByConstantLE > [!WARNING]
MultiplexOperations Applies an array of operations controlled by an array of number states.
MultiplexOperationsBruteForceFromGenerator Applies multiply-controlled unitary operation $U$ that applies a unitary $V_j$ when controlled by n-qubit number state $\ket{j}$.
MultiplexOperationsFromGenerator Applies a multiply-controlled unitary operation $U$ that applies a unitary $V_j$ when controlled by n-qubit number state $\ket{j}$.
MultiplexPauli Applies a Pauli rotation conditioned on an array of qubits.
MultiplexZ Applies a Pauli Z rotation conditioned on an array of qubits.
NoOp Performs the identity operation (no-op) on an argument.
PermuteQubits Permutes qubits by using the SWAP operation.
QFT Performs the Quantum Fourier Transform on a quantum register containing an integer in the big-endian representation.
QFTLE Performs the Quantum Fourier Transform on a quantum register containing an integer in the little-endian representation.
RAll0 Rotates the all-zeros state by a given phase.
RAll1 Rotates the all-ones state by a given phase.
Repeat Repeats an operation a given number of times.
RepeatA Repeats an operation a given number of times.
RepeatC Repeats an operation a given number of times.
RepeatCA Repeats an operation a given number of times.
SwapReverseRegister Uses SWAP gates to Reversed the order of the qubits in a register.


Name Summary
BigEndianToLittleEndian > [!WARNING]
Bound Given an array of operations acting on a single input, produces a new operation that performs each given operation in sequence.
BoundA Given an array of operations acting on a single input, produces a new operation that performs each given operation in sequence. The modifier A indicates that all operations in the array are adjointable.
BoundC Given an array of operations acting on a single input, produces a new operation that performs each given operation in sequence. The modifier C indicates that all operations in the array are controllable.
BoundCA Given an array of operations acting on a single input, produces a new operation that performs each given operation in sequence. The modifier CA indicates that all operations in the array are adjointable and controllable.
CControlled Given an operation op, returns a new operation which applies the op if a classical control bit is true. If false, nothing happens.
CControlledA Given an operation op, returns a new operation which applies the op if a classical control bit is true. If false, nothing happens. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
CControlledC Given an operation op, returns a new operation which applies the op if a classical control bit is true. If false, nothing happens. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
CControlledCA Given an operation op, returns a new operation which applies the op if a classical control bit is true. If false, nothing happens. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
Compose Returns the composition of two functions.
ConjugatedBy Given outer and inner operations, returns a new operation that conjugates the inner operation by the outer operation.
ConjugatedByA Given outer and inner operations, returns a new operation that conjugates the inner operation by the outer operation.
ConjugatedByC Given outer and inner operations, returns a new operation that conjugates the inner operation by the outer operation.
ConjugatedByCA Given outer and inner operations, returns a new operation that conjugates the inner operation by the outer operation.
ControlledOnBitString Returns a unitary operation that applies an oracle on the target register if the control register state corresponds to a specified bit mask.
ControlledOnInt Returns a unitary operator that applies an oracle on the target register if the control register state corresponds to a specified nonnegative integer.
CurriedOp Returns a curried version of an operation on two inputs.
CurriedOpA Returns a curried version of an operation on two inputs.
CurriedOpC Returns a curried version of an operation on two inputs.
CurriedOpCA Returns a curried version of an operation on two inputs.
DecomposeIntoTimeStepsCA > [!WARNING]
DecomposedIntoTimeStepsCA Returns an operation implementing the Trotter–Suzuki integrator for a given operation.
Delayed Returns an operation that applies given operation with given argument.
DelayedA Returns an operation that applies given operation with given argument.
DelayedC Returns an operation that applies given operation with given argument.
DelayedCA Returns an operation that applies given operation with given argument.
EmbedPauli Given a single-qubit Pauli operator and the index of a qubit, returns a multi-qubit Pauli operator with the given single-qubit operator at that index and PauliI at every other index.
Fst Given a pair, returns its first element.
Ignore Ignores the output of an operation or function.
IsRangeEmpty Returns true if and only if input range is empty.
IsResultOne Tests if a given Result value is equal to One.
IsResultZero Tests if a given Result value is equal to Zero.
LittleEndianToBigEndian > [!WARNING]
MultiplexerBruteForceFromGenerator Returns a multiply-controlled unitary operation $U$ that applies a unitary $V_j$ when controlled by n-qubit number state $\ket{j}$.
MultiplexerFromGenerator Returns a multiply-controlled unitary operation $U$ that applies a unitary $V_j$ when controlled by n-qubit number state $\ket{j}$.
OperationPow Raises an operation to a power.
OperationPowA Raises an operation to a power. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
OperationPowC Raises an operation to a power. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
OperationPowCA Raises an operation to a power. The modifier A indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
RestrictedToSubregister Restricts an operation to an array of indices of a register, i.e., a subregister.
RestrictedToSubregisterA Restricts an operation to an array of indices of a register, i.e., a subregister. The modifier A indicates that the operation is adjointable.
RestrictedToSubregisterC Restricts an operation to an array of indices of a register, i.e., a subregister. The modifier C indicates that the operation is controllable.
RestrictedToSubregisterCA Restricts an operation to an array of indices of a register, i.e., a subregister. The modifier CA indicates that the operation is controllable and adjointable.
SinglyControlled Given a controllable operation, returns a controlled version of that operation accepting exactly one control qubit.
SinglyControlledA Given a controllable operation, returns a controlled version of that operation accepting exactly one control qubit.
Snd Given a pair, returns its second element.
TransformedOperation Given a function and an operation, returns a new operation whose input is transformed by the given function.
TransformedOperationA Given a function and an operation, returns a new operation whose input is transformed by the given function.
TransformedOperationC Given a function and an operation, returns a new operation whose input is transformed by the given function.
TransformedOperationCA Given a function and an operation, returns a new operation whose input is transformed by the given function.
UncurriedOp Given a function which returns operations, returns a new operation which takes both inputs as a tuple.
UncurriedOpA Given a function which returns operations, returns a new operation which takes both inputs as a tuple. The modifier A indicates that the operations are adjointable.
UncurriedOpC Given a function which returns operations, returns a new operation which takes both inputs as a tuple. The modifier C indicates that the operations are controllable.
UncurriedOpCA Given a function which returns operations, returns a new operation which takes both inputs as a tuple. The modifier CA indicates that the operations are controllable and adjointable.
WeightOnePaulis Returns an array of all weight-1 Pauli operators on a given number of qubits.

User-defined types

Name Summary
CCNOTop The signature type of CCNOT gate.