Microsoft.Quantum.Convert namespace


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.


Name Summary
Call Calls a function with a given input.


Name Summary
BigIntAsBoolArray Converts a given big integer to an array of Booleans. The 0 element of the array is the least significant bit of the big integer.
BigIntAsString Converts a given integer number to an equivalent string representation.
BoolArrayAsBigInt Converts a given array of Booleans to an equivalent big integer. The 0 element of the array is the least significant bit of the big integer.
BoolArrayAsFixedPoint Returns the double value of a fixed-point approximation from of a Bool array.
BoolArrayAsInt Produces a non-negative integer from a string of bits in little endian format.
BoolArrayAsPauli Given a bit string, returns a multi-qubit Pauli operator represented as an array of single-qubit Pauli operators.
BoolArrayAsResultArray Converts a Bool[] type to a Result[] type, where true is mapped to One and false is mapped to Zero.
BoolAsResult Converts a Bool type to a Result type, where true is mapped to One and false is mapped to Zero.
BoolAsString Converts a given boolean value to an equivalent string representation.
DoubleAsFixedPoint Discretizes a double value as a fixed-point approximation and returns its value as a double.
DoubleAsInt Converts a floating-point number to an integer by returning the truncation to its integral part.
DoubleAsString Converts a given double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent string representation.
DoubleAsStringWithFormat Converts a given double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent string representation, using the given format.
FixedPointAsBoolArray Computes fixed-point approximation for a double and returns it as Bool array.
FunctionAsOperation Converts functions to operations.
IntAsBigInt Converts a given integer to an equivalent big integer.
IntAsBoolArray Produces a binary representation of a non-negative integer, using the little-endian representation for the returned array.
IntAsDouble Converts a given integer to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number.
IntAsString Converts a given integer number to an equivalent string representation.
IntAsStringWithFormat > [!WARNING]
MaybeBigIntAsInt Converts a given big integer to an equivalent integer, if possible. The function returns a pair of the resulting integer and a Boolean flag which is true, if and only if the conversion was possible.
PauliArrayAsInt Encodes a multi-qubit Pauli operator represented as an array of single-qubit Pauli operators into an integer.
RangeAsIntArray Creates an array arr of integers enumerated by start..step..end.
ResultArrayAsBoolArray Converts a Result[] type to a Bool[] type, where One is mapped to true and Zero is mapped to false.
ResultArrayAsInt Produces a non-negative integer from a string of Results in little endian format.
ResultAsBool Converts a Result type to a Bool type, where One is mapped to true and Zero is mapped to false.