CombinedStructure function


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.

Namespace: Microsoft.Quantum.MachineLearning

Package: Microsoft.Quantum.MachineLearning

Given one or more layers of controlled rotations, returns a single layer with model parameter index shifted such that distinct layers are parameterized by distinct model parameters.

function CombinedStructure (layers : Microsoft.Quantum.MachineLearning.ControlledRotation[][]) : Microsoft.Quantum.MachineLearning.ControlledRotation[]


layers : ControlledRotation[][]

The layers to be combined.

Output : ControlledRotation[]

A single layer of controlled rotations, representing the concatenation of all other layers.


The following are equivalent:

let structure = CombinedStructure([
    LocalRotationLayer(2, PauliY),
    CyclicEntanglingLayer(3, PauliX, 2)
let structure = [
    ControlledRotation((0, new Int[0]), PauliY, 0),
    ControlledRotation((1, new Int[0]), PauliY, 1),
    ControlledRotation((0, [2]), PauliX, 2),
    ControlledRotation((1, [0]), PauliX, 3),
    ControlledRotation((2, [1]), PauliX, 4)